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thibault    (, 2010-01-05 11:20:32)
Baby dancing to Beyonce

When a baby does Beyonce's "Single Ladies"... - Lorsqu'un bébé se met à danser sur un titre de Beyonce, ça donne ça... De la graine de danseur ! (...)

thibault    (, 2010-01-05 10:52:09)
Horrifying sleeping dog

Brrrr, this is frightening - On a parfois peur de sa propre tête au réveil, heureusement pour ce chien, il n'aura pas le plaisir de se voir dans un miroir en plein sommeil ! (...)

thibault    (, 2010-01-05 10:46:25)
Cat kicked by a breakdancer

Fake or not? I hope it is... Poor cat. - Le gag serait presque trop parfait, pauvre chat... Il peut s'agir d'un fake, comme il en pleut chaque jour sur Youtube. Votre avis ? (...)

thibault    (, 2010-01-05 10:42:13)
Weird animal get tickled

Almost the same video than the previous one, just even more strange... What's this weird animal according to you? - Mais quel est donc cet animal mystérieux qui se laisse gratouiller, et visiblement avec plaisir... (...)

thibault    (, 2010-01-05 10:29:02)
Surprised Kitty

One of the most watched videos in 2009... People love cats - Voici l'une des vidéos les plus vues sur Youtube en 2009, comme quoi les gens aiment vraiment les chats (ou tout du moins les chats les font rire). (...)

thibault    (, 2009-12-28 21:04:50)
Cinema 2009

1 Year & 342 Movies in 7 Minutes ! Here is the list of every sampled movies, now you may find the right order Avatar New York, I Love You Terminator: Salvation Watchmen Public Enemies Terminator: Salvation Whiteout The Taking of (...)

moderator    (, 2009-09-15 22:18:26)
Youtube greatest hits

100 Youtube greatest hits in less than 4 minutes ! This video gathers many of the most viewed videos on Youtube these last years, a must see. - Cette vidéo rassemble une sélection de 100 vidéos parmi les plus vues sur Youtube ces d (...)

thibault    (, 2009-08-08 11:43:08)
Whale vs. Kayak

Bad luck for this guy, a whale was there also. - Décidément, certaines personnes n'ont vraiment pas de chance et pour couronner le tout la caméra était là. Quelques kayaks en mer, une baleine qui fait du saut en hauteur et voilà (...)

thibault    (, 2009-12-17 23:44:31)
Cocktail machine, falling water

This machine is called a "Falling Water" and it is dedicated to make cocktails, yes... but what a long way. The strange machine was made by Joseph Herscher in his garage, the video was filmed by Rewa Wright. - Voilà une bie (...)

thibault    (, 2009-12-10 18:35:47)
What to do against illegal downloads ?

Has the internet become the symbol of "freedom" by becoming the world of illegal copy ? Surely not, it is a question of money only like everywhere else. When laws in several countries are to be created to fight against the P (...)

thibault    (, 2009-12-10 00:52:38)
The Tetris God

I like ! I love it ! Who doesn't know Tetris... Who did not encounter this situation... Who did not pray God for a line ? - Qui ne connait pas le jeu de Tetris, qui n'a jamais prié pour avoir cette satanée ligne au bon moment, la v (...)

thibault    (, 2009-12-09 15:09:03)
Girls tazered

This is one of the most stupid videos I've seen since a long time on Youtube ! (for a warnt public only) - A la façon de Jackass dans ses pires prouesses, un groupe de jeunes gens s'envoie des décharges de Tazer sur à peu près tou (...)

moderator    (, 2008-02-06 22:09:52)
Sense and Sensibility

Let's hope this new rumour is just ridiculous and untrue : According to "Le nouvel observateur", Nicolas Sarkozy would have sent a strange SMS to Cécilia ex-Sarkozy about 8 days only before to marry Carla Bruni : "Si tu (...)

moderator    (, 2008-06-04 04:53:17)
Spam still makes money

Traffic from Google is an extremely valuable commodity and many webmasters will stop at nothing to secure top rankings for lucrative keywords. Google would like site owners to naturally link to other sites they find useful and relevant (...)

moderator    (, 2009-12-03 00:18:32)
Mozart with helium

Mozart (Requiem, Dies Irae)... with helium! - Voilà encore une bien étrange expérience, un choeur chante un extrait du requiem de Mozart en respirant des ballons remplis d'hélium, avec le résultat qu'on imagine. Wolfgang Amadeus (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-26 11:18:26)
The muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

The muppets sing what is most probably the most famous song by Queen (Freddie Mercury, Brian May...) and this is just hilarious ! - Les muppets sont aux Etats-Unis ce que les guignols de l'info sont en France, du moins en termes de su (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-25 14:28:17)
Toilet coke

Just for fun, a nice idea for a commercial spot ! - Cette jeune femme cocaïnomane va avoir une mauvaise surprise... Encore une belle idée de spot commercial qui risque bien de faire le tour de la toile en quelques jours grâce à Fa (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-25 00:37:21)
Visualize her

