
FICGS - Search results for jean

There are 468 results for jean in the forum.

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-02-17 12:26:13)
Les échecs en France

Here is the agreement just signed by the ministry of education and the french chess federation - fédération française des échecs (F.F.E.)

This should help to promote chess in France.


Établie entre les soussignés :

L'État - Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche représenté par Monsieur Gilles de Robien, ministre, ci-dessous dénommé " le Ministère "


La Fédération française des échecs représenté par Monsieur Jean-Claude Moingt, président, ci-dessous dénommé " la Fédération "


Que le jeu d'échecs, activité à la fois ludique et sportive, constitue aussi et surtout une activité intellectuelle qui permet de développer des compétences diverses chez ceux qui le pratiquent, et notamment chez les jeunes auprès de qui il constitue un réel vecteur de formation ;

Que la pratique des échecs encourage notamment le développement des capacités intellectuelles telles que la mémoire, le raisonnement logique, la capacité d'abstraction, l'analyse de problème et la mise en oeuvre de stratégies de résolution ;

Que la pratique des échecs contribue également à la construction de la personnalité en encourageant l'attention, l'imagination, l'anticipation, le jugement et la confiance en soi ;

Que le jeu d'échecs, école de concentration et de maîtrise de la pensée, est enfin une école de maîtrise de soi qui favorise l'apprentissage des règles et le respect d'autrui, et à ce titre participe de l'apprentissage de la citoyenneté ;


Que, pour toutes ces raisons, le jeu d'échecs constitue un complément légitime et pertinent des activités éducatives proposées par l'Ecole ;

Que de nombreuses expériences menées en académies ont permis de mettre en oeuvre des projets de qualité associant des établissements scolaires et des clubs d'échecs dans un cadre réfléchi et concerté entre les parties concernées ;

Que ces initiatives ont permis de développer des pratiques et des outils permettant une exploitation du jeu d'échecs dans un cadre scolaire et/ou périscolaire ;

Il a été convenu ce qui suit :

Article 1 - Objectifs

Par la présente convention le Ministère et la Fédération affirment leur volonté commune de favoriser le développement de la pratique du jeu d'échecs dans les écoles, les collèges et les lycées. Ils se donnent comme objectifs la mise en oeuvre de deux axes de travail privilégiés :

- le jeu d'échecs au service de l'égalité des chances, l'expérience montrant que la pratique des échecs peut constituer pour des élèves en difficulté scolaire une occasion privilégiée de se remotiver et de se remettre sur la voie de la réussite scolaire ;

- la dimension éducative du jeu d'échecs auprès du plus grand nombre, en favorisant la transférabilité des acquis entre les pratiques ludiques et les situations d'apprentissage.

Article 2 - Egalité des chances

Le Ministère et la Fédération conviennent de développer l'accès de la pratique des échecs auprès des publics scolaires qui en sont les plus éloignés pour des raisons sociales ou géographiques. Le partenariat portera en particulier sur des actions impliquant :

- les collèges " ambition réussite ", qui visent à offrir un cadre d'excellence à des publics scolaires confrontés aux plus grandes difficultés socio-économiques. La contribution de la Fédération consistera notamment en mise à disposition de matériel (ludique et/ou pédagogique), en actions de sensibilisation ou de formation organisées dans le cadre des établissements concernés, en appariements des collèges avec des clubs de proximité ou encore en parrainage de certains collèges par des joueurs de haut niveau recommandés par la Fédération.

- l'opération " Ecole ouverte ", qui accueille les jeunes dans les EPLE pendant les vacances scolaires pour leur proposer des activités de loisirs à visée éducative. Parce qu'il conjugue les dimensions ludique et formatrice, le jeu d'échecs correspond bien à l'esprit de ce dispositif qui contribue à modifier l'image de l'école auprès des jeunes.

- les dispositifs relais (classes et ateliers), qui accueillent temporairement des élèves en voie de décrochage ou de désocialisation. La pratique des échecs peut permettre à ces jeunes de reprendre goût à l'activité intellectuelle, tout en leur inculquant le respect des règles et de l'autre.

Article 3 - Action éducative

De façon plus générale, le Ministère et la Fédération conviennent d'encourager la connaissance et la pratique des échecs auprès du plus grand nombre. A ce titre, ils pourront notamment :

- développer la pratique des échecs dans le cadre des activités péri-scolaires au sein des internats scolaires, des clubs et des foyers socio-éducatifs, en partenariat avec les clubs locaux.

- mettre en place des actions de sensibilisation et/ou de formation dans les écoles et les établissements volontaires, en rapprochant les équipes éducatives et les clubs selon des modalités à préciser entre les partenaires concernés : enseignement et pratique dans le temps scolaire ou périscolaire, projets thématiques fédérateurs s'appuyant sur les dispositifs transversaux, opérations d'information et d'animation, tournois scolaires à l'échelle d'une ville ou d'un bassin, etc.

- développer des ressources en co-édition, en lien avec le réseau des CRDP et des CDDP (sites Internet de jeu pour les écoles, dépliants de présentation, outils pédagogiques, etc.).

Article 4 - Contribution des partenaires

La Fédération française des échecs s'engage à apporter aux écoles, collèges et lycées qui en font la demande une aide en matériel ou en ressources diverses (publications, outils pédagogiques etc.). Dans le cas d'actions spécifiques conduites au sein des établissements dans les temps scolaire ou périscolaire, les cadres qualifiés de la Fédération ou de ses organes déconcentrés devront avoir reçu un accord préalable du Ministère et/ou de ses services déconcentrés ; ils pourront apporter des aides techniques ponctuelles auprès des enseignants qui en feront la demande après avoir pris l'avis des corps d'inspection.

De son côté, le Ministère s'engage à diffuser, par le biais de son réseau de communication et de diffusion ainsi que par l'intermédiaire de ses services déconcentrés, l'information nécessaire à la mise en oeuvre de ce partenariat.

Article 5 - Communication

L'application du présent accord-cadre peut donner lieu à des déclarations et communications aux médias par chacun des partenaires, lesquels conviennent de se concerter préalablement.

Article 6 - Mise en oeuvre et suivi

Les partenaires conviennent de se réunir au moins une fois par an pour examiner les conditions de mise en œuvre de l'accord-cadre et dresser un état des lieux des actions entreprises sur la période de l'année écoulée.

Article 7 - Durée

La présente convention est signée pour une durée de trois ans à compter de la date de la signature. A l'issue de ces trois années un bilan global permettra de faire le point sur l'évolution des pratiques à l'école, au collège et au lycée et d'étudier sur cette base les termes du renouvellement de la convention. Elle peut être résiliée par l'une ou l'autre des parties, à l'expiration d'un délai de trois mois suivant l'envoi d'une lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception valant mise en demeure.

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-03-14 17:00:55)
Elections in France :-)

A small thread about politics (could be interesting), just curious about what people from the whole world see and hear about elections in France, that will start in about 40 days from now.....

The news that Jacques Chirac will not try to be re-elected has been relayed everywhere, but what about the election itself ?

One more time opinion polls could influence the way people will vote and create a surprise at the end of the first "round"...

So just curious, who did you hear about among them : Nicolas Sarkozy, Ségolène Royal, François Bayrou, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marie-George Buffet, Dominique Voynet, Olivier Besancenot, Arlette Laguiller, José Bové, Philippe de Villiers, Nicolas Dupont-Aignant, Frédéric Nihous ?

And last but not least, any predictions ? :-)

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-04-09 03:25:04)
Your favourite Chess / Go movie ?

All in topic :) .. may be instructive, what's your favourite Chess & Go movies, at least movies where the game appears.

Mine is probably "La diagonale du fou" (Dangerous Moves) by Richard Dembo, with Michel Piccoli, Alexandre Arbatt, Liv Ullmann, Jean-Hugues Anglade & Michel Aumont... A great movie about a chess world championship that strangely looks like Karpov vs. Korchnoi.. or Fischer vs. Spassky, something between. Michel Piccoli is simply marvellous in this character :)

About Go I remember "Pi" and "Hero"... I did not see the famous "Hikaru No Go". Any others ?

Wolfgang Utesch    (2007-07-15 14:55:22)
Rybka vs. Human

Thibault, in my oppinion problem is your definition of intelligence. Is Kasparov really more intelligent than i.e. Jean-Paul Satre (or Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)??? A man like Bobby Fisher was/is showing, that excellent specialised skill (of chess) nothing has to do with enough intelligence for life!

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-08-28 12:42:38)
Who is chess champion in your country ?

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave just won the France chess championships in Aix-Les-Bains, after a great tournament (other players in National A tournament were Vladislav Tkachiev, Andrei Sokolov, Christian Bauer, Josif Dorfman, Robert Fontaine, Laurent Fressinet, Jean-Marc Degraeve, Anatoly Vaisser, Igor Nataf, Olivier Renet, Laurent Guidarelli)... Thal Abergel won the National B tournament.

Now the question is :

Do you know who is champion in your country ? .. Not only to know who is champion, but to see if this information is well known or not...

Rodolfo d Ettorre    (2007-10-31 01:46:29)
Another one ...

Maybe it is a little late, but I found this one:

The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters.

-- Jean-Paul Kauffmann:

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-12-03 02:52:41)
... unless it uses evil

A famous french politician said - in the original version (with french accent) :) .. "The Yes needs the No to win.. against the No ! (Jean-Pierre Raffarin)"

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-04 16:02:52)
basic question re vacation

the faq says on vacation that : <<Vacation : 1. During [vacation], your clocks are frozen and it is no more possible to play, in order to reduce the effects on time controls. 2. Please note that the time limit per move clock still runs during vacation [...] you can add days leave during this period.>> Can someone make it clearer what point 2 means? Thibault?

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-04 16:04:59)
i second that

I think Garvin Gray's suggestion is an excellent one - in fact imho the current policy on this is seriously misguided.

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-07-04 22:43:41)

Hello Normajean,

Point 2 means that no move will be played in a period exceeding 60 days, even if you take vacation (otherwise you lose the game on time). However, when you take vacation the program will warn you if you take too many days, ie. if you have 20 days in game xxx but if you did not play a single move for 55 days (actually since your opponent replied) in this game and if you want to take 10 days of vacation, a message will appear in red before you confirm.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-04 23:09:53)

merci, thibault!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-04 23:25:37)
you dont get thibault's point

thibault's point is that engines can't do this kind of pattern recognition. At least no one yet knows of a way to make them do it - i mean a way that *works* rather than giving spectacular results on 10% of the positions and spouting nonsense lines on the remaining. I will refrain from ranting about innate and Kant and Chomsky - speciaaly since i just did it last week on ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-05 20:08:47)
doing both would be an excellent idea

thibault extends closure time to 6 months. Posters would create a new heading saying re:<old topic> and start by giving link to old topic. That should be fine, I think. (in fact this was/is a problem with usenet [newsgroups] - so it is an old problem in a new place :) )

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-07 07:28:44)
india names - like chinese / french

i think some indian names are like chinese: [Chou En Lai's first name was Lai] some are like french [Jacues Derrida's first name was Jacques]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-09 02:25:14)
What does Derrida make of a chess game?

Jacques Derida has conveyed to me: " The asuumption that "Jack Derrida is Dead" is Text, not fact, there being no such thing as the latter. So the question can be put as "What does Jacques Derrida make of a chess game? Is it 'text'?" Of course this entire post, including this paragraph, is 'text', not an argument. What is the subtext? What is the pretext for this post?

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-09 03:01:53)
re: make your chess variant

continuation of closed topic:

minichess: 5x5 board with starting pos
rnbqk/PPPPP/5/ppppp/RNBQK w Qq - 0 1

superchess:10x10 board with starting pos.
rnbqskqbnr/pppppppppp/10/10/10/10/10/10/PPPPPPPPPP/RNBQSKQBNR w KSks - 0 1

S is superqueen, moves like Q or N. Just as Q moves like R or B. So S moves like R or B or N.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-10 03:11:53)
3x3 chess

for those who don't know or don't have the link; 3x3 has been completely solved for some years now. [it cannot really be a game; there is no good starting position; but it can have good mate-in-n problems.]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-10 05:04:43)
yes, we have free will, but read on..

yes, we have free will.

Note 1: The answer I gave was pre-determined. Note 2 is also pre-determined.Of course we don't have free will.

Note 2: Of course I wrote this whole post of my own free will.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-10 05:09:19)
there is no free will

There is no free will, but i can offer will at only €100,00 for one person.

Discount for group purchases: 500 wills for €400,00 only!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-11 01:00:36)
Thibault has a point

Like the mind-body problem; discussing the free will problem has the following problem: It is not possible to pose these problems accurately in language [Noam Chomsky said this somewhere]. I (normajean) believe these are mystical/artistic/poetic questions and the answers have to be mystical/artistic/poetic also.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-11 01:08:02)
response to TLP's last sentence is relev

Last proposition and last sentence Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [english translation:] Whereof cannot speak; we must remain silent. Someone's response [mentioned in a book by Karl Popper - Popper didn't remember who gave this response] - But it only then that breaking the silence is most important!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-11 01:20:57)
the answer is in Carla Bruni's new album

Well maybe so and maybe not - but rather like the album. (Comme si de rien n'était) - I liked the first two albums too :)

You can hear the enitire album at the official site

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-11 02:12:26)
Derida - something missing!

We had text, subtext, pretext;) [my post], context, hypertext :) [thibalt's post] - yet all that is only post-post-structuralism. Something essential to Derrida is missing... - deconstruction!

Mark Hailes, I am disappointed you made a conventional response to my post; rather than deconstructing it!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-11 02:21:59)
Osho Rajneesh's last sermon in the USA

[before he was deported]

"The party is over. Go home."

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-11 22:22:29)
re: toys in the hands of gods

<<mientras tanto este mundo gira y gira sin poderlo detener

y aquí abajo unos cuantos nos manejam como fichas de ajedrez>> - from Octavo Dia, by Shakira

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 04:52:23)

I *meant* deconstruction, NOT demolition, thank you!

oops, Rodolfo d Ettorre's post is maybe not aimed at me! But, today I celebrate paranoia day ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 04:54:16)
Hahahaha !!

Oh, please follow Rodolfo's link! :) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR POSTMODERNISTS ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 23:01:01)
help - chat column missing

I can see a white-background black-text chat column / frame on the right in some of my computer, but they are absent in others. Can someone please help? Windows XP, firefox 2, adblock plus [popups enables for ficgs]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 23:05:28)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 23:08:00)
to make it clearer -

on some machines i see a ticker-tape ie horizontal-scrolling text - messages, quotes, forum posts etc - in a white box. I suppose that is the message box. But no chat column below it.

On others I see a fixed-text chat column.

Sorry, at first i put this into another thread by mistake, staring another thread. I dont know how to delete it.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 23:38:50)
ok solved thanks

ok it comes only when i go to my messages. sorry to disturb.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-13 23:40:07)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-14 00:19:41)
It has gone again... help!

I logged out and logged in, the chat bar has disappeared again! Whether i am in 'my messages' or not!

I don't understand!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-14 03:52:29)

I will check whether my other computers have different settings for adblock plus etc. Or it is time to go to firefox 3!!

I have adblockplus with a filter-updater on this machine but not on others; but i don't think ABP is the problem.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-14 04:29:14)
thanks thibault, it was adblock problem

the adblock-filter-updater i was using was too strong :)

As a courtesy, as long as I am a free memner I have allowed all ads that appear that appear on this site :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-14 05:27:33)
firefox: adblockPlus 'disabling'

to 'disable' adblockPlus for ficgs, [ie to 'whitelist' ficgs for ABP) just add this filter:


(of course this works for any http:// or https://.)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-15 03:25:32)
is mirroring moves legal on ficgs?

suppose I am playing a tournament. I need only 1 point [1/2=draw,1=win]. in one game I am white. In another game I am black.

In the game where I am black, I wait for opp to move, say move w1. Then in the game where I am white, I make the move w1, then I wait for opp's reply, say b1. Now in the game where I am black I move b1. And so on..

So i am guranteed exactly 1 point (1/2+1/2 = 1 + 0 = 0+1 = 1).

Is this legal? If not, by which rule?


Normajean Yates    (2008-07-17 07:09:32)
It was a hypothetical question!

Thibault has thought of everything! (like a lawyer)

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-07-17 14:14:25)
New idea

BTW it may be possible in the future to choose exactly how many E-Points to play but (thinking like a lawyer, Normajean ;)) french laws are still quite hard and fuzzy. There's a difference between entering a tournament with an entry fee & money prize and betting money on a game.

To choose how many games before to decide the result may be possible but there's some work yet... About the lowest and highest rating, I may add this option in a few weeks. Finally about time control, I may add it but is it a good and necessary thing ? I'm not sure.

Thanks for discussing new ideas anyway :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-17 23:48:15)
and this takes the cake!

rule 11.2 - last paragraph: <<The rules assume that FICGS referees have the necessary competence, sound judgement and absolute objectivity. Too detailed a rule might deprive the arbiter of his freedom of judgement and thus prevent him from finding the solution to a problem dictated by fairness, logic and special factors. FICGS appeals to all its members to accept this view.>>

You see,even if you find 'loopholes' in La Code Tibault, you come against the above! :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-18 00:41:49)
how did member's name change?

in the FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_B__000049 tourney, Paulo Cerini after resigning against me (he put a Q en prise - no credit to me), became Frank Gavin in all his games. [now there is no member called Paulo Cerini] How?

by rule 11.2 last paragraph? Kafka, Calvino, Bunuel, or 1984/testify[RATM] (who controls the present controls the past)? :)

Andrew Stephenson    (2008-07-18 04:57:18)
Good question

Good question on the name change - at the same time I thought at FICGS you are supposed to use your real name?? Normajean??

Rodolfo d Ettorre    (2008-07-18 06:34:32)
Good Question

I found this in the Wikipedia:

The term Norma Jean can refer to several people:
* Norma Jeane Mortensen, the given name of actress Marilyn Monroe.
* Norma Jean (band), a Christian metalcore band.
* Norma Jean (singer), a Country music singer, nicknamed "Pretty Miss Norma Jean"
* Norma Jean, the stage name of Norma Jean Wright, R&B vocalist and former lead singer of the disco group, Chic
* Norma Jean (album), the 1978 debut solo album of Norma Jean Wright
* Norma Jean, a circus elephant with a marked grave in Oquawka, Illinois
* Norma Jean, Song by the Danish Heavy Metal band Mevadio

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-18 14:55:32)
to Andrew Stephenson & Thibault

Andrew Stephenson,
Normajean Yates IS my real name. Is Andrew Stephenson yours? from *mauritius*? doesnt sound mauritian to me ... doesnt that place have a - you know - reputation for you-know-what?
I'll stop this as soon as you do. Or Thibault steps in. I think i smell early signs of harassment.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-18 15:08:00)
you missed the penguin

normajean: penguin, mumble's mother, in the film Happy Feet. Played by (voice) Nicole Kidman
Mr Stephenson might want to include that on wikipedia.

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-07-18 15:14:55)

Well, Normajean is probably not a so common first name for everyone but anyway please consider the rules about Netiquette and responding to provocation.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-18 16:53:24)
Apology and Apology

Apologies to everyone including Mrs Rodolfo d Ettorre

Andrew Stephenson    (2008-07-18 17:30:07)

Norma is a popular girls name and is of latin origin (meaning norm or standard)has no connection with Norman.(north man) Jean is popular as a boys and girls name. (John , Joanna etc) Normajean as a single name is completely unknown and not just uncommon or rare. It is like someone deciding to write their name as Susanmary. On the other hand in some places its quite common (more often for females) to be called by their first 2 names: eg Sue Ellen, Mary Pat Mary Jo etc Of course in many jursidictions (UK for example) a person can opt to change their legal name to virtually anything they fancy Simonpeterandrew for example.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-21 15:16:14)
why so few women on ficgs?


Simone de Beauvoir write in Le Deuxième Sexe, 1949 that women in l'Etats-Unis d'America are more advanced...

Still true? [with modification: women members of USA-based sites :)]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-21 19:15:38)
thibault you really need more women here

US sites like fics are so sexist [AND racist --- anti-Arab] that for 3 years i was ranting and raving there ...

So is an exception i think.

I would have liked the first exception to be NOT from the USa, but .. fait accompli it is ... And woman are vocal at - i've not been the target of any sexist remark [or seen any anti-arab or otherwise racist remark] there so far though i am perhaps the most vocal woman there .. And lots of women DO play corrspondence chess there ... 'lydiablonde' is both vocal and a strong, heavy player.
Anyony I am here for computer-assisted chess and there for the other sort ... [that site doesnt allow engines]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-21 19:19:02)
clarification on 'vocal'

i am perhaps the most vocal in protests, is what i mean. The very heavy high-quality very popular poster is Sarah Beth (batgirl).

I repeat: that one is for no-engines corr chess; this one is the choice for centaur/advanced/engine-assisted chess. They offer different things..

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-22 23:00:04)
critical mass?

see the rate of increase of GMs and IMs who are women [i am not talking of WGMS et al, but GMs who are women!], over the last 50 years. Extrapolate it: in 50 years te questions will be 'why are there so few men in chess?'

Men, as a general rule, will then say: 'we dont play chess because it is trivial'. No point arguing with men in general. Men in general are STUPID and ARROGANT.

