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Game result  (chess)

A. Broekhuizen, 2237
J. Domingo, 2162


See game 145717

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In english the name is written World records in chess

World records in chess

Longest game

The longest tournament chess game ever to be played under modern time rules was Nikolić - Arsović, Belgrade, 1989, which lasted for 20 hours and 15 minutes with a 269 move draw.

Shortest tournament game

The shortest decisive game ever played in a tournament is often considered to be Đorđević - Kovačević, Bela Crkva 1984. It lasted for only 3 moves (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 c6 3.e3 Qa5+ winning the bishop).

Latest first capture

The game between Filipowicz and Smederevac, Polanica Zdroj 1966, lasted 70 moves without a single capture. The game ended as a draw.

Longest decisive game without a capture

Nuber - Keckeisen, Mengen 1994 lasted 31 moves without a single capture. In the end Keckeisen resigned.

Greatest Concentration of Chess Grandmasters

Beersheva, Israel has a higher percentage of grandmasters per capita - eight - than any other city worldwide, the majority of them immigrants from the former Soviet Union; the city of 183,000 has one grand master per 22,875 residents.

Perfect tournament score

In top class chess it is rare for a player to complete a tournament with a 100% score. This outstanding result was however achieved by;

* Emanuel Lasker at New York in 1893 (he scored 13 out of 13)
* Jose Raoul Capablanca at New York in 1913 (13/13)
* Jose Raoul Capablanca again at New York in 1914 (11/11)
* Alexander Alekhine at Caracas in 1939 (10/10)
* Bobby Fischer at the US Championship of 1963/64 (11/11)


History :

File last modified on 2016-5-11
Contributor : devassal thibault

See also this article on Wikipedia : World records in chess

All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

You may find another article in the encyclopedia by consulting this list.

World records in chess

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