The famous plugin "visualize her" for Winamp will make your mp3 files quite nice to watch, but when you use a software like CamStudio it is also a simple way to create nice music videos, the music (Psychose - Nerval Optic) &a (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-24 17:33:39)
The BPA feat. David Byrne - Toe Jam

The BPA is the new Norman Cook (aka Fat Boy Slim) project. After "Make the girl dance - Baby baby baby", this video will make a lot of buzz on the internet for sure... - Et voici venir le retour des carrés noirs, après le (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-24 10:56:42)
Slow motion bullet

This is the most amazing video I've seen for a few months. Watch it until the end, it is worth it. Nice ending! A bullet through an egg, a water bottle, a glass of milk, an apple, a tomato ketchup bottle, then... - C'est la vidéo la (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-24 10:49:26)
Strange animal

An animal you never saw before... most probably That's amazing, now everything can be done with good softwares like 3d-S-max, Adobe after effects, Premiere & so on... One cannot trust "real" videos anymore, any animatio (...)

thibault    (, 2009-09-07 23:45:12)
Facebook #3, to catch Yahoo

This graph by Alexa shows the incredible success of Facebook, also Google, as the most visited websites in the world. Obviously it is only a question of one month or two before that Facebook catches Yahoo in the race : Facebook alexa t (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-12 00:03:43)
Elizabeth Lambert attacks

Elizabeth Lambert is the new star of the web, too bad... - La violence dans le sport a rarement été autant mise en avant, Elizabeth Lambert est devenue en l'espace de quelques jours la nouvelle star du web et de tous les medias &quo (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-03 12:52:16)
Epic parking accident

Fail ! Fail ! Fail ! And at the end, he leaves... - Youtube regorge de vidéos d'accidents de parking plus hallucinantes les unes que les autres, mais celle-ci est vraiment surprenante. Pas toujours facile de se rappeler quelle péd (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-03 12:56:02)
Very fast turtle

Turtles are so slow, but this one ! - Qui a dit que les tortues étaient lentes ? Celle-ci sait visiblement courir, et plutot vite ! Cette vidéo a déjà fait le tour de tous les médias, diffusée jusque sur les grandes chaines de (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-03 12:59:53)
How to destruct your car

This drunk driver from Russia will have some problems, most probably - Une vidéo d'accident de plus et pas des moindres. Ce conducteur apparemment saôul est parvenu à détruire sa voiture en moins d'une minute... Belle performance (...)

thibault    (, 2009-11-03 12:47:15)
Amazing Hole in One

An incredible shot through water, really lucky ! Golf can produce very strange things sometimes. - On a tout vu ou presque en matière de golf, mais ce coup-ci montre à quel point tout est possible avec une chance extrême, vraiment (...)

moderator    (, 2007-11-20 06:17:30)
Make money with your blog

John Chow says he made more than $20,000 with his blog John Chow dot com last month... Really impressive. His statistics : Total Blog Income for October 2007: $23,448.59 * Private Ad Sales: $11,888.79 * Affiliate Commissions: $ (...)

thibault    (, 2009-10-20 15:44:39)
Strange cloud over Moscow

A strange cloud over Moscow... UFO? Well, it quite looks like a fake with special video effects, what do you think? - Un nuage étrange en forme de cercle dans le ciel de Moscou et il n'en faut pas plus pour crier aux extra-terrestre (...)

thibault    (, 2009-10-20 15:39:54)
How to make bubbles

What I particularly liked is "Do not do it at home, I'm a professional" - Comment faire des bulles avec du shampoing pour bébé ? Le "professionnel" vous explique tout ça démonstration à l'appui. Tout à fait (...)

thibault    (, 2009-09-08 00:41:45)
100 famous rock guitar riffs

Here is a quizz, who can find the right order for the 100 songs from the video ? Just A Girl, No Doubt Magic Carpet Ride, Steppenwolf Mister Sandman, Chet Atkins Black Or White, Michael Jackson Dr. Feelgood, Motely Crue Black Dog, Le (...)

thibault    (, 2009-10-08 13:00:37)
Funny piano

Here is a quite strange piano... Which way would you prefer ? - Cet escalator risque de se trouver déserté sous peu, quel chemin choisiriez-vous ? La facilité ou la musique, à vous de choisir ! Dans cette vidéo, il semble que la (...)

moderator    (, 2009-09-22 20:37:23)
Habba Babba Extreme !