Who needs men *qua* men?
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
I play chess against people who just *happen* to be men.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-23 17:01:48)
Michael Aigner i sometimes agree ..

Oh how i hate the human race
how i hate its ugly face
[there were four more lines ive forgotten - anyone remembers 'em? :)]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-23 17:03:40)
quote was Gloria Steinem's iirc

"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." - Gloria Steinem iirc

Philip Roe    (2008-07-23 20:42:20)
poems against humanity


I cant recall the ending either, but in a similar vein,

My fellow man I do not care for
I often ask me whats he there for
The only answer I can find
Is reproduction of his kind.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-24 00:38:58)
Mark, where is your sensayuma?:)

Get a sense of divers humour, man!
Philip, :) [same thing, more seriously, but not only about humans - Dawkins's 'Selfish Genes' presentation of [neo-]Darwin?] Dawkins is, or rather used to be, interesting - but not half as funny as Philip's contribution is :D
PS: I am lesbian, so the likes of me would have mightily puzzled whoever wrote that poem :) :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-24 04:31:21)
Mark, Rodolfo - great posts!


Normajean Yates    (2008-07-24 04:41:27)
on another note: absence of term for..

We [English] have a saying - "The French have a word for it"...
Now, I am lesbian in a partnership [call it 'common law/uncommon law marriage if you like :)] that is 24-year long now; but the sexual part of it is over for 8+ years now. I am asexual now. I know of a few similar gay-asexual males, including a close friend.
Also in a poll 1% of fellow britishers [or was it resrticted to englanders?] reported that they were asexual.

So, French wo/men; do you have a word for gay-asexual? [i prefer to use the term gay for both gay females and gay males. For one; not every inhabitant of Lesbos is or was 'lesbian' or for that matter female! :)]

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-25 05:19:01)
anothing thing ..

that poll i mentioned about 1% of english people reporting asexual -
they reported they had ALWAYS been asexual; and they had found the 'travails' of non-asexual people amusing sp. during their teenage years ..
so you have 3 categories actually: gay-asexual [incl lesbian-asexual], hetero-aesexual, AND asexual-asexual!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-25 05:20:07)
Don Graves

I agree.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 00:26:37)
<< 1. e4? >>

- Breyer.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 00:44:24)
Rodolfo which side are you on?

Both sides, it seems. Reminds me of Italo Calvino's short story - the name of the english translation was 'solidarity'. I forgot the name of the original italian.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 00:47:05)
on a different but related note:

Anyone remember the song :
C'era Un Ragazzo Che Come Ma Amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones ...
? :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 00:49:32)
Don Groves ..

good quote! Also Steinem? Or your spouse;s original?

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 00:55:34)
the english wikipedia ...

has a link to ficgs in the 'Correspondence chess server' article; but no article.

I had a fight with jimbo wales and co so I will never post there; [i was one of the first posters and always anonymous...] - but someone should maybe go ahead and do so.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 03:04:48)
then .. {white resigns } 0-1 :)

"white's game in its last throes" so white to save time resigns :)

Although Reti 'quotes' Breyer as above in 'new ideas in chess' - i have a copy (english tr. of 3rd ed. )- but it looks like Reti made it up - Breyer never said or wrote it! [of course he woudnt have written 1. e4? because i think algebraic notation was not popular then :)

Don Groves    (2008-07-26 04:54:40)

Normajean -- I first saw it on a sign on the wall behind our secretary's desk at work. We were always very polite in our requests to her ;-)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 05:25:17)
:) needed:

urgently needed: widespead dissemination of copies of that poster!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 14:27:09)
Rodolfo ... I am playing that song ..

right now on this computer - can you hear it? :)

Andrew, the woman who said all that you cited [Martha Stewart?] is in the ultimate analysis a victim of social programming.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-26 14:33:08)
that's why i said ..

that it wasn't *popular* then. I didn't say it wasn't *invented* then. :)

I know all the politicians' tricks, including 'plausible denial'.

Andrew Stephenson    (2008-07-26 21:42:52)
The lady rocks

Normajean the lady who said that is a feminist lesbian (not martha):) "By midlife and early old age, as the hormones of both genders change, women are in total, despotic control of their marriages." "women's goodwill is crucial for preserving the male ego, which requires, alas, daily maintenance" "It is woman's destiny to rule men. Not to insult them, demean them, or stereotype them as oppressors" "Women are in league with each other, a secret conspiracy of hearts and pheromones"

Mark Hailes    (2008-07-27 02:47:12)
NJ is wrong

This game:

Would seems to suggest the reverse of Normajean's hypothesis.

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-27 16:17:50)
question to Andrew Stephenson

Andrew Stephenson you seem to know a lot about this person that you keep quoting. Perhaps you even happen to know said person's *name*, supposing said person has one? :D

Andrew Stephenson    (2008-07-27 19:03:50)

Surely you can track down who said these quotes Normajean? I will give you a clue she is an american professor: "Today, the ideal male is the gay man,and the ideal female is the worker female, the woman who can work in a coal mine just like all the other men." Such is the brave new world of the politically correct!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-27 20:20:39)


the lunatic is in ... whose head?

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-27 20:24:06)
Mark Hailes, what it my hypothesis?

<< >> are quotation marks! (In french), like >> << in german, ' ' or " " in english...

So how does the game you linked to shed any light on whether breyer said it or not?

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-27 20:28:23)
adding to Philip Roe 's post...

It is funny that high-school algebraic geometry is more often called analytic geometry; while in algebraic geometry, 'analytic geometry' is the branch that deals with power series in general rather than polynomials ... so what in analytic (power-series) geometry corresponds to Bezout's theorem? (I have no idea...)

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-29 05:32:27)
why so few retrograde analysis fans here
Nicola, Kieran, and me [ i hadn't discovered this site when the problem was posted]

This problem is not trivial, but definitely not difficult!

Normajean Yates    (2008-07-29 19:06:18)

Ok.. I was just curious :)

Well no one is preventing me from posting retro-problems in the 'problems' section - so it is perfectly fine!

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-03 03:16:24)
but that is obvious...

2-person finite game of complete information, so ... obviously true. [just stipulate that a repetition of a FEN is an auto-draw and it becomes a finite game without changing anything..]

The proof is trivial if you think about it. Writing it down formally is rather a pain but introduces useful concepts like solution trees. John von Neumann wrote it down isnt it.. [and not Claude Shannon...]

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-06 02:46:21)
Mladen thanks for the link (2nd)!

Mladen, from me too, thanks for the link to Shannon's paper!

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-06 02:50:15)
re strategy stealing...

What I meant was to try and define 'strategy stealing' formally you have to define 'strategy' - which is a solution subtree of your game tree -- etc etc :) A combinatorial 2-person complete-information game being a quintuple blah-blah-blah ...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-06 03:30:00)
where does strategy stealing come in?

What is 'obvious' but provable is: "A finite combinatorial 2 person game of complete-information is deterministic [ie has a pure srategy, considered as a 'pure game-theory' 2-person game]. To prove that, one needs to define a 2-person complete-info combinatorial game, and strategies in that context [which come out to be "solution subtrees"]

I dont see where strategy stelaing comes in - it does come in eg for the trivial but nonconstructive proof that nxn hex is a win for the first player ...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-08 22:57:24)
to Mladen - :) Agreed.

:) . Agreed.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-09 07:30:14)
concatenation-or-lack-thereof disasters

typos can easily convert quotes into bad jokes :|

The pen is mightier than the sword. [careful to hit spacebar after 'pen'!]

or say while typing 'psychotherapist', careful that something is not hitting the space bar after the 'o' and also before the 'r' :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-09 07:31:12)
so: the pin

so 'the pin is mightier than the sword'. safer quote :)

Don Groves    (2008-08-09 07:48:36)

Normajean escrit: The pen is mightier than the sword. [careful to hit spacebar after 'pen'!]

There are those who think this is true even without the space. Apparently many of these are American politicians.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-09 14:07:10)
Don Graves - I agree

I agree.

"This rape is political." "Which rape is not political?" from an old Nuruddin Farah novel - one in a trilogy...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-11 09:30:24)
why not?

it could be done in an annotation-request forum. Someone could volunteer to annotate.

This topic began in the international-chat column, where someone said that fics ( - not ficgs) has annotation facility. Well I've been active there for 2 years [until early 2008] - it is voluntary there and in practice hardly any game gets annotated.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-11 09:33:10)
or maybe the question is not clear to me

Exactly what do you mean, Phil and others - getting a game annotated?

Specially since this is primarily a computer-chess site so of course you dont want engine annotation. You want the sort of human annotation that engines cannot do, right?

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-11 09:34:55)
bigchess annotation ?

now bigchess annotation - that's an idea. Start small - maybe Thibault or one of the other top bigchess players could take a sample bigchess game and annotate it ...

Phil Cook    (2008-08-11 12:03:53)

Normajean,,human annotation,if possible

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-12 01:42:02)
very useful latin quote!

pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.

(may they perish who have expressed our bright ideas before us)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-12 01:44:10)
a french one - apt for chess/bigchess/go

c'est plus qu'un crime, c'est une faute!

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-12 02:10:55)
Okay, requestiong annnotation!

Consider this latvian fraser 'book' line:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f5 3. Nxe5 Nc6 4. Qh5+ g6 5. Nxg6 Nf6 6. Qh3 hxg6 7. Qxh8 Qe7. [yes I know it is in crisis :)]
well, opp played 8. Nc3 [which i couldnt find in any database] and I was already in serious trouble after:

8...fxe4 9. Be2 Nd4 10. O-O.

Cant see any counterplay by black.

[not on this site; and the game is in progress but has moved on a few moves beyond this point - so I am not cheating!]

Anyone care to comment on - ahem, annotate - my [black's] 8th and 9th move?

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-12 02:12:23)
btw I put this in wikichess also...

I put my prev post's line in wikichess also, so somone might care to modify it there also/instead ...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-12 14:52:44)
latvian-fraser 9...d5, and the R-sac

9...d5 10.d3 Kf7 11.Bg5 Bg7 may be better.. [context: latvian fraser exchange-sac line 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f5 3. Nxe5 Nc6 4. Qh5+ g6 5. Nxg6 Nf6 6. Qh3 hxg6 7. Qxh8 Qe7 8. Nc3 {innovation?} fxe4 9. Be2]

Anyway the latvian fraser R-sac line 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Nxe5 Nc6 4.Qh5+ g6 5.Nxg6 Nf6 6.Qh3 fxe4 7.Nxh8 d5 8.Qb3 Bd7 is still on the cards --- real serious play goes 3. Nxe5 Qf6 anyway - pity because the poisoned pawn var, the Svedenborg, 3. ef, and 3. d4 are quite elegant...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-12 15:32:37)
last thoughts on the latvian fraser ..

Unfortunately I dont have access to 'the Latvian Gambit Newsletter' - that journal might be a sure way to decide if 8. Nc3 is a novelty. [I checked some french and spanish sources also, but in vain...]

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 03:39:16)
ok i'll be the 10th

the title says it all!

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 03:43:54)
Thanks, Andrew!

Thanks that is for ALL your posts here on that latvian fraser line :) and specially the last one. So my opp narrowly missed immortality in the subfootnotes of chess history ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 03:53:11)
RANDOM design prob: eiffel pic ..

I set design to random. The eiffel tower picture has then become so high-contrast and high-hue that at first sight it looks like 3 dots or so on a black background.[i have this light grey background on this login...]

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 03:57:26)
still eiffel tower picprob with re-login

I logged out and logged in - this time the backgound is that faded orangeish one - but the eiffel tower picture is still screwed up just like before...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 04:00:37)
well so the latvian fraser is dead..

Well it has had a long life :)

What I am sad about is Mehmoud Dervish's death during open-heart surgery last Saturday...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 04:03:30)

It is ok now. I tried several logins and the eiffel tower pic is fine again everytime. So, it had nothing to do with RANDOM :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 11:39:09)
just try it Don..

I didn't try it before because i thought it would be distracting. But it isnt, surprisingly - the colours and texture are cool (as in cool and warm colours..) - soothing.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 13:08:12)
the faded red is not agressive enough..

but the other crimsonish red is agressive. I am psychiatrically advised to avoid crimson-red bedsheets etc - so if crimsonish-red comes I'll logout and login again... I had in fact put it there first but it disturbed me --- the blood responses on my Rorschach tests have been huge in number always - even one blood-response on Rorschach is supposed to be 'abnormal'. ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-13 19:58:40)

Welcome to the RANDOM login club, Andrew!

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-15 09:53:11)
so Don Groves finally goes random;)

Some would say, another one bits the dust ;) [as in: and another one gone and another one gone -- Freddie Mercury]

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-15 10:02:29)
last on latvian fraser..

um - actually I found that I *had* found Perez-Cruz v Decosta, as well as another another: Ritter Aguillar v Asensio Lisan - starting 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5 3 Nxe5 Nc6 4 Qh5+ g6 5 Nxg6 Nf6 6 Qh3 hxg6 7 Qxh8 Qe7 8 Nc3!. But both went 1-0, and I had failed to find one that *didn't* go 1-0. By the time I posted it here I forgot what it was that I had failed to find... sorry

Anyway I am glad I posted the queation because I did not know the Nunn refutation. Thanks again, Andrew!

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-15 16:11:10)
my vote also goes for b

b takes care of chess bigchess go any any future games that may be added.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-15 18:32:37)
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

so it seems! in the 1920s or so in MCO-4 Reuben Fine dismissed the greco countergambit in 4 lines as a blunder! (this was AFTER the latvian work due to which it became later known as the latvian gambit)! So the battle rages on, even with fraser? But it does seem that the fraser exchange-sac line is dead - leaving the R-sac line.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-18 01:09:31)
fogs would have been good ;)

chess is quite a foggy game actually, if you see its evolution ... plus there is more fisk of losing one's way in chess than in a fog.

And the above applies much more to Go - i still hope some day to muster enough courage to try to reach above pre-novice level at Go : so Free Online Go & Sundry... FOGS ;) Wish thibault had thought of 'fogs' earlier :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 05:16:52)
O-O is output standard for pgn, but..

o-o is allowed as input. [again it depends on which version of the pgn standard we are talking about.] Also re Arena: it is just like: most C++ compilers for PCs do not implement the full C++ [or implement it wrong - Arena is a program; compilers are programs; programs have bugs aka features ;)] .

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 05:25:54)
it is! llmars is on the vive-greco team

So the greco countergambit [latvian gambit] is alive, and as long as llmars is there it will stay alive:) I am not so courageous - I play it only in no-engines chess :) [although engines cannot help much in the opening - this being a *real* gambit - can they?] No, actually I *am* courageous! In the ongoing chess tournament I am playing here I did play the greco [latvian] against Taoufik - it is a pity that Taufik decided to forfeit all his games on time [incl. mine on move 5 :(] ...

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 11:15:31)
that is quite convincing!

Marc Lacrosse - thanks for quoting that ... though a good algorithm shouldnt have trouble but with heavily nested variations, many of then terminating 0-1 .. it would complicate algorithms. Programmers' time is expensive ...

I am convinced now that allowing O-O and O-O-O is a good decision - then yacc and lex can do most of the parsing etc.

[btw it should be simple to write a program to convert simple algebaraic (by simple I mean nested variations are treated as comments and left untouched) to simple descriptive and vice versa, in the formal case without redundancy in descriptive output. [again lex-yacc (or whatever latest tools have superceded them) can do most of the work]. So it is surprising I couldn't find any such free open-source utility on the internet -- (and I am too lazy now to write simplest code any more - written more than enough for a lifetime ;) )

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 11:17:15)
typo coorections in prev post..

formal* -> former, algebaraic* -> algebraic

Ilmars Cirulis    (2008-08-21 13:05:12)
sorry, Normajean...

I am in team "Dead LG, good LG". :D

I entered into that thematic only to found someone who will draw with black (in long time control).
For fun too, of course. :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 14:46:27)
Ilmars, you don't realise it but...

In marxian terms, *objectively* you are in the 'try to keep latvian alive' team, though 'subjectively' you think are in the opposite team :)

Because by participating in a latvian thematic, you are helping to try to keep it alive ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 21:31:44)
Rodolfo I second that proposal!

I second Rodolfo's proposal of a latvian thematic here at ficgs.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 21:57:07)
Latvian thematic: white must win.

I propose a latvian thematic where white must win (ie a draw will be counted as loss for white).

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-25 11:37:14)
click on the printer icon.

Don, in 'my games' there is a printer icon left of 'runnung games' etc: click on that, you get a popup window which has all your games in a pgn file. copy all and paste into a text file. Now you have a multigame pgn file; for microsoft OS's rename it <whatever>.pgn.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-25 11:44:44)
I am in as defender (black)

I am in as black.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-27 04:49:14)

I said i am in as black, but so far it is unofficially. If I am too overloaded -- chess [here and elsewhere] is already taking up too much of my time, and chess is not life, not for me, so I will have to think before officially entering.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-31 11:33:30)
team game - is okay

team game is okay...

Normajean Yates    (2008-09-08 14:41:49)
not game i meant diff.

when I wrote 'team game is okay' I meant consultation-game - team decides on a move.

too busy to play individual games as part of team, even unrated - dont want to spoil latvian reaserch by my bad games.

So, one contestant less. Have a good latvian match! [without me - at present I'd only have bad games to contribute so repeat I am NOT playing]

Normajean Yates    (2008-09-27 23:27:51)
how to see private message?

I sent a private test-message to myself. It got sent but I cannot see it. Even after logging out and logging in again.

Can someone help - what can be the problem? In preferences 'private messages' is on (i.e. there is a tick-mark in 'private messages' box in my preferences).

Please, some one send me a private message to test if I can recieve private messages. [maybe self-messages don't appear...] I am member number 3879.

Thank you in advance.

Normajean Yates    (2008-09-28 00:11:31)

as of now the message appears in one's email only. thanks for info! (to llmars and thibault)

Normajean Yates    (2008-09-28 00:13:30)

Normajean Yates    (2008-09-28 19:36:29)
how to verify that draw offer was sent?

I offered draw in a chess game here. How do I verify that the draw offer was sent properly? [i.e. I that remembered to click the draw offer box; and that the click registered; etc.?]

It would be helpful if the game showed 'draw offer pending' or something like that.

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-19 10:16:47)
official language of britain

The answers to these might interest those who do not know: What is/are the: 1. National Anthem of UK, 2. Official lanuage(s) of UK, 3-10. questions 1-2 for England, scotland, Wales, N. Ireland resp.

The answers to all these questions is - NONE. [and of course, no Constitution also :)] So people from other countries might consider if these things - official language, national anthem, ... - are really necessary!

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-19 10:22:08)
has the U-word been mentioned yet?

I've not read the thread carefully because it will give me a headache :) but my, some people here need their blood pressure checked! Some people said something in this thread about lesser people or something...

So has the word 'Untermenschen' been used yet? >> I have NOT used it, only mentioned it. Use/mention distinction. Or - for those who speak lisp, the distnction between (quote x) and x . <<

[german word, german brackets..]

Alexis Bromo    (2008-10-19 16:18:20)

I wrote not about foreign people. I told about citizens of Ukraine. Most of them speaks russian. But it is not national language.

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-22 06:18:35)
Alexis Bromo

And I wrote about citizens of britain. Most of them speak english. But it is not national language. Because there is no national language of britain.

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-22 06:28:03)
Denis Ivanchenkov - Alsace

Though I generally agre with Denis's drift on this thread; but -

He brought up the example of Alsace. I think Alcase *has* special status, though I have forgotten the details. Thibault can perhaps confirm this... [english wikipedia doesnt mention any special status - maybe I am confusing it with some other region...]

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 00:39:28)
thanks Rodolfo

Thanks for the link!

It (en-wikip. on Alsace) is rather badly organised e.g. Alsace or Alsace-Lorraine don't have a prominent link to there, etc.

It doesnt mention any special status on official languages for Alsace-Moselle.. but hell, english-wikipedia is not God :) Specially, on politically controversial issues it is mainly trash...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 00:46:29)
maybe put in the IP of new server?

maybe thibault can post the IP of the new server [those 4 numbers] so that one can bypass DNS - or is it one of those new kinds of indirections I dont understand? Nowadays on some addresses I 'ping' to get the IP but trying to reach the site via the IP doesnt not work [only for very few adresses.. generally on free-webhosting sites..]

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 05:17:31)
oh - ok thanks!

thibault, even now gives "serveur OVH" - while of course I am connecting successfully through -

These technologies change so fast :-/

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 05:31:55)
llamars, result of tourney research?

llmars, is that the result of research connected with games in the two latvian tourneys you were/are playing [here and at iccf] - or independent of them?

Okay I'll add them to chessopedia [with due credit to you] in november --- too busy, overloaded, tired now...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 05:36:48)
reminds me..

reminds me of this Tinto Brass film 'Fallo!' - the episode where this woman is making love and there is a neighbouring voyeur - and she is so disappointed at the end because - the voyeur [assumed male] is peeping not on her, but on the *male* :)

PS: the film is not worth seeing..

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 06:52:00)
well if you must... :)

Well if you must check it out, do so :) I mean how can one tell whether a film is woth seeing without seeing it?
br> After all, I had to see it to decide that it wasn't worth seeing :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 08:02:03)
Requeisat In Pace

Latvian Gambit, R.I.P. :(

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-24 15:28:48)
in a while is right...

