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Game result  (chess)

H. Kruse, 2396
C. Maceda, 2268


See game 146042

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In english the name is written International master

International master

The title International Master is awarded to outstanding chess players by the world chess organization FIDE. The title is open to both men and women. Instituted in 1950, it is a lifetime title, in chess literature usually abbreviated as IM. FIDE also awards the lower title of FIDE master (FM) and the higher title of Grandmaster (GM).

Normally three favorable results (norms) in international tournaments involving other IMs and Grandmasters are required before FIDE will confer the title on a player. IMs usually have an ELO rating between 2400 and 2500. Sometimes though, there may be a very strong IM who has not yet become a Grandmaster, over the rating of 2500.

The IM title can also be awarded for a few specific performances. For example, under current rules the runner up at the World Junior Championship will be awarded the IM title if he or she does not already have it. Current regulations may be found in the FIDE handbook.

After becoming an IM, most professional players set their next goal as becoming a GM, although not all will accomplish this. It is also possible to become a Grandmaster without ever having been an International Master. Larry Christiansen of the United States (1977), Boris Gelfand of Israel (1988), and Classical World Champion Vladimir Kramnik of Russia all became Grandmasters without ever having been an IM. However, the more usual path is to first become an IM, then move on to the GM level.

International Master titles are also awarded to correspondence chess players by the International Correspondence Chess Federation ICCF, and composers and solvers of chess problems.

An International Master is usually in the top 0.25% of all tournament players at the time he or she receives the title. The July 2005 FIDE rating list records over 2500 players holding the IM title.


History :

File last modified on 2016-5-11
Contributor : devassal thibault

See also this article on Wikipedia : International master

All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

You may find another article in the encyclopedia by consulting this list.

International master

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