Wanda ya sami rabon ni a msn ?
This post is a rough translation from another language, see the original. Wanda ya sami rabon ni a msn ? Sannu dai. Na bincike a cikin intanetin amma a ƙarshe ba su samu wani labari a tambaya, to, ina tambaya a nan: Akwai hanya a san wanda ya sami rabon ni a msn ko windowslivemessenger ? Kuma ka san da shirin kamar trillan mai amfani msn, icq da sauran kuwa messaging networks a kasko ɗaya hwanatir kyauta? Godiya. >>> There may be more answers to this post, see the original discussion. ficgs Suggestions ficgs More websites You must register to see these links, as this is a collaborative page, then you may change the order of the links by clicking the icons before the titles. admin Other websites The following links might be less relevant, please change their ranks if you find them useful. ![]() ![]() academic.research.microsoft > Author/25433274/helen <b>...</b></a الذي محاني على [مسن]? (ar) Който заличава ме MSN ? (bg) Kdo vypouští mi na MSN? (cs) Hvem udgaar mig om - ? (da) Wer löschte mich auf MSN? (de) Το cWho με διέγραψε σε MSN; (el) ¿Quién me suprimió en MSN? (es) لفظ زيرزمينى كه من در پيام رسانی (fa) Minulle, joka poistaa msn? (fi) Qui m'a supprimé sur MSN ? (fr) Wanda ya sami rabon ni a msn ? (ha) מי מחוק אותי על רשת ? (he) लोप कर दिया, जो मुझे msn प (hi) Aki engem el kell hagyni az MSN? (hu) Chi lo ha cancellato su MSN? (it) だれがMSNの私を削除したか。 (ja) 누구가 MSN에 저를 삭제했는가? (ko) Who schrapte me op MSN? (nl) Som slettet mig på MSN ? (no) Kto skreślony mi na MSN? (pl) Quem me suprimiu em MSN? (pt) Cine ma elimina pe msn? (ro) Уничтожило меня на MSN? (ru) Ko me bri{u Majkrosoftova Mreza ? (sr) Tog vem bort mig på MSN? (sv) ผู้ที่ถูกลบทิ้งไปให้ (th) Kaldırılması Kim bana MSN? (tr) اس نے فائليں حذف مجھے جو msn پر? (ur) 谁删除了我在MSN ? (zh) There's no trackback at the moment.
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