The new theory that has come up has to be looked at seriously first... only one draw so far, rest all are white wins!

I wonder if black managed to win or has chances in any game in the iccf latvian tourney that llmars is playing in...

Ilmars Cirulis    (2008-10-24 15:51:19)
To Normajean

It's because ICCF - in one game I am so far with black: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Bc4 fxe4 4.Nxe5 d5 5.Qh5+ g6 6.Nxg6 hxg6 7.Qxh8 Kf7 8.Qd4 Be6 9.Be2 Nc6 10.Qe3 Nh6 11.d3 Nf5 12.Qd2 Ncd4 13.Nc3 Qh4

I don't care about chessopedia. If you are busy, you can do it even in the next year. It was more for fun.
I was (and am) too lazy to put it in WikiChess, it's all.

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-26 00:06:42)
I *meant* wikichess actually...

llmars, I actually *meant* wikichess when I typed chessopedia -- my mistake... :)

No, I'll wait for some times till you have done all the updates and corrections *here* :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-26 00:13:03)
Aigner, the book is *here*!

Book for latvian? it seems they get outdated nowadays before they get published.. there is Kosten's book, ECO, ..., etc. Good to have them at hand, but it looks like all the lines have got outdated! Best is to search internet - and look at posts specially llmars's posts - here..

Interesting, your draw -- so the only way to draw with black against llmars in the latvian gambit is - no preparation! :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-26 08:03:34)
ive seen those chesville articles before - not bad for a starting uderstanding.. but the lines - dont follow them blindly! doublecheck with latest databases and - with llmars :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-26 08:08:02)
but the point is...

Against the latvian - at least in correspondence - if white wants to win rather than research then white will play the main line 3..Nxe5.

Ilmars Cirulis    (2008-10-26 09:34:40)
To Normajean

I don't have any authority. I am just making big noise. :D

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-26 20:06:26)
i disagree...

I disagree :) I mean - i dont know your OTB interest and it is not relevant - but even if we assume for the sake of argument that a superGM might defeat you 10-0 OTB with latvian as black , then that will be because of tactical complications they can create, NOT because of mastery over latvian [ok the two are connected.. they can *see* more of what can be extracted out of things...

Even if we assume above (purely for argumnt's sake) you are at least some kind of authority on authorities ;) [i mean you gave so many links...]
,br> Not really. I have a low opinion of Silman's books :( ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-27 07:46:24)
some more details please? ...

What is S & W? What is page move_express? When I go to any game of mine there is no S & W options. My preference default is fast_moves.

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-27 07:50:45)
whether directly or javascript popup..

whether I see a game directly or in javascript popup, I cannot see any new option [text or icon] ..

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-28 20:23:50)
stick together 4 ordinarychess boards...

see title :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-29 02:50:10)
Wikichess is *really* great now!

Wikichess is coming out really great now! I recommend all who haven't seen it recently to have a look!

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-29 18:15:45)
oh that is easy...

just stick white paper on the borders and write down the coordinates. Or simply draw a picture of a big 16x16 board with coordinates etc - maybe in many pieces - print it out, stick it on cardboard or a spare table...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-29 18:23:20)
to Iouri Basiliev

But we agree with you! Only, it is not mathematically proven, and we do NOT hope to prove it, so we want to increase the likelihood that the statement is true :) Or, at least we want to reduce the margin of error [all in the Bayesian paradigm] Bayesian because - if you talk of conventional probability P rather than likelihood, then if P is the probability that the position after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 is a win for white, then either P=0 or P=1 [as chess is a complete information game], only we do not know whether P=0 or P=1.

Iouri Basiliev    (2008-10-30 11:37:44)
2 Normajean Yates

You better play poker :)))

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-10-30 12:32:47)

Hi Garvin, yes this is a small "display" bug that will disappear by itself, not a clock problem.

To Don, Normajean and Rodolfo: don't worry I already thought about that (well, about FICGS at least) :-)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 14:53:51)
I agree w/Benj.,even more so w/Thibault

10 d + 4 h / move??? that's not correspondence, except technically, IMO.

But if enough ppl want to play it, and M. Thibault is willing to arrange it, who am I to complain :(

So long as no one forces *me* to play that format... ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 15:08:01)
ok now: prob was ABP or popup-block

Thanks thibault!

The problem was simple: recently firefox had crashed so I had to reinstall it, and also I reinstalled plugins including adblock plus. But I forgot to : make exception in adblock plus for ficgs; also I forgot to allow popups for ficgs.

I just did that, and it is fine now!

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 15:23:39)
Thibault plays bigchess blindfold? ;)

<<Big Chess is only in your mind>> - Thibault de Vassal.

That makes quite a good quote! [seriously!]

I have to see the board on the screen at least: I can't play bigchess *totally* in the mind ... ;)

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-10-30 17:05:04)
Normajean, 1 point :)

Ok ok :) .. I meant thinking about your moves only. I have to be even more careful about what I post now that you're in the place ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 20:06:18)
Why thibault? Relax! I am on your side!

seriously, that's a damn good quote:

<<Big Chess is only in your mind>> - Thibault de Vassal.

and <<Why thibault? Relax! I am on your side!>> - that also I meant seriously... not to worry, no quid pro quo :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 20:15:55)
5x5 chess again - thibault please read!

Thibault, I know you dont want to start another variant - but since we [meaning ficgs] pushed the theory [and the demise :( ] of the latvian gambit further... and we will have another round of that, so

in 5x5 chess (5x5 board, starting position rnbqk/ppppp/8/PPPPP/RNBQK) [o-o-o etc allowed - all 8x8-chess-type moves allowed] - as far as I know this hasnt been solved yet - far from it; so:

Please consider introducing this some time in the future... ask around to see if there is enough demand... you can consider payment-only tournaments for 5x5 chess....

Plus it will make ficgs academically famous!

[I don't know who suggested this version first: I first read about it more than 25 years ago in a Martin Gardner article - at least then, no theory was known about it.]

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 21:22:29)
1 min / game IS 'correspondence'..

internet 1 min/game is correspondence isnt it. I mean it is not OTB!

You people want what - quick slow-chess, slow quick-chess, whatever...

Well, one person's meat is another person's poison, and all that...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 21:27:23)
what I *really* miss is 1 move/month...

Wish there was a site with one move / month, one week increment after every move, max 400 days vacation every decade...

It will have health benefits also - I mean you may be a B up in the middlegame and opp may have no counterplay, but you have to maintain good health to live long enough to deliver checkmate! :)

Preferably, resignation should not be allowed in such a format :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 21:54:44)
.to Iouri Basiliev

I dont play poker, but contract bridge is NOT a complete information game, and I am a better contract-bridge player [both at team-of-4 and at pairs] than a chess or bigchess player :)

And at contract bridge, even duplicate [i mentioned team-of-4 and pairs - both are duplicate bridge] one can talk meaningfully of 'conventional' probabilities, not only of bayesian likelihoods...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 22:46:54)
Scott Nichols - hahahahaha :):):)

mate[*], chess site comments/anecdotes have occasionally made me smile, but yours is the first really funny enough that I cant't stop laughing for 2 whole minutes ans still counting!

I am going to shamelessly plagiarise an retell it orally - my version will be -- 'when *I* used to play postal chess back in the '70s-'80s [I did actually], <your anecdote will go here> and after 6 months I recieve this postcard with "j'adoube" written on it! ' :)

[*]if a woman may address a man thus - but why not?

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 22:50:24)
no no, 'envelope' and 'anxiously' !

no no, my version will have 'envelope' and 'I opened it anxiously' just like yours - works much better that way. For this one, a postcard doeasn't quite cut the mustard :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-30 23:46:58)
yes, with hashtables it will be - wow!!!

getting traspositions directly from wikichess - looking forward to it!

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-31 03:17:50)
replies to thibault's question..

1. No, computers cannot yet. Not even near. Afaik not even 'strongly conjectured to be a white win' or 'strongly conjectured draw' (3x3 chess has been strongly solved - it is not really a game because there is no suitable starting position - but there are complete tablebases for every legal placement of chess pieces on a 3x3 board. I posted the links in a forum thread a few months ago...)

2. Why this variant is special -

if you think about it, 5x5 chess is the smallest notrivial *natural* contraction of 8x8 chess.

Plus - or that is why - it was thought of many decades ago - as far as I remember, when Martin Gardner mentioned it about 25 years ago in his column 'mathematical games' in the USA-based science magazine 'Scientific American', he was merely mentioning it, he hadn't invented it...

I am waiting for one bigchess opponent to time out before going on 15-day chess-leave -- [she (Nicola) would have timed out on 27 Oct but it got extended because of the 7-day addition to clocks owing to server change] --- then I plan to find out the current state of 5x5 - whether some university etc. is researching it, etc. If there are results that indicate forced draw (or win) then I agree that there is not much point in doing it here...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-31 03:38:44)
similarly,smallest natural *extension*-

similarly, what is the *smallest* natural *extension* of chess? [Again I am reposting this idea - i did it a few months ago]

Think about it this way, as far as way of moving is concerned, [keeping aside pawns for the moment] you have R, B, N moving in essentially different ways. Q = R + B as far as movement is concerned - i.e. a queen can move like a rook or like a bishop, as the player chooses. The movement of the Q is nothing more and nothing less.

So, to extend chess minimally and naturally [therefore extending the symmetry also] IMO the natural choice of new pice would be a piece which I call the superqueen, lets call it U [because S is knight in chess problems and in many non-english roman-script languages..]. The superqueen U moves like a R, a B, or a N, according to mover's choice. In other words, it moves like a Q or a N.

movewise, U = R + B + N = Q + N.

Now keeping symmetry and minimality in mind we get 10x10 chess with the following starting position:


In 10x10 castling O-O and O-O-O, it may be more natural for the king to move *three* squares [and the R crosses the king and goes adjacent to the new position of the king, just like in 8x8 chess.]

Actually long ago (1981-82) we tried this 10x10 a few times with some friends - we used to call *this* 10x10 thing 'big chess' :(

[we used a one-pound coin heads-up and tails-up for white and black superqueen resp.]

But the name bigchess is taken [and bigchess is nice :) ] , so I am just calling it 10x10 chess now..

Philip Roe    (2008-10-31 13:24:41)
Chess extensions

There seem to be many ways to extend chess. Most proposals, like yours Normajean, combine the powers of existing pieces. There may be other ways.

I saw it pointed out somewhere that if you put a piece somewhere near the middle of the board, at the center of a 5x5 patch of squares ,the N can go to any square in the patch not covered by a R or B. It was suggested that this might have been the reasoning of the original inventor. This makes even more sense if you consider that under medieval rules the K+Q covered a 3x3 patch.

Along these lines, consider a 7x7 patch and let the new piece go to any square not covered by an existing piece. Such a piece might be interesting. It would cover up to 16 pieces and be a formidable long-range weapon, but perhaps rather helpless at close quarters.

In designing an initial position, I would want to take into account the possibility of early interactions. In regular chess the placing makes such possibilities as the pinning of Nc3 by Bb4 possible. Proponents of FischerRandom call this kind of thing hackneyed, but I find most FR positions sterile because the game has no initial shape.

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-31 22:52:08)
I love [16x16] bigchess! :)

But disclosure of bias: I am winning my first bigchess (16x16) tournament 6-0 I think ;)

[4-0 I have already, One opp is timing out, and the only remaining opp: well see game 23201... ]

Let me be clear, 16x16 is very nice, need 'far' sight in two senses of the word :), and I would still love it - even if I was losing!

If some genie gave me the option that 'okay, from tomorrow at ficgs there will be no bigchess but there will be 5x5 and 10x10 and Philip Roe's generalisation to 7x7 with a nice initial position worked out -

I'd say no! I want bigchess!

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-31 22:56:28)
re 5x5: thibault's point is well-taken..

Thibault said - "but I see no real interest to play it [5x5 chess] yet as the first 5x5 chess engine will be probably invincible :/"

Well that is true - lack of 5x5 development is because of lack of engine development... good point, and point taken. Best to leave it to universities...

Normajean Yates    (2008-10-31 23:07:40)
small correction + apology to philip..

When I mistakenly said Philip Roe's 7x7 chess -- I meant just what Philip meant - i.e. some variant (10x10?) with two of those pices which can move only to those squares of the 7x7 patch they are at the centre of where it couldn't move were it a 'normal' chess piece. Sorry for the mistake.. and for the correct but perhaps obfuscating expression of the concept in *this* post ... [I took Roe's clear prose and ran an obfuscator on it ;)]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-01 00:00:10)
a *playable* 3x3 chess :-/

Well as I said 3x3 chess has been strongly solved - by complete set of tablebases - but it is not really a playable game for lack of good starting position - the english wikipedia has links and info on 3x3, 5x5 [it *was* Martin Gardner who proposed it in 1969 acc to wikipedia], 6x6.


Well here is a playable version of 3x3 chess - even 1x3 chess! at least Samuel Beckett would have called it eminently playable!

3x3: 2k/3/K2 w.
1x3: k1K w.

And the kings - wait for Godot!

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-01 00:04:35)
on 5x5 chess experience from wikipedia

the english wikipedia minichess article says that Martin Gardner's 5x5 chess was played by correspondence in italy [doesnt say how many games, players played it, and during which period] - results:
* White won in 40% of games.
* Black won in 28%.
* Draw was in 32%.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-01 23:43:03)
Benjamin Block - I agree

It seems there is some HP product that offers 5x5 chess of various kinds including the one I describled - it is called 'Gardner minichess' now. English-wikipedia 'minichess' entry has a link to that - and in a discussion forum on that HP thing I found - "recent play suggests that Gardner minichess is a draw".

So the first decent engine for it would finish it, it seems, as thibault said earlier in this thread...

Someone modify crafty for 5x5 and check - yawn - I am toooo lazy --- plus crafty [and all later closed source engines I suppose] are too strongly low-level optimised for 8x8 chess --- writing an engine from scratch? Well I know the seven steps [they are/were on an internet in a nice article] --- but I have retired from writing code --- written enough for three lifetimes; no more programming for me.

*Proving* that Gardner-minichess is a draw would be more difficult -- 20-piece tablebases! (okay, in a much smaller space) - that's for the universities --- they have to do something to give out M.S.'s and Ph.D.s - so let them do it :)

[they did it with draughts <called checkers in the USA> - it is solved ie proven to be a draw -- let them try Gardner-minichess now :)]

3x3 - as I said there are complate tablebases now including for positions with pawns on first rank -- so it is very-strongly solved [i.e. given *any* position, the result and the best play for that result are known - in fact online accessible -- instant results of course... you'll find the link on eng-wikipedia -- I have accessed it [3x3 chess site] before but yesteday it seemed to be down - the old link was but it is broken now...

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-01 23:46:08)
or modify gnuchess...

or any other decently coded open-source chess engine... then optimise -- intoduce latest techniques [what works for 8x8 might not work for 5x5 for low-level optimisation...]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-02 02:36:49)
to Iouri Basiliev - extra tempo..

Loss of tempo? I claim that after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 the unique move that puts white into *zugzwang* is 2..f5!!. Disprove the statement mathematically if you can! :D

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-02 05:15:50)
does vacation 'freeze' scoring?

One opp of mine is going to time out within 23 hours. I desparately need a vacation from chess, but I don't want 'unfinished business' hanging. So, if I go on 15-day vacation say 5 minutes *after* opponent times out, will the game be still shown as won by me within 1-2 days? Or will the recogition that the game has ended [in a win by me] be also 'frozen' for 15 days i.e. until my vacation is over?

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-03 03:12:58)
It will need writing engine from scratch

Many of the published optimisations : rotated bitboards onwards etc - are specifically for 8x8 - the optimisations is that they combine legal-move generation and best-move genertion : conceptually, at one stage we have a list of 'maybe legal' moves and so on.

The high level optimisations are of course common[to begin, see Aske Plaat's Ph.D. thesis - search for it, it is online - also I have a printed copy - and papers on alphabeta+TranspositionTables]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-03 05:43:35)
vacation bug?

I have gone on vacation, but in Game 21702 it is opponent's move - and opponent's clock is still moving!:

Normajean Yates ... is in vacation until 2008 November 7

White clock - 98 days 01:11:33
Black clock - 94 days 15:34:05 (59 days 23:22:32)

and now:

Normajean Yates ... is in vacation until 2008 November 7

White clock - 98 days 01:11:33
Black clock - 94 days 15:32:46 (59 days 23:21:13)

So opponent's clock has decreased from 94 days 15:34:05 to 94 days 15:32:46 !

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-03 07:15:32)
It is *really* a bug. Not a feature.

[see my previous post in this topic] Suppose opponent and I both have only 10 day left, it is opponent's move -- and I go on 11 days vacation. Now what is happening is that opponent's clock is running! [example - see my previous i.e. starting post for this topic] but as the game is *frozen* opponent cannot move! So opponent will lose on time!

So, it IS a bug [unless opponent can now move if I am on vacation. But then, this rule change has not been mentioned in the help, faq etc. --

from 'terms and conditions - 11.4 (time rules)':
"Vacation : It is possible to take a maximum of 30 days leave per year, called vacation. During this time, your clocks are frozen and it is no more possible to play, in order to reduce the effects on time controls. "

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-03 21:49:42)
oh ok :)

I see. In Rule 11.4 (vacation section) "it is no more possible to play" is to be interpreted as "it is no more possible (for the side on vacation) to play" .... fine!

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-04 03:43:33)
Rodolfo, this is not n queens prob!

1. 5 queens prob [none attacking any other] on 5x5 board has ZERO solutions, as is easy to see.
2. n queens problem - fast solution, all solutions, all solutions excluding symmetry etc. is routine exercise after teaching back tracking in a programming course. Also, writing recursive program in lisp, tail recursive program, program with function being called with itself as a parameter [in untyped languages - otherwise you get 'infinite type' error], lazy-eval-function-program [typically for Haskell] - are routine exercises for leaerning a new fundamentally different language for experienced programmers.


nxn queens is 2 minutes programming exercise! Writing a good engine for above is a big project!

Continuing the topic of engines for above (nowadays called Gardner minichess) - we also need some endgame tablebases. That should not be difficult: modifying source code of nalimov tablebase generators. [download tbgen.c - or is it cc (c++)? I have the source - it is GPL anyway...

We are not talking about future ficgs things - we are discussing a point of some academic interest, that is all.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-04 12:13:13)
0h sorry [to rodolfo] :)

Oh sorry - brain tooo fatigued - thats why I am on vacation. Even 4 queens on 4x4 has solutions: a2,b4,c1,d3. [unique upto symmetry -I THINK], Isnt the 5 queens solution also unique up to symmetry? Or can all solutions be obtained by rotation, reflexion or combination of rotation+reflection; of a1, b3, c5, d2 and e4? [JUST DONT FEEL LIKE THINKING IT OUT - BRAIN HAS SHUT OFF...]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-04 12:28:45)
n queens - number of solutions: n<=15

The following table gives the number of solutions for n queens, both unique (sequence A002562 in OEIS) and distinct (sequence A000170 in OEIS). for n =1 to 15: n queens: no. of solutions:

distinct: 1,0,0,2,10,4,40,92,352,724,2680,14200, 73712,365596,2279184.

up to symmetry: 1,0,0,1,2,1,6,12,46,92,341,1787,9233, 45752,285053.

So the 5 queens prob has two solutions, but the 6 queens prob has only one! [for 5 quuens, by rotating and/or reflecting them you get total 10 solutions which you got.]

Exercise: modify your java applet to give essentially different solutions only i.e. eliminate 'duplicate solutions' i.e. solutions which are identical except for rotation and/or reflexion. First step: e.g. for 5 queens check placement of a-queen on a1,a2, a3 only [a solution with a4 will be a reflexion of a solution ith a2.]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-06 03:35:52)
re-opening topic: to Rada

"In the sixties Hans Berliner won the ICCF championship with Aljechin Defense" - well I was - I still am - a Berliner fan [I like his harmless eccentricities also], but there were no *engines* then to speak of!

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-06 15:51:34)
:) [to rodolfo]

It means 'I like Berlin' - but nice joke :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-06 15:56:23)
literally - it means 'I am a Berliner':)

But Kennedy was not a Berliner, in both senses :) [the other sense being that his surname was Kennedy, not Berliner:)] - so he meant "I like Berlin". That's why I translated it like that in my previous post. :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-06 16:22:19)
what about a sokolosky thematic ?

What about a sokolosky (1.b4) thematic? Let's put 1.b4 to test, specially in view of 1.b4 e5 2.b5 - let's expand the theory!

No hurry, I mean say some time next year?

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 07:21:06)
Thanks thibault - I have entered!

So fast! Thibault, thank you - so nice!

I have entered the 1.b4 thematic.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 08:44:13)
0-0 rather than O-O in wikichess..

Some people have mistakenly put in 0-0 [zero-zero] rather than O-O [Oh-Oh] in wikichess lines for short castling. As a result, the diagram does not show castling after 0-0, but it seems the contributors forgot to notice.

I rectified *one* of them, but a 'batch mode' repair of this by thibault is needed - this error might have crept in in so many lines, and might keep creeping in in the future also ..

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 09:27:35)
:0 - and Don Groves - thanks for ..

.. the German lesson! :) I stand corrected...

to Rodolfo : je suis'un croissant - :O :)

thibault, shouldn't they be liaisoned, suis and un to get suis'un - or is <<je suis'un croissant>> wrong?

