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Game result  (chess)

L. Sorbi, 2372
S. Pech, 2029


See game 146215

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In english the name is written José Raúl Capablanca

José Raúl Capablanca

José Raúl Capablanca y Graupera (November 19, 1888 – March 8, 1942) was a Cuban world-class chess player in the early to mid-twentieth century. He held the title of world chess champion from 1921 to 1927.

In 1920, Emanuel Lasker saw that Capablanca was becoming too strong, and resigned the title to him, saying, "You have earned the title not by the formality of a challenge, but by your brilliant mastery." Capablanca wanted to win it in a match, but Lasker insisted that he was now the challenger. They played a match in Havana in 1921, and Capablanca defeated Lasker +4 -0 =10. This feat of winning the world title without losing a game to the incumbent went unequalled for almost eight decades, until Vladimir Kramnik's win over Garry Kasparov +2 -0 =13 in 2000.


History :

File last modified on 2016-5-11
Contributor : devassal thibault

See also this article on Wikipedia : José Raúl Capablanca

All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

You may find another article in the encyclopedia by consulting this list.

José Raúl Capablanca

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