Do you have any idea of what Habba Babba is ? Starring Ed and Jack from Jack Vale Films! - Les serveurs du McDrive n'ont qu'à bien se tenir, les demandes de Habba Babba risquent bien d'affluer dans les prochains mois Personne ne se (...)

admin    (, 2008-10-08 11:09:47)
Sarah Palin hot pictures

If internet search traffic does mean anything, Sarah Palin (the republican vice-president candidate and governor of Alaska) has become the center of all interests in a few weeks only. Just like Barack Obama - who now would be a muslim (...)

thibault    (, 2009-09-08 14:28:07)
Dude perfect, summer camp edition

Are you able to throw balls like this ? The question is of course is it a fake or not... Looks like not eh, what do you think ? - Des jets de ballons de basket vraiment extraordinaires, à se demander s'il s'agit de fake ou non, à v (...)

thibault    (, 2009-07-29 17:27:40)
Flash mob tribute to Michael Jackson

Flash mob is a phenomenon possible thanks to social networks like Facebook or Twitter, these times it was organized as a tribute to Michael Jackson, tens of people danced on his great success "Beat It" from the "Thriller (...)

moderator    (, 2009-09-23 15:42:48)
Illegal downloads, the winner is...

Which country is the champion of illegal downloads ? This is a common question nowadays and many things have been said, and their contrary as well. It has been said that France would have been the champion of illegal downloads these l (...)

admin    (, 2008-11-05 16:18:13)
Barrack Obama president

Yes he can, Barrack Obama will be the next president of the United States of America. What a surprise after all, and what a victory. Maybe we'll know a bit more soon on the reasons of this vote, particularly in this context of crisis a (...)

thibault    (, 2009-09-10 13:05:43)
Crazy cats on Youtube

A nice compilation of crazy cats on Youtube, really hilarious - Une compilation des meilleurs moments de nos amis les chats, bousculés, mouillés, bref dans tous leurs états ! Vraiment drôle (...)

thibault    (, 2009-09-08 21:37:46)
An orchestra with a cat !

A complete orchestra plays with a cat at the piano... Interesting CATcerto (entire performance). Klaipeda Chamber Orchestra, conductor and composer Mindaugas Piecaitis. - Ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'on voit un orchestre accompagne (...)

thibault    (, 2009-09-08 17:10:37)
Tim Testar T.E.N.S.

But what is T.E.N.S. ? TENS means : Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, now see what it looks like while this guy takes his breakfast ! Hilarious - TENS signifie grosso-modo stimulation nerveuse électrique transcutanée, p (...)

moderator    (, 2007-12-03 04:14:08)
How to make money on the internet ?

Very simple, make the buzz just by saying everywhere that you make $100,000 a month (let's say $1,000 if your audience is european :)) with your website that just repeats that (not how) you do the miracle. Then if you are a swindler, y (...)

moderator    (, 2008-03-17 18:35:50)
What's up doc ?

So many interesting news these days, make you choice : a) Only 32,000,000 Euros for Heather Mills in her divorce from Paul McCartney b) Paris Hilton looks for her new best friend in a reality show c) Eliot Spitzer scandal, the buzz aro (...)

moderator    (, 2009-08-12 14:37:35)
Touchable Holography

Now touchable... Fascinating, don't you think ? - Tout le monde connait les hologrammes, mais ceux-ci deviennent aujourd'hui tactiles grâce aux ultrasons ! Une nouvelle prouesse technologique. On n'arrête pas le progrès. (...)

moderator    (, 2009-07-24 12:36:43)
Michael Jackson - A place with no name (again) just revealed a new title by Michael Jackson - A place with no name. It is already on Youtube and other video & music streaming places. What do you think about this "new" title by the king of pop ? - TMZ. (...)

moderator    (, 2009-08-14 20:17:27)
Big Bang explained

The Big Bang theory explained, what do you think ? - Les théories du Big Bang se sont suivies sans forcément se ressembler, même de loin. Que pensez-vous de celle-ci ? Une chose est certaine, l'espèce humaine n'a pas fini de cherc (...)

thibault    (, 2009-08-08 11:47:23)
Giant waterslide jump

This waterslide jump is really impressive - Encore un fou qui effectue un saut gigantesque à une vitesse faramineuse pour atterrir dans une minuscule piscine... Vraiment impressionnant, et vraiment loufoque. (...)

thibault    (, 2009-08-08 11:38:13)
A horse in a car

Horse 1 - Car 0, that must have been a real "suprise" for the poor driver. - Une nouvelle vidéo insolite en provenance du célèbre site où un cheval rentre littéralement dans une voiture, le chauffeur a du sacré (...)

thibault    (, 2009-08-04 19:31:12)
Terminator or humanoid robots ?

Soon Terminator ? The future is now, robots can run ! That's really impressive, just watch this video from the beginning to the end ! - L'ère des Terminators approche, les robots sont maintenant capables de courir ! Regardez cette (...)

thibault    (, 2009-08-04 19:07:12)
Kasparov vs. The flying phallus

Looks like former world chess champion Garry Kasparov has found a new opponent, quite strange but surely less dangerous than russian president (oops, prime minister) Vladimir Putin ! - Il semble que l'ancien champion du monde d'échec (...)

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