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-11-07 10:22:14)
Bug fixed

Thanks Normajean, all 0-0 & o-o have been replaced by the correct O-O. There may be a few positions with two identic moves (O-O) yet, please just let me know & I'll delete one.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 14:52:24)
thanks thibault for *fast* work!

the title says it all :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 15:21:21)
my french and german both improved..

:) thanks, don groves and thibault!

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 15:59:12)
written liasion is only when ...

written liaison is only when one or more letters are dropped e.g. in L'etat or c'est, right? :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 20:36:31)
but I found lots, + wait for hashtables

but Mr Milton, *I* found loads of 2200+ v 2200+ sicilian games!

Hashtables haven't been implemented yet, but thibault said they are soon to come. so will not yet, but soon in the future, find transpositions into a sicilian, and at present but not in the near future you *will* find games that transposed *out* of sicilian...

What *did* you search for? In 'Opening' type 1.e4 d5, and for both black and white elo type 2200 - and you will get the sicilians, with the provisos I mentioned above

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-07 20:38:47)
coorection.. I meant type 1.e4 c5 -

of course. Please read what I mean, not what I type :) [adapted from a classroom response attributed to Richard Feynman]

Don Groves    (2008-11-07 21:37:45)
You're welcome...

... Normajean. One thing about recalling history, it really helps when you were actually alive at the time of the event ;-)

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-11-07 21:48:39)

Normanjean, I think that's right (to avoid the iatus !?)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-09 04:18:14)
thibault, I think written liaison <->..

missing letters. This happens when one word ends in a vowel, the other starts with a vowel, and ending-vowel of the first word gets removed because of oral liaison. Then, and only then, I think the is the *written* liaison - and that is why the apostrophe :)

Je + adoube = J'adoube :)

['<->' was 'if and only if' - 'if and only if' would not fit in the title, and 'iff' or 'fif' would not be understood by some readers so I would have to explain anyway :)]

In wikipedia aricles I did not find separate discussion of *written* liaison :(

[the hiatus avoidance that thibault earlier mentioned applies of course to *all* liaison..., in *all* languages which try to avoid hiatus :)] [If it doesnt, then people will at least in informal conversation evolve a colloquial hiatus-avoiding version ;)]

The rules for general liaison are complicated (only for people not fluent in french! they are very easy for every french child!):

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-09 04:26:24)
Rodolfo, I do *exactly* the same thing!

"What I do is to download ALL the games and I use a freeware chess database tool called SCID to get the games with the opening I want." - I do *exactly* that!

Specially, the newer versions of scid are *very* convenient! [I am using scid 3.6.23 - but 3.6.26 is available I checked.]

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-11-09 15:24:21)

Thanks for the precisions :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-10 00:10:05)
to Ben Milton -

You can download *all* chess games ever played at ficgs [well that pgn file is not fully up-to-date, but ...].

And then filter with scid.

That is what Rodolfo, Thibault, and I meant..

Do you want *more* spoonfeeding? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-10 00:22:58)
more spoonfeeding to Ben Milton..

Go to 'Search Games'.

You see your name on top.

then, a line. ----------------. like this.

Below the line, you can see:

CHESS All games (PGN)

If you are using Microsoft Windows, right-click on 'All games (PGN)'.

[I do not think that, with the amount of spoonfeeding, you need, linux is suitable for you o:) ]

After that, if you *still* do not know what to do, pray to God. But there is no God! :(

Download-managers are not for Ben
They'll put too much stren on his bren. ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-11 12:32:58)
God is elsewhere... maybe...

I dont see any god, I am concerned with epistemology. If there is/are a/_ God/s, he/she/it/they are busy elsewhere... I dont see it/them (God/Gods), just like I don't see the forced mate in chess's opening position ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-11 17:34:36)
or, God has timed out because...

Maybe God has timed out because God forgot to go on 'vacation' officially? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-11 17:36:02)
see Ingmar Bergman's trilogy...

see Ingmar Bergman's 'the silence of God' trilogy.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-13 11:19:20)
more seriously, I agree withThibault .

Actually, I do not understand the question "does God exist" or "do Gods exist?" - I do not think the question makes sense unless one e.g. clarifies what one means by God [G = omnipotent being? can G make a stone that G cannot lift? Can G make G never to have existed? paradoxes, paradoxes...]

So, unless one defines what one means by God, I am not even agnostic! Just like, if someone asks me: "do you blieve in the wrszzzzzyrdybooom! ?" I am not even agnostic about it: I do'nt understand the question!

Noam Chomsky takes the same position: "when people ask me whether I believe in God, I reply that I do not understand what it is that I am supposed to believe and not believe in."

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-13 11:28:36)
no more posts from me re 'God'. :)

Just to remind rodolfo: 'the silence of god' is not one film, it is a trilogy as I said i.e. the collective name of three films:

1. Through a Glass Darkly (Swedish: Såsom i en spegel ("As in a mirror"))

2. Winter Light (Swedish: Nattvardsgästerna)

3. The Silence (Swedish: Tystnaden).

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-13 15:09:03)
to rodolfo: another strange coincidence

So we have two Ingmar Bergmans and three Ingrid Bergmans:

1.Your friend's husband and your friend.

2. The famous film director and his last wife [she was Ingrid, and took the husband's surname after marrying him]

3. The famous female actor Ingrid Begman, who was never Ingmar Bergman's wife! :)

PS: films reminded me: has Telesur started showing more literary and artistic programs? My friend Tariq Ali is on the board of advisors of Telesur, and he keep pressing them...

Anyway, please convey my greetings and solidarity message to President Chávez!

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-13 15:10:17)

your friend's *ex*-husband, I meant, of course..

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-14 07:07:49)
may be god means ...

peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum !

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-14 09:58:19)
my choice changes every 30 min!

so I dont remember what my first choice was!

Cannot think of a more boring and unimportant topic than this 'god' thing - YAWN -- so why am I posting on it?

Answer: I never posted on it [except for one post: the one in agreement with thibault] - my other apparent posts on the 'god' topic were obviously *actually* about pulling the previous poster's leg ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-17 09:44:08)
p2p is the way...

but keep encryption enabled, and auto-randomise port [use µtorrent!]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-18 15:29:20)
some more on P2P..

1. to thibault: *enable* encryption, do not *force* encryption [unless you are doing 'private' pre-arranged P2P :) ]. If you force encryption then you will probably get too few peers.

2. P2P: well, until early last year there were no flacs - now there are a few and it will keep growing ;) Also, lots of DVD images - dont you see all those 4.3 GB and 8 GB torrents for *one* film? Just go to [for privacy, use] and see!

if cue - bin files or .iso files are available you can just play these virtual cd/dvds through daemon-tools or winmount - you need not even burn them!

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-18 15:37:20)
rare files and torrent...

Well it is like looking for some particular rare thing in 2nd hand shops / fleamarket.. -- you keep trying every 2-3 months, you get some 'quite' rare files over time if you are lucky...

The frustrating thing is when you find a torrent but it is inactive - no one is seeding --- then you can post requests in newsgroups for someone to seed, and hope for the best..

For example, I have 25% of audio of a Chomsky-Foucault debate [I have the transcript - it is very interesting!] - 12 other people have the same 25% and waiting for someone to seed! [for the last 2 years]

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-20 18:28:51)
Are female chess players 'macho'?

Judit Polgár, Zsuzsanna Polgár,Zsófia Polgár, Alexandra Kosteniuk, Pia Cramling, Xu Yuhua, ...

older days: the Chiburdanidze sisters; ..

even older: Vera Menchik..

Are/were they 'macho'?

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-20 21:21:28)
almost there..

You are almost there - actually all male GMs are women in disguise :)

Rodolfo d Ettorre    (2008-11-21 00:20:33)
Re almost there..

I think Normajean is right, I have never seen published a photo of a naked GM.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-25 04:10:26)
a 1433 - character chess-engine!

If deciphering *a little bit* obscure C code is not your cup of tea, explanations are at:

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-25 20:10:43)
Nunn's suggestion is sound...

Sound suggestion in broad outline: may be some of the details could be improved -

e.g. one potentionally contentious point: how much should the activity bonus be? -

Case in point: Fischer before the 1972 World Chamionships was largely 'inactive' for several years. Turns out one of the things he was doing was playing game after game against himself: an extremely strenuous thing to do...

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-25 20:27:58)
Don, no it wouldnt...

Have you seen some of the 'obfuscated c contest' winning entries? Those programs are deliberately obfuscated: while in these ones the obfuscation is a side effect of the goal of keeping program size small.

Now if someone could also incorporate Q-search and forward pruning and the 'standard' extensions within 5000 characters...

On a side note: program optimisation [below algorithm level] also obfuscates code - I know: I was consulted as program optimisation specialist from 1988-1991. But *there* one *keeps* the original slow-but-structured version, only commented out. In fact, one '#define's a boolean switch in a small file; so that with a one-character change in that file one can switch between the structured code and and the fast code.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-25 22:07:41)
thanks rodolfo...

for compiling to windows-console code I used to use djgpp, the GPL dos port of gcc [gnu c/c++ compiler]- but starting windows 98SE specially graphics programs complied with djgpp dont work any more ... I'll try mingw32 + Dev-c++..

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-29 04:04:33)
suggested improvement in game->wikichess

At present, for any game, only the current position can be searched in wikichess with one click. That too only if it is your move. So,

(a) In current position, if it is opponent's move you cannot one-click-wikichess-search.

Also, (b) therefore other people's games cannot be one-click-wikichess-searched.

(c) Further, But if you click on an earlier move, you can see the diagram of the earlier position, but you cannot one-click-wikichess-search that position.

So, suggested improvement: implement 'ocwcs' (one-click-wikichess-search) for a,b and c.

Normajean Yates    (2008-11-29 17:11:00)
thibault, thanks in advance :)

its all in the title :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-04 23:21:31)
Prof T. de Vassal-Frankenstein retires:)

after, um, *liquidating* the experimented players??? ;) [or, perhaps just re-education camp therapy for them :)]

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-05 01:47:29)
you said you are :)

"Hmm hmm... I would be Dr. Frankenstein and you all are horrific monsters ? :)" - from earlier in this thread...

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-10 02:18:47)
despite my comment, this is useful..

see title [joke-comment is in the chat]

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-11 01:46:47)
my response...

Excellent, thought provoking article.

About subconscious thinking - I am in two minds: as an existentialist I am uncomfortable with the concept: yet there are memory/thought acts which bear no other explanation yet. The famous existentialist psychiatrist R.D.Laing who applied Sartre's work to psychiatry, also did not dwell on this issue, really..

I believe it is partly volition, partly innate - the innate part being proneness to 'subconscious', involuntary and in particular obsessive-compulsive thought patterns in OCD or in certain bipolar depressive states [I am bipolar depressive type 2], which responds to high-dose fluoxetine...

I am more comfortable with the part of the article I quote in the next paragraph, although there no reason we should have a specifically '*chess* pattern-recogniser organ' [1] - more likely we have an innate but more general 'chessy' pattern-recogniser-faculty ('organ') which takes in chess too. [our music-hearing faculty i.e. the ear can hear music, but not only music..] *This* is what the author Rune Vik-Hansen means, I am certain.

[from the article:] 'Playing on Noam Chomsky’s LAD, or Language Acquisition Device, we might say that chess players are guided and supported by a, perhaps slightly Kantian sounding, CAD; “Chess Acquisition Device, making is possible to display sound chess judgment which foundation is the subtle interplay between knowing what to keep and what to discard among triggered moves and in the final part of this article, we will have a closer look as how to increase and improve our chess judgment to form better decisions over the board.'

I will only add that subsequent investigations and deeper questioning of de Groot's subjects (experimented chessplayers? ;-) ) has shown that this faculty/device/organ is less important to chess ability than de Groot thought...

[1] I am calling this presumed faculty/device an 'organ', just like Noam Chomsky occasionally does [in his *linguistics* output, not in his *political* output! :)] - even if you choose to think of it as just a metaphor, it is a very hepful and suggestive metaphor.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-12 19:23:40)
thibault's cited quote - good one!

"You think that education is too expensive ? Try ignorance." - good one!

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-13 14:50:13)
it is true. :)

" 'FICGS is one of the most important organisation of correspondance chess.' Is it true ?"

It is true! Or at least, we hope it becomes true!

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 03:37:27)
disagree... let them play skittles!

faster players can go elsewhere and play 1 0 lightning [1 minute/game, no fischerincrement] - engines allowed! O), or they can just lump it ;-)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 03:40:42)
another suggestion

The slowest time controls on offer are too fast for some people.

Could there be a separate category - say 80 days/10 moves, 80 days fischer-increment after each 10-move block; up to 200 days accumulation-ceiling?

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 04:58:27)
no harm in *expecting*..

One can always change one's mind; otherwise one has no free will, right? :)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 05:02:07)
to Scott Nichols

"Too many players use a vacation to delay the inevitable defeat"

Too many people use healthy lifestyle, medicine, careful driving etc. to delay inevitable death :-)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 06:54:47)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 06:56:16)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 06:57:08)
does anyone here use the hydra engine?

does anyone here use the hydra engine?

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 15:40:37)
I see.. :)

Prof de Vassal is first manufacturing slower-category *players* in his laboratory! Once there is a sufficient harvest of players , *then* slower-category will be introduced! ;)

I already have slower-category genes: I will post some of my DNA to the Professor ;) So if you recieve a test-tube, dont worry it is NOT anthrax!

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 15:43:05)

what a letdown :( (not from you people; but from hydra!)

Thanks you people for satifying my curiosity on this, specially Prof Thibault :)

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-12-15 19:20:27)
Waiting for...

.. your blood & brain sample, Normajean :)

I'm sure I can make nice experiences ! oops.. experiments ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 22:40:33)
I tend to agree with Prof Thibault...

and I meant Prof. Thibault, Prof of genetic engineering on humans! ;)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-15 23:55:15)
how about a fun thematic with foll pos

starting position:

RNBQKBNR/PPPPPPPP/8/8/8/8/pppppppp/rnbqkbnr. [this is offered on fics i.e. as 'chess wild-5']

Note that all pawns of both sides are ready to promote, but because of self-blockade the only legal first moves are knight moves!

Engines fluctuate wildly on this because they are not designed for such positions!

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 15:39:59)
no no it is legally reachable..

This is much easier to reach than many much more impossible-looking positions.

If I gave it to one person who plays on and fics, he would give a proof-game in 10 minutes: [the 16-queens mate-in-4 problem i posted a few months back - see problems - he gave a proof game in 10 minutes. Then I asked him to construct a position with 18 Qs, he did it in 5 more minutes.]

But I have had severe political differences with him - I am not on talking terms with him now.

The trick is do not try retroanalysis. construct from the beginning!

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 15:42:19)
btw the 16 Qs pos and the 18 Qs pos:

I posted the proof games in the newsgroup* [I forgot what * is, just do a google group seach with* ] - early this year I think: with due credit to that person.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 15:47:26)
llmars I agree to play as black, ok.

But I am going home on yearend vacation (and also chess vacation!) I am posting and old rebel10 v rebel10 game in the next post.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 15:51:18)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 20:17:42)
oh sorry, it is obviously impossible!

Since no captures have been made, the pawns could not have legally crossed each other. you cannot even have a white pawn on e5 and a black pawn on e4 if no captures have been made.

Since the position is unreachable, it must be considered a chess variant, not a 'thematic'.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 15:52:54)
sample game; proper starting pos...

one thing: the starting position is actually

RNBQKBNR/PPPPPPPP/8/8/8/8/pppppppp/rnbqkbnr w - - 0 1

Logically it is the same thing, but this pos makes it look like it is the standard starting position, only the board is reversed!

old Rebel-10 v Rebel-10 sample game:

1. Nc6 Nf3 2. Nb4 Ne5 3. b8=Q Na3 4. Bb7 g1=Q 5. c8=Q b1=Q 6. Qxe5 Qxb4 7. Rb8 Bb2 8. Qh5 Qb5 9. Qh4 c1=Q 10. a8=Q Qxc8 11. Qxc8 Rc1 12. Bc6 Qxc6 13. Qaxc6 Rxc6 14. Qxc6 Qc1 15. Rc8 Qxc6 16. Rxc6 Bg2 17. Re6 a1=Q 18. Nf6 Bxf6 19. Rxf6 Qxf6 20. Qxf6 f1=Q 21. Qa6 d1=Q 22. g8=Q Qf4 23. Qg3+ Qxg3 24. Qa5+ Kf1 25. Bg7 Qxd7+ 26. Kxd7 Qd3+ 27. Ke8 Bc6+ 28. Kf8 Qxg7+ 29. Kxg7 Qd4+ 30. Kg6 Rg1+ 31. Qg5 Be4+ 32. Kh5 h1=Q+ 33. Qh4 Qf3+ 34. Qg4 Qxg4+ 35. Kh6 Qd2# 0-1.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 15:54:47)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-16 20:20:46)
about game... (to llmars)

llmars, with or without engine help? I'd prefer with engines.

Meanwhile, you can discover the various "fool's mates" in this variant... - a knights will give a smothered mate if one is not careful!

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-17 03:53:02)
small improvement suggestion..

Don groves sent message with prev move; I was ready for reply to move so - i noticed the envelope icon but by that time I had made the move in a reflex action.. and the message disappeared! So I couldnt read it..

It would be nice if opponent's message stayed until opponent made next move.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-17 04:15:15)
Game 26099 - fit case for adjudication?

Game 26099 Salinas - Yates 13...Qe1# {mate} - more than 50 hours ago. On my checkmating move I had sent request to resign.

Salinas posted this in international chat: [I am pasting:]

"salinas marcelo : congratulation ..nice victory Norma. (2008-12-16 00:31:15)"

So he has sent 'final friendly message' also. But in international chat, *not* with resignation! He has *still* not resigned.

If you click 'more messages' and scroll down international chat, you'll see that I had - immediatety after his message, politely explained that he had to resign.

Salinas has blocked private messages.

I feel that all this is annoying and unfriendly, so the game should be adjudicated. (since the purpose of NOT having automatic checkmate-recognition is NOT being served, but the feature is being abused by opponent.)

What do you people think? What is the precedent/convention for such a case on ficgs?

Thibault, adjudicate?

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-17 05:15:54)
another point..

3-fold repitition is automatic draw here I see --- doesnt opp want to make 'last freindly comment in case of draw?' [the same logic why checkmate is not automatic win here]

Don Groves    (2008-12-17 06:48:13)
I agree

I think most of us have done the same, Normajean. Also, it seems to work that way in Hold'em already.

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-12-17 14:18:17)

Hi Normajean,

The adjudication in case of a threefold repetition is justified (the game has to be ended).

About your game, it seems to me that such behaviour happens more often when one player asks the other player to resign :) .. Not a big deal, it will not change anything to the ratings right now and actually a few players do not even know how to resign... I've adjudicated it anyway.

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-17 15:23:46)
I only asked him to resign because..

he might not know that he has to resign!

Thibault I see the psychological truth of your observation - thats why I was interested in precedents/conventions! - but Salinas is 40+ years old - such childish behaviour! [Do *some* *men* never grow up? ;)]

I wanted this to be complete because I am doing year-end closure of things... including putting these games into scid. It was annoying that I had to edit it to show 0-1 instead of unfinished!

Thanks for the adjudication --- if it wasnt yearend - vacation and festive time approaching - I would not have bothered you [I think :)] ..

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-17 18:05:42)
anyway, about the 16-queens mate-in-4:

Svante Carl von Erichsen showed it was possible to solve without computer help:

As for proof game, The foll is from my post [it *was* .analysis I think - feeling too tired to search usenet]

" This one is mine:

1. 4k3/qqqqqqqq/8/8/8/8/QQQQQQQQ/4K3 w - - 0 109: [pos. 1]

White to play and mate in 4.

There are no duals - only one moves mates in 4. [there is no mate in 3 or less.]

Move given at end of post, with sample continuation.

These two were posed by me and solved by likesforests [see fics ( or] in 20 minutes total!

2. Give a proof game for pos. 1, ie Show that the position in prob. 1 is legally reachable by giving a game that leads to the position.

3. Okay, so you can reach a position where you have 16 queens on board. Can you construct a game which reaches a position with 18 queens? If so, do so! [the last part carries 99% of the credit - it is to pre-empt the answers "yes" and "no".


