Big chess - Game 121778

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J. Swiatek, 2237
H. Kruse, 2396


See game 146054

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(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 121778  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2020 July 7   23:16:17

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2020.02.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1953"]
[BlackElo "1901"]

1.j2-k4 j15-k13 2.h1-o7 h15-g13 3.o7-o15 p16-o14 4.o15-f7 h16-o10 5.p1-o3 d15-d13 6.h2-g4 g16-f14 7.b1-c3 c16-j10 8.f7-c10 g15-g14 9.c10-c15 b15-b14 10.m2-m4 b16-d15 11.c15-o4 o10-o4 12.l1-o4 e15-e13 13.n2-n3 m15-m13 14.e2-e4 l16-p12 15.k1-h2 n15-n13 16.d2-d3 e16-c16 17.f1-e2 f16-b12 18.g1-j2 c16-c10 19.o1-j6 p12-j6 20.k4-j6 o16-c5 21.c1-e3 b12-f8 22.o4-k8 j10-g8 23.j2-k4 c10-j10 24.j6-h8 j10-j8 25.h8-g6 c5-e3 26.g6-f8 e3-k8 27.f8-g6 a16-c16 28.e1-d1 k16-l14 29.g4-j5 l14-m12 30.e2-k7 j8-j11 31.k4-l6 k8-l9 32.m4-m5 c16-c10 33.m1-m4 c10-p10 34.p2-p3 p10-o10 35.m4-o4 o10-o4 36.p3-o4 j11-p11 37.q1-p1 p11-p1 38.o3-p1 o14-n12 39.j1-j2 q16-o16 40.p1-o3 m16-m14 41.d1-p1 m14-p14 42.l2-l4 p14-p1 43.a1-p1 p15-p13 44.p1-p8 g8-c12 45.k7-j8 k13-l11 46.f2-f4 q15-q13 47.g2-g3 o16-o11 48.j2-k3 o11-p11 49.p8-p11 n12-p11 50.j5-k7 l9-k10 51.e4-e5 c12-j6 52.g3-g4 l11-m9 53.k7-h8 j6-l8 54.j8-k9 l8-k9 55.h8-k9 p11-o9 56.h2-j4 f14-g12 57.c3-d5 g13-f11 58.j4-k6 g12-h10 59.k9-j7 d15-f14 60.j7-h9 k10-l9 61.g4-g5 f14-e12 62.h3-h4 m12-n10 63.k6-m7 l9-m10 64.d5-e7 e12-c11 65.h9-f10 o9-n7 66.l6-j5 m9-o8 67.m7-n5 o8-p6 68.n5-o7 n7-o5 69.j5-l6 o5-q4 70.o3-n1 m10-j13 71.f10-d11 e13-e12 72.d11-b12 j13-e9 73.g6-j5 f11-g9 74.b12-c10 e9-f8 75.e7-g6 f8-d10 76.h4-h5 g9-h7 77.h5-h6 h7-j5 78.l6-j5 d10-a7 79.j5-g4 h10-k9 80.c2-c3 k9-m8 81.o7-m6 n10-p9 82.d3-d4 p9-o7 83.m6-n4 a7-f12 84.j3-j4 o7-m6 85.n4-l3 m8-k7 86.k3-k4 m6-o5 87.l4-l5 f12-g11 88.l3-n4 j16-j15 89.j4-j5 g11-f10 90.j5-j6 k7-h8 91.g6-h4 j15-k14 92.j6-j7 h8-f9 93.h4-g6 f9-d8 94.c10-d8 f10-d8 95.k4-k5 c11-d9 96.g4-e3 d9-e7 97.g6-h4 k14-k13 98.k2-k4 k13-j12 99.f4-f5 j12-h11 100.f5-f6 e7-c8 101.g5-g6 h11-g10 102.h4-j6 c8-d10 103.j6-h8 g10-f10 104.e3-f5 d10-f9 105.h8-f7 d8-c9 106.f5-d6 f10-e10 107.f7-g9 e10-d9 108.g6-g7 c9-e11 109.g9-h7 d9-d8 110.h7-f8 e11-d10 111.d6-f7 d8-c7 112.f8-e6 c7-b6 113.f7-d6 b6-a5 114.e6-c5 d10-g13 115.a2-a4 f9-d10 116.d6-c4 1-0

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The most powerful weapon in Chess is to have the next move. (David Bronstein)

Ich organisiere ein großes Turnier, was mich etwa 120000 Dollar kostet. Ich denke, das ist das erste Mal in der Schachgeschichte, daß ein Schachgroßmeister auch als Mäzen auftritt. (Miguel Najdorf)

El Ajedrez te enseña a controlarl la excitación inicial que sientes cuando vez algo que parece bueno y te enseña a pensar objetivamente cuando te encuentras en problemas. (Stanley Kubrick)

Que feriez-vous si vous étiez en train de jouer aux échecs et que la fin du monde arrive ? Je continuerais à jouer. (Saint Borromée)

Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth. (Author unknown)

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