(note: these can be more conveniently viewed at in the thread "advantage of moving first - mate in 4 in symmetrical position" in the forum-category "more puzzles")


Solution to 2: by likesforests

[Event ]
[Site ]
[Date ..]
[White likesforests]
[Black likesforests]
[Result 1-0]
1. a4 b5 2. a5 b4 3. a6 Bb7 4. axb7 Nc6 5. Na3 bxa3 6. b8=Q a2 7. Rb1 a1=Q 8. Qb3 Qa6 9. Qa2 Qb7 10. b4 a5 11. b5 a4 12. b6 Qa6 13. b7 a3 14. Qb3 a2 15. b8=Q a1=Q 16. Qh3 Q1a5 17. Qbb3 Ne5 18. Qbg3 c5 19. Rb3 c4 20. c3 cxb3 21. c4 b2 22. c5 b1=Q 23. c6 Qba2 24. c7 Qb8 25. Bb2 f6 26. Bc3 Kf7 27. c8=Q d5 28. Qc4 Nc6 29. Qch4 d4 30. d3 dxc3 31. d4 c2+ 32. Qd2 Ra7 33. f3 Q5a4 34. Kf2 c1=Q 35. d5 Qca3 36. d6 e5 37. e4 Nge7 38. d7 Kg8 39. d8=Q Qa8 40. Qb6 Nb4 41. Qbe3 Nbd5 42. exd5 e4 43. Ne2 f5 44. Qeh6 f4 45. Kg1 e3 46. Nd4 e2 47. d6 e1=Q 48. d7 Qea1 49. d8=Q Nd5 50. Nc2 Nc3 51. Ne3 fxe3 52. Qdg5 e2 53. Qdf4 e1=Q 54. Qfg4 Qeb1 55. f4 g6 56. Qc5 g5 57. f5 Bg7 58. Qgc4+ Rf7 59. f6 Bf8 60. Q5b4 g4 61. Qe5 g3 62. Qe1 Ne4 63. Qcb3 Nd2 64. Qhc4 Nf3+ 65. gxf3 g2 66. Be2 Bg7 67. Kf2 Bf8 68. Ke3 g1=Q+ 69. Kf4 Qgb6 70. Qcc3 Be7 71. Kg4 Qe6+ 72. Kg3 Rf8 73. fxe7 Rf7 74. e8=Q+ Rf8 75. Qeb5 Qf7 76. f4 Re8 77. f5 Re6 78. fxe6 Qff8 79. e7+ Qf7 80. Rf1 Qaf8 81. e8=Q Qa8 82. Qbb2 Q4a7 83. Qed2 Q3a6 84. Rf3 Q8b7 85. Qcc2 Qac4 86. Q4b3 Qad6+ 87. Kg2 Qdc7 88. Q3a2 Qce6 89. Qhe3 Qed7 90. Q8e4 Q8e7 91. Qb2b3 Qag7+ 92. Qg3 Qbb2 93. Bc4 Qbf6 94. Kf1 h5 95. Rf5 Qfxf5+ 96. Ke1 Rh6 97. Qxh6 Qfh7 98. Qhxh5 Qfxc4 99. Qee2 Qcf7 100. Qbb2 Kf8 101. Qgf2 Ke8 102. h4 Kf8 103. Qhg4 Qhxh4 104. Qgg2 Qhh7 105. Qbh5 Ke8 106. Qhh2 Qfe6 107. Qff3 Q6f6 108. Qff2 Qff7 1-0


solution to 3: by likesforests

Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[White "likesforests"]
[Black "likesforests"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. a4 b5 2. a5 b4 3. a6 Bb7 4. axb7 Nc6 5. Na3 bxa3 6. b8=Q a2 7. Rb1 a1=Q 8. Qb3 Qa6 9. Qa2 Qb7 10. b4 a5 11. b5 a4 12. b6 Qa6 13. b7 a3 14. Qb3 a2 15. b8=Q a1=Q 16. Qh3 Q1a5 17. Qbb3 Ne5 18. Qbg3 c5 19. Rb3 c4 20. c3 cxb3 21. c4 b2 22. c5 b1=Q 23. c6 Qba2 24. c7 Qb8 25. Bb2 f6 26. Bc3 Kf7 27. c8=Q d5 28. Qc4 Nc6 29. Qch4 d4 30. d3 dxc3 31. d4 c2+ 32. Qd2 Ra7 33. f3 Q5a4 34. Kf2 c1=Q 35. d5 Qca3 36. d6 e5 37. e4 Nge7 38. d7 Kg8 39. d8=Q Qa8 40. Qb6 Nb4 41. Qbe3 Nbd5 42. exd5 e4 43. Ne2 f5 44. Qeh6 f4 45. Kg1 e3 46. Nd4 e2 47. d6 e1=Q 48. d7 Qea1 49. d8=Q Nd5 50. Nc2 Nc3 51. Ne3 fxe3 52. Qdg5 e2 53. Qdf4 e1=Q 54. Qfg4 Qeb1 55. f4 g6 56. Qc5 g5 57. f5 Bg7 58. Qgc4+ Rf7 59. f6 Bf8 60. Q5b4 g4 61. Qe5 g3 62. Qe1 Ne4 63. Qcb3 Nd2 64. Qhc4 Nf3+ 65. gxf3 g2 66. Be2 Bg7 67. Kf2 Bf8 68. Ke3 g1=Q+ 69. Kf4 Qgb6 70. Qcc3 Be7 71. Kg4 Qe6+ 72. Kg3 Rf8 73. fxe7 Rf7 74. e8=Q+ Rf8 75. Qeb5 Qf7 76. f4 Re8 77. f5 Re6 78. fxe6 Qff8 79. e7+ Qf7 80. Rf1 Qaf8 81. e8=Q Qa8 82. Qhc1 ( 82. Qbb2 Q4a7 83. Qed2 Q3a6 84. Rf3 Q8b7 85. Qcc2 Qac4 86. Q4b3 Qad6+ 87. Kg2 Qdc7 88. Q3a2 Qce6 89. Qhe3 Qed7 90. Q8e4 Q8e7 91. Qb2b3 Qag7+ 92. Qg3 Qbb2 93. Bc4 Qbf6 94. Kf1 h5 95. Rf5 Qfxf5+ 96. Ke1 Rh6 97. Qxh6 Qfh7 98. Qhxh5 Qfxc4 99. Qee2 Qcf7 100. Qbb2 Kf8 101. Qgf2 Ke8 102. h4 Kf8 103. Qhg4 Qhxh4 104. Qgg2 Qhh7 105. Qbh5 Ke8 106. Qhh2 Qfe6 107. Qff3 Q6f6 108. Qff2 Qff7 ) h5 83. Qhc8 h4+ 84. Kg4 h3 85. Bf3 Rh5 86. Bg2 hxg2 87. h3 Rh4+ 88. Kxh4 g1=Q 89. Rf6 Qga7 90. Qec6 Q8b8 91. Q8a6 Q8e7 92. Kg4 Kf8 93. h4 Qbe8 94. Rd6 Qg8+ 95. Kf3 Qbg6 96. h5 Q6g7 97. h6 Qad7 98. h7 Qa5 99. h8=Q Qdxd6 1-0


solution to 1: 1. Qaxf7+!

Sample continuations:
1... Kd8 2. Qexe7+ Kc8 3. Qdxd7+ Kb8 4. Qdd8#
1... Qxf7 2. Qh8+ Qxh8 3. Qxh8+ Qf8 4. Qfxf8#


Normajean Yates    (2008-12-17 18:09:10)
thanks to rodolfo and Robin Hood..

I really should do some embroydery.
(chess overdose has hit!)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-18 17:53:56)
ok- but meanwhile this kludge may work..

ATTN Thibault,

Will see big surprise - hopefully a pleasant surprise - when I return in January.. meanwhile:

Earlier the message used to be emailed. Now, if the move-message part of the code hasnt been drastically changed, then:

Why not plug in the earlier message-emailed code-fragment; so that the message is *both* diplayed on the game page - as it is now; *and* emailed - as it was earlier?

As a temporary measure, while Thibault is busy with big things? :)

[already on unofficial leave, will go on official leave tomorrow so that I can extend leave into january, as some people have done..]

Don Groves    (2008-12-18 18:07:35)
Happy Holidays then ...

... to Normajean -- and everyone else also :-)

Normajean Yates    (2008-12-19 01:53:24)
happy hols Don - and everyone else!

the title says it all :)

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-12-19 11:58:25)
Happy holidays

Happy holidays Normajean & all :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-01 13:01:53)
0 days in 'my vacation'

and it is only 1 january! how? Where is my 30 days vacation time for this year? :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-01 22:37:28)
'has' is the convention..

'everybody has' is correct.

'everybody have' would suggest [better with comma - like 'everybody, have'] - that *usually* ficgs doesn't give vacation time, but you are giving a one-time gift of vacation time, only for this year. :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-05 19:12:44)
Is BenMilton thinking of move mirroring?

Then he will lose both games, because move mirroring is illegal here :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-08 04:36:46)
I find this update excellent!

I've seen that chess sites with social networking features allow people to interfere with chess players by intrusive comments/messages etc.

OTOH, I like Thibault's model - it:

1. keeps an excellent separation between the social networking part and the chess-play part.

2. provides much more privacy.

And why should Thibault not try to make money??? Do you think this is a charity or soup-kitchen or what? How many of you do your jobs [salaried/self-employment/business] for free???

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-08 04:48:31)
your challenge would have takers if...

if you could improve upon this:

Milton, Ben (AUS) [member # 4431]

ELO : 1597

Next page : History

Statistics for rated correspondence chess games :

Won : 0
Lost : 6
Draw : 0
Unfinished : 6

So, as thing stand, your challenge sounds trollish, if you will excuse my saying so. But I think someone has to.

I am in two minds whether to post this: I am violating the golden rule of usenet "don't feed the troll". :/

Don Groves    (2009-01-08 09:17:12)
I agree...

... with Normajean. The separation is adequate protection for those who prefer only to play the games and never to socialize.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-12 03:52:03)
The simplicity of this site is its USP!

The simplicity of this site is one of its USPs [USP ='Unique Selling Point' (advertisement-agency jargon)]

If and when making big changes, Thibault has been careful that it hasnt affected this unique attractiveness of the site.

I hope - (and expect! I like Thibault's aesthetic sense) - that this site will remain unique in the simplicity of its core 'look'.

Otherwise, it will become 'just another chess site [yawn]' - but I am sure Thibault won't let that happen :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-12 03:57:26)
to make it very clear.. but=except

Thibault is using very literary english here. When he says 'but', he means it in the sense of 'except'. [Very literary, because he *never* says 'except' ;)]

I think that the 'but' confused Tom Smith. Just remember that one meaning of 'but' is 'except', and all will be clear :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-12 03:59:43)
Welcome, GM Banikas!

Welcome to ficgs, GM Banikas!

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-12 07:31:11)
does llmars think all gambits are 0-1?

including Queen's? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-12 12:19:04)
i havent played the albin for ages

I'll take up the albin again - and if i lose i'll blame llmars ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-12 12:51:48)
oops soory i only got the joke now :)

excuse: I was multitasking!

rephrasing the question:

does llmars think all white gambits are 0-1 - including queens - and all black gambits (e.g. latvian, traxler, albin, falkbeer) are 1-0?

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-13 19:28:13)
ficgs is serious chess!

Sctott Nichols ends his post with "Playchess=serious chess. FICGS=fun and theoretical chess and more."

1. false
2.Doesn't follow from the rest of his post.
3. putting 'theoretical chess' in opposition' to 'serious chess' is so unorthodox a use of the word 'serious' that it borders on the incorrect.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 02:12:28)
Gino Figlio - excellent point!

It is Tom Smith, and not us, who is -- well what he calls we are.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 02:14:59)
Engines alllowed !!

'!!' being annotation for 'brilliant', as every chess player - human, engine or jellyfish - knows. ;);)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 02:23:09)
Tom smith, what is your *real* agenda?

Answer my question. Do you realise you have libelled us by calling all of us proper (ie engines-allowed) correspondence chess players cheats? Of couse you do.

Care to confess to the libel under oath in the U.K. and get a taste of the receiving end of libel law?

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 10:39:24)
Scott Nichols, I misunderstood ..

Scott Nichols, I misunderstood your prev post.. I am sorry. Really.
,br> [grumble] modern life -> forced multitasking -> stress + fatigue + have to read fast -> sometimes misunderstand -> i am not superhuman [grumble grumble mumble mumble] :(

feeling guilty now [re scott, NOT re Tom]

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 10:43:14)
rodolfo, thanks for cognisafe link!

bloody thieves - they will create any useless thing and try sell it [cognisafe, tono-bungay*, ..]

*see H.G.Wells's novel 'tono-bungay'

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 10:49:59)
and great analogy, rodolfo!

"But selling that service here is like trying to sell bibles and indulgences to an atheist society." - rodolfo d Ettorre.


make it 'evangelist bibles' - I keep King James' authorised version bibles, and apocrypha, for literary reference purposes :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 14:57:51)
goood sensible answer...

interesting, llmar's opinion that QGA is 1/2-1/2. So, QGA is maybe better than QGD ... interesting opinion. [seriously. I am not rejecting it.] QGA thematic sometime is needed.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-14 15:00:33)
llmars' version of Tal's quote:

considering that with time llmars's opinion of gambits seems to be getting less unfavourable, it would be:

"The older I get, the less I value pawns." ;)

Tom Smith    (2009-01-14 18:49:58)

Thank you all for your comments. I will reiterate again that I am not pointing the finger at anyone, I just asked about this as I do not wish to play against people who just let a computer play their moves, that is all. I do not think that all people who use engines are cheaters, and I apologize to all those who do not blindly let a computer play their games for them. I am astonished now at normajeans hostility, I dont believe I have been offensive to anyone, if I have then it is unintentional. To Normajean, I can only assume that your hostility is due to someone mentioning about selling some software, I can only say, not only have I not heard of any software of this type, but I am in no way involved at any such goings on. I came on the site to join up for some chess and had one issue I wanted to ask about before I started playing, I am beginning to regret this as I did not expect quite such a response! I can maybe understand some suspicion at a new person asking a question of this nature, and understand that some may not like me asking, so again I am sorry for the offense I have caused those players who play a fair game. "Care to confess to the libel under oath in the U.K. and get a taste of the receiving end of libel law?" This comment is ridiculously over the top and again that particular post was unecessarily hostile imo, if you read my posts to this point normajean and still dont see what I am trying to find out about then I shant try any further to answer you as you and some others have obviously found me guilty of a plot of some form against you. I thank the people who answered me honestly and calmly for their comments and I shall try the site out as I said to give it a fair shot.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 04:17:11)
someone will now start thread saying..

.. that all chess, all secular activity, is cheating; only praying is the non-cheating activity!

Tom Smith is, charitably speaking, a troll - and probably worse than that - ; and I for one feel Thibault should lock this thread. It is just noise. Or worse.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 05:34:46)
engines and deep analysis...

A year ago, Thibault posted links to record of GMs v engines -- but almost all games were blitz.

raising questions:

1. At standard [2.5 hours / 40 moves] time controls, and at correspondence time controls [like here - or even 1 day/move] - humans are still better than engines. true?

If true, how long are they expected to be better?

[I mean in competitive chess, not in specifically design positions which are at present very difficult for engines]

2. which engine is best for standard and correpondence time controls (as I defined in 1)?

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 07:04:32)
sober/serious look - yes!!!!

from thibault's post - "maybe it should keep its 'sober/serious' side, what do you think ?"

YES!!!! That is the *unique* sober elegance of this site. Must not be disturbed.

The forum - with < br > and now chess diagrams -- that is good enough. My vote is against adding any more html/phpbb features in the forum.

Tom Smith    (2009-01-15 07:10:20)

normajean you are one crazy lady. Thibault, I have chosen the wrong site I feel, would you please cancel my membership, I entered a standard 40 day tournament, would you please remove from that too as I wouldnt want to hold that up. Thank you

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 07:11:28)
how to get < br > in?

When discussing changes, sometimes one wants '< br >' [without the spaces] - without it being converted to linebreak.

Thibault did that in one post - but how ?

Webmaster hacking it through? :)

Or is there a way for ordinary members also to display '< br >' ?
[without the spaces and the quotation marks :)] ?

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 07:18:06)
Tom, post your address please

I presume that you are a british citizen / resident <shame>. Please post your address (Broadmoor Hospital, perchance?). So that if I feel so inclined, I instruct my lawyers to sue you for libel.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 07:22:02)
even thibault can't....

i see that thibault typed <br > [with a space]

An escape char/seq implementation would be more elegant I think... because in time you may have a few more markups - then you *will* need escape character/sequence.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 12:30:07)
ok thibault - sorry ...

I won't post in this thread any more - I got too angry - sorry [to thibault only] ... :)

Also, posting in this thread is bad for my blood pressure :/

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-01-15 12:34:27)
Engines vs. Human

Hi Normajean,

1. At standard time controls, I think Rybka 3 can beat the best GM, there is just no time enough for a human to avoid a single error. But grandmasters probably still have a better vision of the game at least in calm positions. At correspondence time controls, no one can say it but I feel a good GM could rivalize yet with the best engines. This is unlikely to change before a while IMO.

2. The best anti-human engine at any time control is probably Rybka 3, but there will be concurrence soon.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-15 14:18:37)
thanks for the info, thibault!

its all in the title, like my other short posts :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-16 05:49:31)
thanks thib & wayne - I thought so 2...

..except at standard time controls. At standard I thought top GMs would be better even now :(

IMO, two of the reasons why correspondence is still an exception:

1. engines still understand positional aspects in a clumsy way (mainly through eval function even now I think..)[a]

2. top engines are commercial - so they have to 'show off' to compete in the market - 'showing off time' at corrspondence is too long for the software market.. so top engines are tuned towards faster play...

[a] I wish that after copyright etc. expires, commercial chess engine vendors must be legally forced to make public their algorithms.

(Ideally, I wish - no copyright, only moral right of actual authors! - but that needs a diiferent economic system than capitalism)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-18 15:09:39)
no! i've got too used to the <br>!

and it can be in the title!

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-18 17:45:42)
I am no Hamlet, nor Ophelia - i will..


Normajean Yates    (2009-01-19 15:30:21)
:) [to rodolfo] - and, to sophie: re OTB

to rodolfo:


to Sophie:
[and a general point to all wikichess contributers]:

I think that it will be a bit less confusing if in your wikichess entries, you include the phrase '(at OTB chess)' or something like that.

The reason is that this is (for chess) a site where engine-use and *slow* correspondence-chess is the default.

Contemporary computer programs do not get 'tense' or 'fooled' by an attack -- they just calculate the static evaluation functions for positions on the game tree [using hash tables, alphabeta, iterative deepening, nullmove, quiessence search, endgame recognition heuristics, etc etc for efficiency :) positions]

computer programs *can* be fooled [otherwise every game here would have the same result by now], but not by the same techniques as those by which humans can be... :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-19 15:38:51)
to sophie [contd]..

Sophie wrote: 'the halloween gambit refused is a dull game.'

Programs cannot understand the concept 'dull' and 'interesting'.

(actually they *can* very roughly, but then they cannot distinguish efficiently between 'interesting' and 'unsound'. Something like: run the position on rybka3 'dynamic'; then cross-check the move with the main rybka3 )

They can understand 'drawish'.

Objectively of couse, either the initial pos is a win for white, or a win for black, or a draw. We simply do not know...

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-20 07:19:07)
nicola [nicola lupinacci ansered it]

nicola lupinacci posted in the international chat in june last year that:

In bigchess, P=1, N=3, B=5, R=8, Q=11.

One of the points is, bigchess is a bigger board, so compared to chess, long-range pieces (B, N, Q)are much more powerful than short-range ones - specially, B is significantly more powerful than N.

I followed nicola's implicit advice, and as you can check, I've won all 6 of my games in one of the two only bigchess tournaments I am playing: FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000025.

And I have won all 4 of my completed games in the other one. [ FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000030: all games are in early stages by bigchess standards ]
my two incomplete bigchess games are keenly contested.

In one of them, opp has exchanged two Bs for my two Ns and 2-Pawns: so, that game puts Nicola's idea to test.

Waiting for the top bigchess players to comment on Sophie's and my posts...

Nicola was so good at chess and bigchess, but she stopped playing.

I have pasted her reason (her profile) below: (so why did she stop playing bigchess is what I do not understand. I mean no one has bigchess engine!)

Lupinacci, Nicola (ITA) [member # 1307]

Nicola Lupinacci

I am a chess amateur, playing only for fun! I do not have any chess engine. Good game to everyone!

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-20 07:22:04)
oops forgot quotation marks !

To make my prev post absolutely clear:

I did NOT say 'I am a chess amateur, playing only for fun! I do not have any chess engine. Good game to everyone!'

Nicola said it.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-20 12:43:06)
ok - by she I meant 'she or he' ;)

I stand corrected. Thanks Rodolfo - I forgot..

No, actually by 'she' I meant 'she or he' :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-20 22:40:29)
Grosdemange's values look more accurate

yes these look more accurate : eg Q v R should be much more than R v B. etc.

So "P=1, N=2.5, B=4, R=6, Q=11" is - I agree - better than nicola's scale.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-24 16:53:42)
I would be most intesrested in reading..

.. posts in this thread.

though I am afraid i have nothing to contribute - didn't keep statistical track: until 2006, I used engines for analysis of critical positions of my favourite historical games only.. at up to 5 days / move! [but I didnt keep hardware/NPS records - all I can say is I mostly used whatever was the latest version of rebel - that was until 2006. Until 2002 I ran long analyses with crafty also...]

Also, in my experience the hash size does change the PV, not only the time taken to reach a certain ply [ because if a line/subtree is in hash it gets appended - with eval - so that say at 18-ply you are seeing *some* lines which are actually 28-ply or more - so it affects what gets pruned by alphabeta ... and if the engine has forward pruning it affects that much more..]

But this being a centeaur chess site (as far as chess is concerned) I suppose every chess player here knows this... :-/

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-28 09:46:51)
NPS comparison is meaningless..

between different engines. [ of course if you run the same engine on a faster computer you get better NPS and more powerful hw+sw combination, but that is trivial.. :)]

You will find ample discussion on this in the archives 1994-2002 period.

I thought everyone knew this - I thought at least Thibault knew this! ;) [I still think he does, he is just being modest ;)] - that's why I didnt post this before.... :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-28 21:13:52)
re - NPS

Well in the mid-90s some of the fairly good programs were open-source : crafty one of the the strongest open-source programs, and its author Bob Hyatt used to dicuss chess-programming related issues...

Even with closed-sourse proprietory programs, however, the *empirical* fact of NPS being not so relevant can be established statistically by just seeing the results of inter-engine tournaments..

[of couse NPS is not totally relevant! a 1 NPS engine is likely to be quite bad in comparison with a 10000 NPS engine on the same hardware! :) And a 0-NPS engine can only generate moves by using a random number generator ;) [not-necessarily uniformly distributed] - or by tablebase lookup ... but is the present position counted as a node? If yes, then 0 NPS can do nothing at all, not even check legality of move! :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-29 14:59:36)
re: rybka era v open-source

I've not been keeping in touch with post-2002 developments in chess programming [that is, the literature - I have no energy to try to reverse-engineer closed code, and my skills in that are 15-years out-of-date and out of touch :(]

- Also, I think there are fewer and fewer of comparatively strong enough open-source engines now :(

Which is the strongest *open-souce* engine now, and how does it compare to even rybkas of the 3.1.x generation? I do not know [frankly, since 2002 I am too busy with literature and political activity; even though it looks like I am playing chess all the time ;)]

But I'd be interested in knowing and grateful to everyone who posts info this and related questions...

The questions are of the form of comparative strengths of stongest post-2005 open-source engines versus rybka; and *published* new ideas in chess programming which have been implemented and have been shown to improve engine strength.

Normajean Yates    (2009-01-29 19:58:08)
about crafty development..

it stopped at 20.16 or something I think... [a few years ago] - havent checked - and have a bad backache so dont feel like checking :/

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-01 09:55:59)
poker is NOT interfering with chess..

Players that are *choosing* poker over chess (as posted by some as reason for delay on moving, delay in tournaments starting...) are either not *that* interested in chess anyway, OR it is a transient phenomenon - they are trying out poker as a novelty.

We are humans, not dedicated chess-playing machines.

If someone takes longer to move because of poker or anything else (whether the 'anything else' is related to this site or not, whether it is related to the internet or not); it gives me either more time to analyse, or effectively more vacation time, so I see no reason to complain.

If poker generates revenue for ficgs, it will help ficgs survive and so it will help ficgs chess (and go) survive.

The point is, whatever choices we make have to be made taking into account that we are embedded in a capitalist economy. We are not living in some anarchist utopia.

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-01 10:15:31)
thanks Mr R.-Román, and I am *Ms* Yates.

Mr Russi-Román, I am Ms Yates, not Mr Yates.

I thank Mr Russi-Román for the valuable info and link: (and others too) : I'll update myself whenever I have free time [not only from chess play, but from higher-priority things...]

So, what is the state of the art in noticing drawish nodes (blockade, repitition etc) during search? [remember: 'false positives' are as bad as 'false negatives'] Offhand here is one area where significantly good new heuristics would be much more important than hardware..

Another example: at present, has any program - however highly parallel - delivered mate from a suite of mate-in-60+ troitski positions (NN v P) *without* using tablebases? (ignore the 50-move rule for this question. Anyway this site doesnt have the 50-move rule...) I dont know the answer...

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-04 01:45:47)
re Wayne's point:

Well if the program is not written to use parallelism [or written badly so that it spends too much time synchronising outputs of various cpus] then it wouldnt do very well on octal compared to single-core and might do worse :)

Chess programs unless really horribly written should not have this problem: typically different cpus will analyse different branched, and hash is sliced but from time to time 'pooled' - ie the hash slices are updated from other hash slices...

Some very old RAMs would have problems with multiple cpus trying to access them: but that would be early 1980s at most: just before the invention of the personal computer :)

Don Groves    (2009-02-04 02:10:20)
Normajean's point

This is sorta what I was getting at above -- that hardware advances (other than faster clocking) only help if the chess software is written to make good use of them. Otherwise, as Normajean points out, the software may actually perform worse.

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-05 04:19:20)
Don & I - same pt fr diff directions:)

Don - no use if hardware doesnt 'fit' software [engineer's way of putting it ;)]

me - no use if software doesnt 'fit' hardware [programmer's way of putting it ;)]

(prefix 'retired' to 'engineeer' & 'programmer' )

We are saying the same thing!

Another point: debugging parallel programs is much more tricky than debugging - uh - non-'parallel' programs

I have no engineering experience [1] but I'd venture to guess that a 'parallel' electronic machine of any kind [not necessarily a computer] which has to synchronise signals from various sources, and do it fast, would be much more of a design challenge than a non-'parallel' one...

[1] (well I did assemble my first personal-computer - a BBC[2] acorn - by cannibalising parts from discarded damaged BBC acorns and some borrowed parts - with a scope and a soldering iron - does that count? But that was back in 1983-84... and I had help....)

[2] yes, BBC = beeb (British Broadcasting Corporation) - they *used* to do meaningful things - but that was long ago....

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-05 04:28:40)
anyone here uses a 4K processor machine?

for playing here I mean - they might well drudge away on a 4K-processor machine in the office [or if I google something, how many processors - not necessarily all cpu - am I accessing?] - but do they pull enough weight to run rybka on it all the time?

Or worse still ( ;), actually *own* one ? No, access is better: 'if it's broke it ain't mine' - no maintenance hassles :)

Power without responsiblity..

from the 1980s BBC-TV 'yes. minister' series:
"Responsiblity without power; historically the prerogative of the eunuch" ;)

Don Groves    (2009-02-06 04:34:00)
Normajean's point revisited

Yes, of course that counts ;-)

I should change my bio since I think "programmer" is more accurate than "software engineer." Although I did build my software with the same care and planning as an engineer building a bridge, so maybe... Who knows ;-)

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-06 18:32:02)
I should change my profile to...

'a little bit of this, a little bit of that' :)

Or using the idiom of days long before I was born: 'I explored various activities and found my limitations in all of them rather fast' :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-10 01:04:58)
one I just made up..

God is an atheist.

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-11 18:44:46)
the revelation..

And the Prophet climbed up Mt Ararat; and God did say to him: Knoweth thou this; I AM NOT.

(from Gospel voted out during Nicean council; owing to mysterious assassination of 15 supporting delegates..)

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-12 00:51:54)
one about employment contracts..

Saladin: "But I have a contract".

"Read the fine print. Get a *lawyer* to read the fine print. Of course you don't have a contract."

(from Salman Rushdie's 'The Satanic Verses')

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-18 22:56:37)
re Einstein's quote:

"Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. ----> I think from Albert Einstein"

(Yes, it is attributed to Einstein; and I have not seen it atributed to anyone else)-

So, clearly, Einstein was cleverly using engines in no-engines games ;)

Denis Ivanchenkov    (2009-02-21 00:21:22)
Normajean Yates

I just remembered a joke from Benny Hill show:

"God is dead." -- Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead" -- God

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-21 05:07:56)
A zen quote of mine


Normajean Yates    (2009-02-24 03:25:00)
re zen koan


Normajean Yates    (2009-02-26 05:03:51)
Thurber and Bierce!

Two of the greatest humourists/satirists of all time, both from the USA, who wrote about about *all* people and (paricularly in case of Ambrose Bierce) *all* institutions!

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-26 05:07:20)
to Arsenis Selalmazidis

Arsenis Selalmazidis wrote: "`` You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you `` H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi"

Sorry, but I'd rather stay away from this: it sounds like an invitation to electrocute oneself ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-26 05:10:06)
Ambrose bierce's definition of 'to pray'

PRAY, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.

Normajean Yates    (2009-02-26 05:13:37)
Bierce on Predestination

PREDESTINATION, n. The doctrine that all things occur according to programme. This doctrine should not be confused with that of foreordination, which means that all things are programmed, but does not affirm their occurrence, that being only an implication from other doctrines by which this is entailed. The difference is great enough to have deluged Christendom with ink, to say nothing of the gore.

With the distinction of the two doctrines kept well in mind, and a reverent belief in both, one may hope to escape perdition if spared.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-15 00:11:37)
I vote for #3.

Rules should be to resolve things if a players is violating the spirit of the game severely. If opponents change their mind; IMO this does not fall in that category; it shows carelessness of draw-offering player.

Players who make draw offers should read the rules once more and make the offer clearly; then there is no problem.

Otherwise an opponent can actually change their mind... this is: more important than the fact of not-OTB: looong-time-controls. [One can imagine these time controls OTB also, 40 days/10 moves - in theory! ;)]

So, #3.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-15 13:34:38)
shortest possible bigchess checkmates?

Experienced bigchess players please respond!

What are the shortest checkmates in bigchess, for white and for black (e.g. in 'normal' 8x8 chess they are the "fool's mates" - 3 moves = 5 half-moves for white; 2 moves = 4-half-moves for black..)

So which are the bigchess "fool's mates" (shortest mates)?

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-15 21:22:03)
11 half-moves: decent uper bound..

Thanks for the posts so far - So, we made progress (in the pure math sense) - we have a 'small enough' upper bound now - 11 half-moves for white, so by symmetry 12 (or 10?) half moves for black...

I can't say 12 or 10 (above) because I havent though about the answer at all - the question came to mind; I posted it; went to sleep... will think later..

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-15 21:32:20)
needed earlier is bigchess viewer..

Before that, we need a bigchess-pgn- viewer (simple, one game bigchess-pgn, no side-variations) :)

Also, an offline bigchess-pgn-viewer (available for download) would be most welcome...

M. Thibault, please add to (big)chessfriends' wish-list ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-18 00:53:38)
Don, why is the tick box there, then?

Don (Groves), I don't see that someone who can clearly say 'I offer draw' can find ticking the 'draw offer' box *in addition* so difficult.

Some people are *not* courteous, (remember, we both had this common chess-opponent who just would not resign days after being checkmated; Thibault adjudicated both our games?) that's why I prefer unambiguous rules. I dont mean I prefer legalese everywhere; far from it; I just think that, say in the case under discussion, ticking the 'draw offer box' (in addition to courteous remarks on the position etc if any) is unambiguous and simple, so why make it complicated?

If only people were all showed a certain minimum level of niceness; if only people didn't retract verbal draw offers (without draw box ticked) on ficgs; if only people didn't kill; if only people didn't run concentration / extermination camps, if only people didn't drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and so on - it would be a much more beautiful world. But sadly, things are not so...

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-18 23:17:19)
Don+Rodolfo, what about verbal *moves* ?

By the same logic, what is wrong with my saying 'my next move will be Ne4' and helpfully putting a link in the message to a diagram of the resulting position?

after all, you get clock time for free, because you are thinking on my time!

Would you consider *that* binding? If so, would it be 'binding' for you to do the right thing i.e. request Thib to add time to my clock and subtract it from yours? [if Thib. doesnt, at least you tried..)] ;)

Extending the logic - start a game here but make moves informally by email, AFTER the game is over then for ficgs's record we repeat those moves on the ficgs board [which is still at starting pos.] --- how much of that is 'binding'?

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-18 23:22:12)
actually, there is a rule to cover this!

Quoting Last para of rule 11.2 - "The rules assume that FICGS referees have the necessary competence, sound judgement and absolute objectivity. Too detailed a rule might deprive the arbiter of his freedom of judgement and thus prevent him from finding the solution to a problem dictated by fairness, logic and special factors. FICGS appeals to all its members to accept this view."

Translation: Thibault's decision is final. ;)

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-19 03:46:53)

Thanks Nick ! Normajean has a point on the verbal moves. About rule 11.2 and this issue, the aim is not for me to force a decision, not even to take the good decision as I'm not sure in this case, it is only to build accurate & understandable rules so that every player know what to do without having to ask.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-19 04:41:26)
But thibault, you already have them!

Thibault, you say: About rule 11.2 and this issue, the aim is [...] only to build accurate & understandable rules.

But, on this issue, you already *have* a very easily understandable rule - tick draw offer box and make move and send it (for making draw offer). That is very accurate and easy, isn't it. So what is the problem?

And in general, for rules of games, [except in mathematics :)] it is understood that what is not mentioned is not true (if the situation is such that this is expected by common use of language). For example, about move of the knight, we say that it moves fom one end to the diagonally opposite end of a 2x3 rectangle, and can jump over pieces while doing so. Since nothing else is mentioned about knight moves, it is understood that the knight cannot move legally except in this way. [In mathematics, we would have to explicitly say: 'the knight moves in the above way AND IN NO OTHER WAY.']

Don Groves    (2009-04-19 08:08:48)
Verbal moves are impossible

Sorry, Normajean, but in order to send anything, including a message, you must press the "Send" button. If there is no move in the "Move" box, the send will be rejected. Good try though ;-)

Conditional moves are already forbidden by FICGS, so that doesn't work either.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-19 23:35:17)
Don, please to read my post again :)

it is all in the title... (*this* one, I mean)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-19 23:36:02)

imagine there's no country...

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-23 00:12:57)
Lehnhoff, you are not the only one..

see my prev post in this thread: called imagine... and the post is: 'imagine there's no country...' [the john lennon song]

I wasn't joking (I don't joke about lennon's *post-beatles* songs); in fact my position is stronger: if this is going to be *primarily* a nationality-based thing (even if mixed-nationality teams were allowed) then I am not interested in this.

Which comes down to, I suppose, that: I am not interested in this. (without 'if's and 'but's. A USA-an would put it thus: I am not interested in this, period.)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-24 00:33:24)
me too: I just ignore the draw offer..

It has happened three times here in *one* game: an ongoing chess game of mine here on ficgs. :)

[The first time *I* offered the draw. Opponent moved, thereby automatically declining and cancelling the draw offer. The other two times *opponent* offered the draw and I moved.]

(btw I declined the offers not out of spite but because I have a win: all lines I tried give me a win. It is a most interesting game: since the annotations will not appear on the record; I'll just say that opponent returned my early exchange-sacrifice setting a trap: I could have reached Q and 3 pawns v Q, but opponent would then draw by perpetual! The [probable] winning line has Q and 2 pawns v Q and P, but my centralised Q and promotion threats win!)

It does look to me like a mountain is being made out of less than a molehill.. (not by me - I didn't start this.)

This post was to illustrate how there is *no* problem at all[1]; and neither me nor my opponent (both were playing their first games when the game began) saw any problem at all.

this is my last post on this topic.

[1] If there is at all a problem here, it is of the same level as the 'problem' that the following rule is not mentioned in ficgs-rules:

. 'gn is not allowed in chess unless n is an integer between 1 and 8 inclusive, where 1 and 8 are to interpreted as the standard numerals standing for integers in the ordered real-closed field R, with the *canonical* ordering. (As opposed to, say, an integer in the domain Z[2+i*sqrt(5)] or an integer in some exotic Grothendieck topos).

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-24 00:37:23)
clarificatory note to my post above..

To be absolutely clear, those were *proper* draw offers; i.e. move sent with draw-offer-box checked.

In fact in all three cases no message was sent; neither in the message box, nor by email, nor by semaphore, nor by postcard, nor by carrier-pigeon.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-24 00:56:04)
re William Taylor's question..

William Taylor asked (whether the question was rhetorical or literal is not germane to this post of mine): 'Would you refuse to take part in the real chess olympiad if you were asked?'

Speaking for myself: Yes, I would refuse. (But I would not hold it against people who didn't, of couse.)

Nationality based competition tends to *divide*. Witness the hatred triggered by England-Argentina football games. Club-based competion is less divisive because players switch clubs much more often than they switch nationality.

The problem is that it 'constructs' 'The Other'. Then one *defines* oneself in opposition to The Other. (Analogous to how the Occident defined itself by constructing 'The Orient': as described in detail for the Levantine ('near'- near what?) East' by late Edward Said in his famous book 'Orientalism' - a theme followed up in his almost equally famous book 'Culture and Imperialism'.)

Thank you for reading this.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-24 03:42:02)
something to be said for both sides...

Nick, there is something to be said for both sides, I think. [In fact for points along the entire spectrum, since William Taylor called my views extreme - not without some justification :) - so I suppose there could be moderate no-country views, moderate pro-country views, centrist views, 'no opinion' views' ... :)

All I am doing is presenting my P.O.V. - I don't insist that I am right - in fact I doubt that the views I expressed are absolutely correct... I would like to see diverse shades of opinion on this, and I presented mine, and I am glad you(and others) presented theirs.

My personal 'thank you' for posting..

P.S.: I watch all the important world cup (football - that is soccer) on the telly :)
I am not *that* consistent - nobody is, I suppose...

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-24 03:49:01)
and I *did * read the posts carefully!

And I *did* read Nick's and everyone's posts carefully - not like taking a pro-or-anti stand on The Satanic Verses (or Orientalism, or The Selfish Gene [the last when it first came out was criticised as a Thatcherite book!]) without even reading it!

(Some of my favourite parts of 'the satanic verses' are: the 'My Mutual Freind" scene; and the scene where Gibreel confronts Saladin with the pistol hidden in the lamp - re the last, I hope I have worded it so it is not a spoiler)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-24 05:24:14)
re lennon/yko ono and chess...

Oh dear, quoting lennon's 'imagine' made me some sort a sitting duck but nobody's noticed it yet so I'll preempt that line of attack by pointing it out myself :)

I had forgotten, in the 'no more war' (that was the Vietnam war) sit-ins /bed-ins /exhibitions/ 'happenings' by Ono and Lennon, Yoko Ono had exhibited this sequence of chess sets where the two sides were indistinguishable --- or, more clearly, there was only one side - there was no 'Other'. [and only Yoko Ono 'playing']..

So, if I were to be consistent, I shouldn't be playing chess or any competitive game - against living beings at any rate - here or anywhere -:(

But, saved by something Thibault used to have on this site [I suppose it is still one of those quotes whose turn to be the 'featured quote' comes] - essentially, one is competing against oneself...

but woe! :(
If so, then once I have won a game [ie see the win clearly] why do I insist on actually completing the game, if I am 'only' competing against oneself?

I think I managed to score something which has the feel of an own goal ^^:-|

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-25 02:58:14)

Do not worry, Don.. seeing our Go games, you still have all your head :) Anyway, the problem still does exist theorically, but I still think such draw offers shouldn't be considered.

Normajean, I'd love to understand all what you're writing here :) .. too bad that my english level is not so good (my general knowledge tambien ;) [actually general knowledge often looks like quite a waste of time to me (not exactly to justify myself [this is another debate :)])])

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-25 03:01:58)
(talking about quotes)

... are your posts copyrighted, Normajean ? or can I use some parts in the FICGS quotes file ? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-25 06:02:38)
I waive copyright for everyone ;)

Thib, I hereby waive copyright to everything I post here, whether in forums, chat, wikichess, problems, or any other place. I declare that waiver has retroactive effect; and that it places all the above in the public domain.


Now everyone can quote my babblings to demonstrate what silly things I post.. ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-25 06:12:32)
senility creeping up on me too, and..

Don, senility is creeping up on me too - whatever made me write Z[2+i*sqrt(5)] instead of Z[i*sqrt(5)]? - that is like writing 2 + 1/1 -1/1 without realising that that is 2 !

Thib, you can read the great *french* mathematician A. Grothendieck's seminal algebraic-geometry work EGA - it is in french, of course ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-26 17:51:27)
to Don: re courtesy(contd.)

This is a continuation - to be precise, completion - of the post of mine earlier in this thread; the post titled 'Don, why is the tick box there, then?'.

I said in that post 'Some people are *not* courteous': and something stirred in my memory and I remember it now so It has to be said.

In the international chat box some months ago, I posted something about Goerge Orwell fighting in the Spanish civil-war - the anti-fascist-Iberian-uprising part of it, to wit - as part of P.O.U.M. - a marxist but independent-of-moscow (and soon crushed by Moscow) party which co-operated closely with the anarchists (CNT-FAI)(Confederación Nacional del Trabajo - Federación Anarquista Ibérica).

Well I only reached as far as the P.O.U.M. when *you* (Don Groves) interrupted by posting (in the international chat box) "what are you smoking, Normajean?"

Now, Mr Groves, I leave it to you to decide whether it is not *extremely* discourteous, not to say downright bloody rude, to innuendo that someone who [in fact] posted something above your intellectual level is therefore not making sense and is in fact on street drugs.

What I smoke or not smoke is my bloody business; the point here is that you are free to take the view find that all string-theory papers (just visit and so on are nonsense and therfore the authors and the referees are all on street drugs; and Hawkins and Penrose are, and Einstein was, on street drugs likewise (for it is commonly cranky *engineers* who tend to equate general relativity with its weak-field-limit/approximation);


Since I haven't yet heard anything from you that has a hint of a modicum of apology for that *insulting* (or, on the least worst construction, extremely *partonising*) remark of yours; so:

People playing chess against you would be well advised to have clear rather than informal rules, because the evidence suggests that you are part of the 'be-gratuitously-rude' club.

In my opinion.

Thank you for reading this.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-26 18:11:42)
I think Thib's IS the shortest...

To spell it out, white moves Nh2-j4-h6-j8-h10-j12, while black helps by g15-g14,Nj15-h13-g15,Ng16-j15, (and one irrelevant move e.g. moving an edge pawn). That is 5 moves ['half-moves'] by each side, and the 11th half-move is white's Nj12xh14 mate (the black K is smothered and the h14-pawn is unprotected).

You need five [half-]moves for a N to reach the opposite king; so: black can mate white (helpmate ie white co-operates) in 10 half-moves.

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-26 18:25:36)

Hi Normajean,

As for me (and my extremely weak english), I'm not sure if all this is off-topic or not but most probably I could have said that myself, only meaning that your verve is really impressive on any subject (that's why I asked you for the quotes file), not a mockery. I hope you did not take it bad.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-26 21:40:27)
Thibault, of course not! :)

I was happy, in fact! :) And thank you for your appreciation!

As far as the previous post is concerned, it is to remind Don Groves [he is 70 years old and probably doesnt realise when he is insulting / being patronising to people.

That's why if you think it is inappropriate, I request that you wait till Mr Don Groves reads it [or mail it to Mr Don Groves] before you delete that post (and this one)...

But Thib, even if you have to delete the posts, keep the first line of this post, please? - The line about my happiness and my gratitude to you! I am human after all and *need* some appreciation!

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-26 22:30:43)
re thib: from my other-thread post

from my post on the *other* 'draw offer' thread: (Thib youmised that one I think :))

<<Thib, you can read the great *french* mathematician A. Grothendieck's seminal algebraic-geometry work EGA - it is in french, of course ;)>>

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-27 00:09:24)
Thib, the point is:

There are two points, actually:

1. I don't really know him. It wouldn't be at all insulting if a face-to-face friend of some duration said it.

2. Don Groves is obviously the square-hat type, definitely not the hippie type; very likely disapproves of street drugs; he probably even goes to church regularly or something; quotes regularly from the bible; and so on.

Now what type he is is *his* business not mine; my point of view is that coming from *his* type; "what are you smoking?" is insulting.

To sum up: basically, since I dont know him; *and* he is the 70-year old generation, *and* he has given no prior evidence there is no prior evidence that he approves of street-drugs; so he has no business asking me "what are you smoking", and it is in fact an insult to me to do so.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-27 00:17:39)
Thib; Grothendieck and vietnam..

Thib, at least, look up Grothendieck's solidarity with Vietnam: he first presented the new foundations of algebraic geometry (which later formed his book EGA) at a seminar in the jungles near Hanoi when the USA was saturation-bombing Hanoi (the guerrillas has shifted the university to the jungles for the seminar for Grothendieck's safely; Grothendieck did not want it but it was argued it that because of his presence the University might be "accidentally" targetted by the USA which might result in deaths of lots of people, not only him.)

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-27 14:29:37)

Once more, I do not know you well of course, but I could have said it also *because* IMHO there's no need of great reasonings to make one's own idea about you by reading this forum, your verve helps a lot and you said many things about yourself.

As far as I know Don (mostly through this forum - noone knows how you actually know him [point 1, btw "I don't really know him" and "Don Groves is obviously..." is quite ambitious :)]), you're totally wrong in your point 2, of course I may be wrong myself but by reading his posts in this forum, I have a very different idea.

Finally everyone makes his own opinion, no matter, but whatever this sentence was familiar or insulting, noone but yourself can approve or disapprove here so I don't see the point to respond in this thread indeed, a private discussion would have been ok to disentangle all this, I suppose :)

Don Groves    (2009-04-27 22:41:14)

I don't recall saying anything like "What are you smoking, Normajean?" and, had I done so, it would certainly have had a winking smiley attached to it. I have always shown nothing but respect for you in the forum and chat. There must be some misunderstanding here...

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 09:12:25)
to Don:Ah well, if you dont recall it...

Mr Groves,
So you don't recall it; and then there is the fact that I thought *all* the chat-posts were available for recall if one clicked 'more messages' at the bottom of the chat column, but I saw that there was a cutoff there so unless *someone else* remembers or unless Thibault has the archives, I am in the unenviable position of not being able to prove it...

My memory says there was in fact no emoticon with your comment. But my present higher-than-the-usually-high blood-pressure plus a colitis-attack I am down with, means that I cannot be sure of that...

However, in my experience, my hypertension and the occasional colitis attack doesn't trigger the confabulation of a whole sentence like "what are you smoking"?

In view of the other interactions between you and me here I will let bygones be bygones; and I still would even were that chat-post still available...

However, I try to avoid *unnecessary* stress and complications in my life; so henceforth for my own protection I prefer to keep a safe distace from you, at least for a certain indeterminate cooling-off period. Thats fair enough, I think.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 09:34:38)
To Thib: the purpose of my point 2

Thib, of course you are right when you say that I am *wrong* about point 2 [of to be precise, there is *no* evidence for my point 2]; but:

The point of my point 2 was the english proverb 'What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'.

That is, if someone asks "what are you smoking" he is asssuming that I am smoking something the smoking of which is generally socially disapproved. If that is fair, the it is fair for *me* to make assumptions, however unfounded, about that person; specially since I was careful to make those assumptions which are in fact generally (if in my opinion regrettably) socially *approved* !

Finally, you (Thib.) did not as a matter of fact say it; and if you had, I would hardly have noticed or minded; because you are young and *provenly* liberal. It would *not* be an insult if *you* had said it.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 09:39:17)
and can we apply a closure now?

And can we apply closure to this affray now? This is my final post on the subject: you people can go ahead and have the last word or words: I will not respond to them. All this is giving me the sort of headache which risks worsening my colitis.

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-28 09:55:31)
Actually, Don did *not* say it...

From the chat archives :

devassal thibault : :o) .... Hi Francisco & all ! (2008-12-05 00:05:41)

gramajo francisco : hey Yates... are you smoking something? (2008-12-04 23:45:49)

yates normajean : may be call it the P.O.U.M opening? (2008-12-04 23:17:54)

Now the topic can be closed, I think :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 12:22:12)
oh my god! I have gone senile?

Don, what can I say? Just want to sink into the ground and disappear - my heartfelt apologies....

All right, so I am now *provenly* the fool <hiding face in hands> :(

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 12:25:12)
PhilipRoe+SophieLeClerc - wonderful!

PhilipRoe+SophieLeClerc (Sophie should get joint credit I think because she first posted in 'international chat' (2009-04-16 08:31:15-25) that a Q+N mate would be even shorter) - that's wonderful - congratulations!

But Sophie had posted that 'it can be done in 8 half-moves with the Q and N' (she didn't give the line). Philip's line, if reversed so that *black* checkmates white, will need 10 half-moves because the mating side in this process needs to free the f-Bishop, free the Q, move the f-bishop once and move the Q twice - a total of 5 [half-]moves. So if black mates by Roe's method it on black's 5th move - which means 10 half-moves.

So, is there a shorter way [specially, with *black* mating]?

Waiting for more posts..

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 12:26:47)
shame on me!

You can all [except gramajo] say it - I deserve it! :-(

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-28 15:45:15)
Rodolfo I feel so guitty..

Please do not mock me - or *do* mock me - I deserve mockery...

Philip Roe    (2009-04-28 19:50:26)
Thanks for the appreciation, Normajean

I hadn't seen Sophies post. Do you have a line, Sophie? The knight looks awfully slow! Perhaps Big Chess needs Big Knights.

Don Groves    (2009-04-29 00:03:49)

You don't deserve mockery any more than I do for my senior moment of thinking that a move had not been sent with a draw offer. Let's just write it off to failing memories and let it rest there, bygone.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-29 00:53:19)
Philip, Sophie posted in the chat..

not the forums - I am not sure she has noticed this thread. Perhaps we should send a message to her and/or post in the international chat - ok, I'll do the latter.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-29 01:11:05)
I was horrible, pl. forgive if possible

I can't believe I wrote all those horrible things... I'd rather be a kind idiot than an intelligent but arrogant rude person. I dont know what came over me..

I'll make no excuses... I'll try to be a better person...

Until then, I don't deserve anyone's friendship.

I will confess that I am considered *sometimes* rude and arrogant by old friends - they say I have improved but have I? Behind the anonymity of the internet am I still the same?

I'll assume that I am, and I will really improve. You people will see the change; it would be too presumptuous of me at present to promise anything; after what I did..

PS: I, too, am not religious but I am spiritual - in fact I have more than once used that exact phrasing to describe myself, though not here before..

Don Groves    (2009-04-29 01:17:07)

I have done much the same at times so it's not my place to throw stones, Normajean. As far as I'm concerned, it's forgiven and forgotten. I know you will have a harder time forgiving yourself, and I know that from bitter experience also.

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-29 01:20:23)
Don, that is very graceful of you...

have nothing more to say at present - having difficulty living with this...

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-29 11:29:03)
No need of weed :)

Thanks Nick, believe me reality is a much harder world :)

Normajean, don't blame yourself too much, such confusion may happen to everyone...

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-29 13:39:24)
sorry: correction: sophie said Q+B!

I typed Q+N but I was thinking of Q+B which is what Sophie leclerc had posted: I was slightly puzzled by Philip's reference to Knights in this context and I just realised I must have mistyped 'N' for 'B'; saw that I *had* ! :(

Sorry for the confusion, the misquotation and the inconvenience...

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-29 13:48:23)
Nick Burrows, great idea!

"Maybe you two can share a joint sometime? ;-))" - yes, that works.

Thib is a real sage; truly said Scott!

And Don,I agree "all we need is weed" - as long as it is not jimsonweed (Datura) - I tried it three times and I think that is two times more than one should in a lifetime... oh I dont know, some people *can* handle it, so who am I to advise them ? [in case any datura-veteran happens to read this]

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-30 00:34:12)
To nick burrows :-;)

I have exhausted what I had to say in the title :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-04-30 05:54:40)
games search is much easier than...

deciding on the best move, even with engine assistance :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-01 04:06:00)
sorry+thanks Sophie - but: its still 9..

but it is still 9 [half-]moves because the mate is on white's 5th move, so 5 white-moves + 4 black-moves, = 9 [half-]moves.

If you see, yours and Philip's solutions are essentially minor variants of each other...

In Sophie's solution, 2..h14 is of couse an easily repaired mistype [2..h14 is not possible, you see]- one can just replace it by say 2..a14.

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-01 04:18:45)
Sphie's soln is a tad more interesting..

arguably. Because, the L16-B instead of moving away, comes to k15 to be captured..

Interestingly, (very minor point) both Philip and Sophie mistype the checkmating move 5.Q(k3)xk15 mate: Philip gives 5.Qk3xk13, Sophie gives 5.Qxk5... (I just noticed it because I was reading what was meant, not what was written..)

Finally, by 'she' I meant 'she or he': I sometimes do...

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-01 04:22:07)
only, searches dont give transpositions

Or do they, now? Have the hashtables been implemented? (in wikichess search and in game-search by movelist)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-01 07:10:41)
yes this (9 [half-]moves seems shortest.

I agree, doesnt look like it can be done sooner..

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-02 00:56:55)
I am patient !

- will remind once very 6 months :)

Another suggestion: let's some of us become free members of some online chess-games database site; so that we can post there to suggest including ficgs games - then transposition problem will be solved at least for completed games... just search that database site..

I use among others - I suggest some of us lobby for including ficgs games. After all, these are much higher-than-average quality as these are engine+human (=centaur) games...

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-05 06:45:03)
scott nichols: great post :)

great post :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-09 23:09:00)
names that sophie's post suggest:

('summer breeze' reminds me of that corny ?bee-gees song 'how deep is your love': that phrase featured prominently in that song) -- sickly-sweet-icky-yuck ;)

but invisibility: how about 'The Cheshire Cats'? [the grin...] - but it would be a bit out of place unless one had an all-Cheshire team -- most unlikely..

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-11 00:41:03)
also, Mangus has age on his side..

He is the only teenager in the top-100 !

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-11 02:07:31)
thoughts on Big Chess... and tips...

I find bigchess more and more fascinating.. I Think it is a wonderful creation of Thibault's (I presume it is Thib. who created it: any way he offers it seriously on this site...) - the starting position is very well-concieved..

I think Bigchess needs more publicity. This is about the only place one can play it - and here there are 2-3 top-class players; less than 20 middle-standard players (including me); others try it once or twice and for some reason get scared or overwhelmed and give up - I see no reason why..

Bigchess gives no advantage on account of huge memorisation of theory, or of better engines: there are *no* theory books; and there are no known engines in existence (probably there isnt one - too little demand, and writing a *good* engine is somewhat laborious, coming up with a *good* static-eval function is tricky, fast board-implementation issues...), so it is all wits...

In fact last week I spend part of two days writing down whatever theory I could discover [with help from top games], it comes to half a page..

Tips for people who want to try bigchess:

1. Bishops are much more powerful than Knights. (because of much longer range compared to 8x8 chess).

The consensus on the values of bigchess pieces is David Grosdemange's valuation:

knight=2.5 (written 2,5 in the continent, of course)

2. In the opening position, the c,f,L and o-pawns are unprotected.

So, if white's opening move is with the j2-Knight ( freeing the queen), then on move 2 white can move the Queen and threaten to pick up a pawn by forks.. Similarly for black.

*However*, such pawn gambits are quite playable because the Queen can be forced to make many moves to capture a pawn, while the gambitting side develops their pieces.

3. Most Important For Many People: board for offline analysis.

Best of course, is to take time to draw a 16x16 board on paper and stick it on cardboard. And get hold of four sets of chess pieces.

Another way: print a position, and after a move is made - just update the position using correction fluid (typewriter/printer-ink erasing fluid) or something. That way you don't have to keep printng a lot of positions.

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-11 02:19:19)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-12 00:33:50)
response to Thib's post:

But that is true of 8x8-chess also (about value of knights) - there, 'P=1, B=N=3,R=5,Q=9' is a very rough guideline. Ditto for bigchess piece values.

What is it that Reti (or was it Breyer said) - about move depending on particular position, *not* general principles? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-12 00:47:43)
more bigchess thoughts..

compared to 8x8 chess, bigchess has twice the number of men but four-times the number of squares. Hence, initial and average board-population density is half that of 8x8chess. So, games are more commonly 'open' - games as closed as an 8x8-chess closed game will be comparatively rare.

Hence, also, (because of low population-density) long-range pieces Rook, Bishop and Queen are *in general* -- Thib., agreed: only 'in general' :) --- much more powerful than their 8x8-chess counterparts.

However, the queen can still get trapped early - see my game number 31191 - opp resigned on my [black's] 7th move because of trapped Queen..

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-11 02:28:09)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-11 03:52:01)
Daniel, I think you underestimate Rs...

you give B=4, R=4.5 but in the endgame specially, the Rooks pull their weight..15th ('7th' file), escorting Ps to promotion, ...

About people playing on to mate after being a Q down or so without counterchances, well a bigger player-pool is needed ... plus I understand some newbie players not being so sure that mate is easy in a given pos (though much lengthier than in chess) - so, we need *more* non-newbie players!

And a non-newbie begins as a newbie: however, I agree that's not the whole story -- some people *will* play on to sees that in chess (8x8) too -

lets see: my bigchess record: 17/17 - wow! (with 1 pending: it is still in the gambit-opening stage)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-12 01:02:03)
long bigchess .. and chess games..

from the english wikipedia: "in May 2006, Bourzutschky and Konoval discovered a KQNKRBN position with an astonishing DTC of 517 moves." That is distance-to-conversion! (and that was 2006!) So, you can figure out distance-to-mate and the overall length of a game that reaches this endgame ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-12 01:15:30)
bigchess thoughts+tips, #3: R v B

[re Daniel Parmet's valuation in his post] - both are longrange pieces but:

1. a Bishop can reach only 128 squares, a Rook can reach all 256. (and all the other standard reasons why the R is [in general] much more powerful than the B, they carry over to bigchess eg a R can confine the opp's K to an edge; K+R v K is standard easy mate, etc.)

2. In 8x8 chess, once you have a semi-open file, one tries to 'boost' a rook up that file (even if one cannot reach the 7th file). This is much more common, and much more commonly advantageous, in bigchess, because one easily creates a 'quasi-semi-open' file by pushing a pawn 4-5 squares ahead, and boosts a Rook up this 'quasi-semi-open' file.

Hence, I feel that just as in 8x8 chess, the Rook is nearly twice as powerful as the Bishop in bigchess.

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-12 07:21:02)
to Daniel: and to Thib and programmers

The queen-traps - of the patzer kind as in my game at any rate - will become less common once we have more middle-level players, I think.

Also, [to thib and non-retired programmers] in bigchess game records, it would help to indicate the piece moved [tiny array in the code so that the piece display is in the language one wants, or in figurine notation], to indicate captures by 'x' and the captured piece, and to indicate promotion.

This is trivial [to write a converter from present notation to this more human-freindly one, given a game from the starting position -- 10 years ago I would have written and uploaded it (C/Haskell source code, command-line window) in 3 hours - but now I feel sooo lazy to write a single line of code - my programming brain-cells are dead or in a coma :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-12 09:47:07)
or dragon-chasers, if..

if a team plays the dragon on opium. ('Accelerated Dragon chasers' for dragon-players on heroin; when they are turkeying then they are in a Maroczy Bind :/)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-14 17:01:24)

after all, Mujahidin precisely means warriors... ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-15 20:39:11)
happy pawn - very nice name!

Why can't *I* think of beautiful names like that? :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-15 21:00:55)
yes, and:

no team is called 'the crusaders' so perhaps 'moudjahidienne' is not appropriate.. though I suggested the french spelling [I hope I got it right this time] becuse it reminds English-speakers of Algerian freedom fighters [the religious ones - iirc the term does *not* occur in Frantz Fanon's 'the wretched of the earth' nor in Sartre's famous introduction to that book] against France; and not the taliban-types - though when the mujahidin were fighting the *soviets* with US help [understatement], Nixon called them freedom-fighters..

I am not sure whether jihad means 'holy war' or just 'war' - in the latter case mujahidin would mean or would have meant warriors.. ('crusaders' - from the derivation from the cross, definitely meant holy warriors - I say 'meant' because to say 'mean' would be to commit the etymological fallacy (i.e. equating etymology with current meaning; which would make 'wife' a synonym of 'cow' or something iirc..)
Don (Groves), or anyone volunteering, please look it up --- I am so exhausted now I don't have the energy. Maybe in a couple of days - now I am suddenly curious about this - what does and did 'jihad' actually mean - does or did it necessarily have holy connotations?

The term itself is from pre-Islamic polytheistic Arabia, (Mohammed was *not* known for coining new words - that was *Shakespeare* (and later, Joyce ;)) strengthening my doubts..

Iouri Basiliev    (2009-05-15 22:09:49)
Normajean Yates,

chess is quintessence of war :)

Don Groves    (2009-05-16 01:11:41)

Hi, Normajean -- Don't have to look it up. The Arabic suffix "uddin" or "idin" means "of the faith." Hence a mujahidin is a "warrior of the faith," or a holy warrior.

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-16 04:01:40)
oh - right, Don!

yes I remember now - jihad <-> mujah-i-din : 'din' pronounced 'deen' = religion/faith.. [<-> = coomon root; I dont know what the root is - I purchased the Oxford english <->arabic dictionary but it is at present tedious for me to refer to because Ive to learn or look up the arabic alphabet first, in the arabic alphabetical order]

thanks Don -- (also, happy that my recent stupidity seems to have been really excused; I wrote that request to Don [to 'look it up' - i meant 'unless you know already' but forgot to put that in :)] with (apologies to Kiekegaard) 'fear and trepidation' ..

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-16 04:04:48)
Iouri Basiliev : great quote! ;)

'chess is quintessence of war' - Iouri Basiliev

I am putting it in the quote collection in my blog here... credited to Iouri of course!

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-16 04:29:30)

On an English-language site, it would perhaps be more appropriate to use the abbreviation WCh or something -- anything but WC :/

Don Groves    (2009-05-16 07:46:11)

I recall no recent stupidity other than my own, Normajean. If I were to start pointing fingers at every human frailty that has shown itself in this forum, I'd be staring many fingertips.

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-16 08:27:37)
now you'll make me cry..

Don, careful : now you'll make me cry..

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-16 09:51:00)
quote #10 provided by rodolfo:

goes into my blog... thanks!

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-17 02:38:48)
wow - great game!

bigchess game # 31148 Pichelin-Legrand 0-1; as Thib. posted above... I voted for it as 'besr game' - people please follow it and consider voting for it!

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-17 03:09:39)
Don : point of etymology revisited!

Don Groves posted and I agreed:'"The Arabic suffix "uddin" or "idin" means "of the faith." Hence a mujahidin is a "warrior of the faith," or a holy warrior.'

Still havent gotten down to learning to use the oxford arabic-english dictionary, but:

Don, I'm afraid your derivation won't do - you might still be right, but not for the reason you gave.

You see, mujahideen is just the plural of 'mujahid', 'mujahid' = one who does 'jihad' [arabic and hebrew are both semitic languages: people who use the term 'anti-semite' often forget this (because of the nonscientific 'ham' and 'sam' myths thrown in - so like hebrew, arabic has this - root in the middle, and modification affects the root and possibly adds prefix and suffix.. i remember reading this in chomsky - linguistic paper not political)

Khatoon (= lady; no religious overtone here); plural Khwateen = ladies

Talib (=student); plural Taliban

Mujahid (='jihad'-doer); plural Mujahideen

So we are back to the question:

Etymologically speaking, does 'jihad' just mean war, or does it mean holy war? (the current meaning is a different question..)

On this point: until 2001 no one including me would see any problem in saying - such-and-such is a lone crusader for human rights (or for animal rights, or for the separation of church and state, or for whatever cause) - Bush-Cheney-Blair&co since ensured that the word 'crusade' became an avoidable word again..

Imagine reading the following sentence in 1999, and in 2009:

"Richard Dawkins has launched a *crusade* against all religions in general, and against christianity in paricular." ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-21 02:36:57)
to summarise: interesting!

I read the ficgs chess WCH rules: interesting!

In short,

stages 1a-3a: the top-8 rated players play a (3-stage obviously!) *knockout* (each match consisting of 8 games; so that is 56 top-rated games!)

stages 1b-3b. In parallel, the rest of the contenders play a 3-stage round-robin (groups of 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 players.) - as William Taylor posted, only the *winner* of each round-robin stage goes to the next stage - (or if rated above 2300, directly from stage 1 to stage 3 - see rules for detatils)

stage 4: the knockout winner plays the round-robin in an 8-match candidate-finals; to decide who the challenger will be.

stage 5: the challenger v the current WCh -12 game match.

for pairing and tie-break rules (and all the above), just follow the link above [William Taylor's post]; search the page for "FICGS CHESS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP :": it will probably be faster than scrolling down ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-22 01:53:05)
re William Taylor: one of those things..

One of those cases where it is *not* easiest to explain the easiest/most elegant way [unless one is physically present..]

This is IMO also one of the reasons why - given decently competent teachers - online/distance-education is no substitute for attending classes the old-fashioned way... attending a few classes anyway ;)

[Back to concentrating on what I was doing ie listening to old Barbra-Streisand-songs on this machine.. :)]

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-22 05:19:29)
Curioser and curiouser! How..?

I don't see how the following happened, given my reading of the rules: William Taylor, you are probably the best person to explain where I am getting the rules wrong!

William Taylor in:
points: 6/8. *not* the leader: Domenico Riccio was the sole leader with 7.5/8, second was Norman Wilson (6.5/8) -

William Taylor, you were third in your stage-1 group so how did you get to reach stage 2?
(FICGS__CHESS__WCH_STAGE_2_GROUP_04__000004 William Taylor and four others tied for 2nd place out of 7)

Well I suppose the stage-1 group-2 top two players withdrew, right? (I *could* check it myself, but the tedium/learning ratio would be too high ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-22 06:52:31)
comment on Thibault's quote..

Well not exactly a comment, but the following quote reminded me of a Woody Allen quote:

"War is the child of passion, passion is the child of narcissism and narcissism is the child. (...) Another game ? (Thibault de Vassal)" [ellipsis in the original]

"I used to be of the Hebrew persuasion, but lately I've converted to narcissism." - Woody Allen's persona in the film 'Scoop'.

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-23 03:07:04)
Parmet: !! Greek mythology&Classics!

they have everything! [well *almost* ;)]

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-23 03:17:28)
Thib. thought of everything: & poured ..

Thib. thought of everything: all the answers are hidden in the rules somewhere ;)

And also poured water on some pleasing speculations on the lines of [from William's last post: ;Third guess -' - ] the large sum of money that [William] sent Thibault with an e-mail saying 'please let me into the second round' had the desired effect. ;)

And since the reason was what Thib. posted, that was money down the drain - wait: why was *William* the Chosen One to be invited 'to complete a group or to replace a forfeiting player' - any connection with those large sums...

... over to 'Private Eye' and 'News Of The World' ... ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-23 07:50:33)
wikichess: extra goodies! but why ..

If you access wikichess *without* logging in; you will see the following extra goodies:

1. '... or enter a line' [below which is a form to enter an opening line for search]

2. 'Or find an opening in the chess openings directory.' [link to chess openings directory]

3.'Openings most analyzed :' [at present:] Traxler counter-attack, Latvian gambit, Kingston defense [all hypertext links]

These goodies are excellent! But Thib. has forgotten to make them available if you are logged-in. Thib, please rectify! (Or is there a reason why you have to be logged-out to access these? I can't think of any...)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-23 07:55:14)
the knights with no name - is fine!

Doesn't someone remember a film (long ago) called 'A horse with no name'? imdb doesn't list this film; but imdb is not infallible!

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-24 01:03:57)
Scott Nichols: a song? could be..

could well be it was a song and it wasn't a film - I havent seen the film (if there was one) nor heard of the song: just that memories of 'auld lang syne' tell me there used to be *something* with this name -- or should that be 'with this no-name'? :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-24 01:12:52)
oh I remember the song ! I've heard it!

I Scott's post too fast so I misread 'a band *in* America' for 'a band called America' - memory retrieved properly with a little bit of help from Scott! That was a fairly decent group, America - I mean, listenable...

Strange how mental association works at a subconscious level - why did I use the phrase 'auld lang syne' in my prev post? I think the subconscious went Scott [Nichols] -> Scottish -> Robert Burns -> Auld Lang Syne..

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-26 12:31:32)
Thib. - best wishes for site in these ..

.. recession times.Improvements, to-do lists etc. can wait if necessary.

I fell in love with the site at first sight - such a classy approach - not like some of the garish american sites.

So I hope that in these times of recession, there is no serious cash flow problems you are facing... I am sure all of us want this site to live long!

Again I say; improvements, to-do lists etc. can wait if necessary: please concentrate on cash flow [if there is a serious problem there] -- that is the practical thing to do. This site is excellent as it is now!

Again, best wishes to Thibault the person, and may ficgs live long!

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-27 05:02:24)
Thank you Thib: and I am so relieved!

First, about the 'thank you' to Thib.: that is for responding :) Now, to business:

>Thib said: Speaking of the server, I'm not afraid of crisis or whatever, the statistics are just better and better now..

I am so relieved! Seriously.

>Thib. said: FICGS grew very slowly during 2 or 3 years but IMO it was based on realistic views..

Exactly! That was one of the first things I noticed when I discovered this site (early June last year, I think) - I phoned my partner [she and I were in different countries on that day; coincidentally, this month also..] - told her this site *will* survive, and will *not* survive [too much money wasted by Eric of even then] - [It was only in in May last year that I had noticed in its present incarnation (earlier it did *not* offer chess-*playing*, it was a chess-reference-material site only)

(My partner doesn't play chess but of course one doesn't have to be a chess-player to be interested in issues like this!)

(beginning of digression about (as a contrasting example):)

well has *technically speaking* survived; but there is a graded level of paying members [silver-gold-diamond-platinum-what not] - each year paying membership has to be renewed [I am a free member there; I don't play games there now except on special request :) ] -- and..

Guess what, in a few months intoduced a system that gave a *playing advantage* to paying members: the more expensive grade you are in, the greater the paying advantage. So, as far as correspondence chess is concerned, can be now considered a chess site?

(In fact I posted a thread there last year suggesting that they should introduce auction: at any time any of the opponents in a game can bid to win a game. [even if they have lone K against K+Q+Q+R :}] - then if opponent doesn't make a bigger bid then the bidder wins the game. Minimum bid € 20,00 :) ( is a US site ;) )There was some heated discussion over it.. Eric (the site owner - he is a decent chap, all said and done) prudently stayed away from that discussion :)

I posted in various threads there also directly saying that is probably the only *chess* site where the more you pay, the greater advantage you have in a *game*. Is that chess?

None of the above is defamatory: it is obviously true for anyone to check - and clearly Erik silently agrees - well good luck to him...

(end of digression about

>Thib. said: so don't worry, the site will survive after both of us, I'll take care of that :)

I am sure now that you will :) (but not because both of us will suddenly die tomorrow, I hope ;))

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-28 03:40:31)
Thib, my auction suggestion was sarcasm!

Thib. please read it again (the part where I suggested auction at - or you can loook at my thread on this there - it is called 'the best chess money can buy' ;)

(I am not sure whether the link works for members only or for everyone; anyway free membership is a 5-minute process..)

That was sarcasm! I meant this: suppose you are left with K+Q v K. Sure win for you, no? At least you can't lose, even on time (insuff. material) ? Now my sarcastic suggestion was that: opponent bids €20 for the game, now if you cannot bid higher then opponent *wins* the game automatically!

Of course I thought until yesterday that no chess site will offer *that* kind of auction! but you said:

>Speaking of auction at, that's a funny idea and I just wonder why I did not think about a system where you can bet some epoints at any time in any game...

Surely *you* don't want *that* kind of auction here, do you? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-28 04:27:19)

I see that I must have later changed the amount (in that thread) from €20 to US$200 (on the principle of 'only one sarcasm at a time)... [on one can change the past, with no traces of change left; *unlike* in wikipedia where it is there in 'edit history'; but *like* in George orwell's book '1984' ;)]

Normajean Yates    (2009-05-29 07:06:25)
oh ok then :)

oh ok then :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-03 04:18:03)
I agree, heartily - chess is alive!

any number of specific eight-piece endings [in tablebase language; i.e. total of 6 pieces (pawn counted as piece) apart from the 2 Kings] - including KPPP v KPPP .. (King and 3 pawns v K and 3 pawns) no one knows the objective result!

So, rumours of chess's death have been greatly exaggerated. :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-03 19:35:22)
Thib. excellent point re human nature...

"The problem is that human nature make us reproduce known positions much more than unknown ones" - excellent point! So many opening variations, you will still find no mention, or something abou 'there is little match-experience with this position'.

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-04 08:19:04)
Russi Román - my respects to you!

Tano-Urayoán Russi Román, I express my deep respect for, and solidarity with, you.

Anyone who knows some *actual* history of Puerto Rico will understand why I posted this..

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-04 08:26:42)
suggest no rep. draw offer for 10 moves

suggestion: once a player has made a draw offer in a game, that player in that game cannot make a draw offer within the next 10 moves.

But is is really *that* irritating at correspondence? I notice my opps draw offer only when I am myself thinking of offering draw (or I am fighting for a draw) - in which cases I accept... otherwise I have often made my move and then later on I realise that a '*' that was there is now missing from the 'my games' list! :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-04 08:40:10)
another suggestion: draw offer+timeout

another suggestion: suppose *I* make a draw offer and then *opponent* runs out of time; in such a case *my* draw offer is automatically deemed accepted by *opponent*: the result is recorded as a draw.

Or maybe this: giving a disadavtage only to repeated-draw-offerers:

Above rule, but only applied if it is *not* my *first* draw-offer in the game: i.e.:

In a game between player A and player B; if player A make a draw offer and in response player B runs out of time; and further, if there have been two draw offers in the game by player A such that player B has *not* made a draw offer between the said two draw offers by player B; then the draw offer of player A is automatically deemed accepted by player B: the result is recorded as a draw (instead of player B losing on time).

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-05 03:07:37)
oh then minor technical change...

instead of the game having been drawn automatically, referee *adjudicates* it as a draw.

This ensures that fide rules are not violated, because a game result *can* be changed by adjudication: for example:

Suppose OTB, immediately after a game is over, the winning player is found to have a hidden transciever with a *log* showing that moves *were* transmitted and move-suggestions *were* recieved. And the player breaks down in tears and admits to cheating: pleading for leniency - not in re that particular game, but for a shorter ban-from-tournaments than s/he expects to get. In this case, at the very least the game would be readjudicated as a loss for said player, no?

Also, on ficgs the 50-move rule is not implemented; so a game won here which would otherwise be drawn under the 50-move rule - wouldn't *that* violate fide rules? For corr chess, it is more iecc/iccf than fide - fide will come around :)

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-05 03:12:28)
Hannes, those are *general* rules..

There are exceptions! For example, (Q + a-P + b-P) v (Q + P) is a dead draw, right? So how come I have an easy win in:
If you are not convinced, put in the relevant 6-piece tablebases and see :D

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-05 14:17:11)
no no 50-move rule shouldnt be there..

in correspondence chess - Thib. you were right not to implement the 50-move rule - please don't!

Hey people, don't you want to announce tablebase-mate in 132 with distance-to-conversion 98? If the 50-move rule is implemented, you'll never get that chance!

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-05 14:26:31)
modified chess? which one???

There is a company called zillionsofgames I think - which has thousands of chess-variants. Suppose everyone prefers to play their own version of chess - then the only opponent you'll get is either yourself, or the zillionsofgames package... :)

I play, three forms of modified chess already. One is bigchess here. The second I rarely play online, and the third I never play online.

The second is called contract bridge; and the third is called tennis! :-D

(If you change *all* the rules of chess you can reach contract bridge, tennis, football, film-making, painting, whatever you want -- you want Thib. to provide *all* that?) :-D

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-09 00:40:56)
Thanks a lot! Much appreciated!

30 days / year can be exhausting. Specially, then, there is a tendency not to take unrated games seriously, so e.g. quality of thematics (and hence opening theory development) suffers.

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-09 00:46:06)
I haven't faced this at all here, but -

I haven't faced this at all here; didn't expect members here to behave like that - it looks like once you have more than a certain number of members, then statistical laws start applying: the small expected percent of insulters goes above 1, ...

Good step. I didnt even know this problem had turned up here!

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-09 08:09:58)
re Garvin Gray' suggestion - abusable..

Cancelling vacation is abusable - player pretends to on 20-day vacation; actually returns suddenly next day - when finds opponent busiest and so on, .. to upset opp's schedule and focus. So, if cancelling-vacation is introduced, I think there should be conditions/consequences. [e.g. if you take 7 days vac. and cancel after 3 days; then 7-3=4 days are added to opp's clock - incl. the 60-day nextmove clock.]

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-11 11:32:11)
Daniel's suggestion is reasonable..

Daniel Parmet's suggestion is fine: in fact for more than 14 days vacation (say) cancellation up to 2 days early could be allowed..

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-12 09:04:06)
1.Nf3 and 1.Nc3: hyper-hyprmodern?

In the 1950-60s larry evans once wrote that 1.Nf3 and 1.Nc3 will be the openings of the 21st century. [in 'New Ideas in Chess (1958)' IIRC]. Well not even 9 years have passed, so...

(The 1st century began on 1 AD (retroactively) as there was no 'year 0'. So the 21st cent. began in 2001.)

[2001 joke: y2k+1 problem: how to provideemployment to people who were trained only to deal with the y2k problem :)]

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-12 21:55:31)
graphics for ratings: where are they???

The international chat mentions graphics for ratings. Where are they? I can''t find them anywhere!

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-13 12:40:30)
I can c the grafix 4 feat. member only

Of couse I can see the ratings-grafics for 'featured member' at any given time - is that what was being dicussed in the chats?

[sorry for teenage-texting-type heading: that was to fit in the message ;) ]

Garvin Gray    (2009-06-13 13:44:58)

Normajean, Go to:

1) Your preference page
2) Click on the magnifying glass, new window opens
3) Click on Next page: History
4) Page changes to show your rating changes over time, including the new rating graph.

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-13 13:54:12)
Thanks, Garvin!

I went to preference before but I often forget the existence of that magnifying-glass there :)

Thanks, Garvin Gray!

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-06-13 14:02:12)
Another way to reach it

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-13 18:23:08)
Thanks Thib.! both way are useful..

Thib's way - it has the advantage that I have bookmarked
so that it can be reached in one click. And then i can just edit player name in the url window to reach history page of any player!

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-14 12:22:10)
serious researching the Kings Gambit!

at ficgs. Three consecutive thematics: #81, 82, 83 are King's Gambit!

That is very welcome!

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-15 00:47:48)
Wilhelm, there is a rating bar...

There is a rating bar [relative to the last modifier] So I am not allowed to contribute to many lines either! And it makes eminent sense! I *don't* want to be allowed to erase a 2600+'s opinion and substitute mine!

But uncharted territory is always open - just try: you *can* contribute in uncharted territory! That is, you an always create a new wikichess entry. And the *creator* of an entry can always modify it later: creators are exempted from the rating bar.

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-15 00:50:12)
Ulrich, enter and try it!

Enter and try it in a KG thematic, as I said! We are all trying kg lines in the thematics, instead of posting them to be answered here ;) We get a much more convincing answer by playing it!

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-15 00:55:27)
and the line you gave: fischer line -

the fischer line is not so easy to refute!

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 d6 4. Bc4 h6 5. O-O g5 6. g3 Bh3 7.Rf2 Nf6 -+.

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-19 05:42:42)
Lynx? needs cursor keys. Old lynx!

or violawww! graphics and point-and-click browsers are for wimps; you want to others download graphics uuencode them and let people download them using gopher! ...

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-22 16:12:42)
looking forward to it...

looking forward to it... but I'll move in that after wimbledon is over! (hopefully it will start after wimbledon, since the waiting list is not yet in place...)

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-25 06:01:09)
Benko, definitely!

After KG thematics (#81-83) there was supposed to be benko gambit thematic, no?

#89 - benko gambit: I second Daniel's proposal (actually the original Banko suggestion was made by someone between 20-24 May I think.. if it was not Daniel then I am the third person to request Benko.)

Normajean Yates    (2009-06-25 21:39:33)
Oh ! Thanks!

Thanks for pointing it out, Mr/Ms Russi Román!

I should have just search for benko/volga games (in the standard move-order) to check if a benko thematic has been held... Thematics #3, #58 and #59 were benko (volga) gambit thematics.

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-03 01:38:27)
The Scheming Mind

I provided a quote from Arthur Conan Doyle where Sherlock Holms says that excellence at chess is a mark of a scheming mind.

Voila, there is a correspondence site called 'the scheming mind', and its motto is precisely that quote! . This offers some variants also; it is the only site I have seen which offers the 7th century persian chess 'shatranj' at correspondence time controls.. [engines won't help in that one!]

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-03 14:03:22)
ficgs v 'the scheming mind' ..

well 'the scheming mind' seems to be a no-engines no-tablebases site. But, for ficgs v 'the scheming mind' engine-use a matter of negotiation..

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-05 23:39:17)
to: Mladen Jankovic : shatranj was...

shatranj *was* the regular chess once (long ago) ;) I wonder if Al-Adli, Firdawsi et al would be befuddled by today's regular chess (just assume they were resurrected today, for the sake of argument)? Or would they pick it up and become superGMs in a year's time? ;)

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-09 04:25:46)
icc offers live shatranj, that's why...

that's why I said 'theschemind mind' is the only site i knew that offers correspondence-time-control shatranj...

(should have made it explicit - anyway William Taylor has now...)

Mladen Jankovic    (2009-07-10 17:37:51)

Yes, I know it was the regular chess a long time ago.

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-10 19:58:45)
chomsky on Obama v Bush; 'idea' of USA

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-10 20:04:24)
chomsky quote from above article..

The Obama administration announced that it would appeal the ruling, thus placing Obama's Department of Justice "squarely to the right of an extremely conservative, pro-executive-power, Bush 43-appointed judge on issues of executive power and due-process-less detentions," in radical violation of Obama's campaign promises and earlier stands.

(For those who prefer sound-bytes: that gives:
"Obama is well to the *right* of the Bush administration." - Noam Chomsky)

Normajean Yates    (2009-07-10 22:26:08)
mistype: I meant 1.Nh3 and 1.Nc3:

I meant 1.Nh3 and 1.Nc3 in my prev post that quoted larry evans... (not 1.Nf3 and 1.Nc3 of course: 1.Nf3 was routine even in 1958 or so when larry evans wrote that.. not only for hypermodern openings, but to begin KIA without opponent interfering...)

Normajean Yates    (2009-08-12 15:53:19)
seems... a more powerful secret-society

.. wants to save ficgs ;-)

Thibault de Vassal    (2012-12-02 00:50:54)
Problem with new groups for the chess WC

Hello all,

As I mentioned in the chat bar, there is a problem to build new groups as I usually do a few weeks after the start of the chess championship...

Players who entered the waiting list for replacements are:

AUT Rada, Hannes 2465
ISR Blinchevsky, Alexander 2206
ITA Bonoldi, Fabio 2049
DEU Wolf, Bernd 2113
ARG Reboredo, Daniel 1941
ITA Fabris, Alberto 1995
ITA Piantadosi, Angelo 1319
UKR Simashkevitch, Mykola 1987
DEU Lommler, Jan Peter 1860
BEL Pepermans, Toon 2000
USA Batal, Jean 1960
GBR Hancock, Sarah 1614
USA Johnson, Bobby 2412
GBR Burrows, Nick 1935
UKR Malish, Dmitriy 1146
COL Rey, Eduardo 1800
FRA Satonnet, Patrick 1351
GBR Soszynski, Marek 2143
POL Nig, Piotr 2028
USA Davis, Mark 1192
FRA Estieu, Frederick 1383
USA Lovelace, Randy 1504
CAN Deline, Ralph 2179
UKR Bromo, Alexis 1129
BIH Dautovic, Dzenan 1653
USA Knighton, Robert 1950

4 players rated 1500-1800 already replaced those who were to lose their games on time... As a result, we have many players rated 1900-2100 and too few with low ratings. Of course players rated 2400+ will not like to play in regular groups.

Right now I could create only one group with a similar rating average, nothing more but I would have to choose a few players only, which is not a great solution. I tried several combinations, M groups and so on.

I know that a few players would prefer not to see these new groups created and right now I see no solution good enough to create it.

If I cannot find any idea, I think there won't be new groups this time.

Any suggestion?

Robert Knighton    (2012-12-02 04:33:02)
Problem with new groups for the chess WC

"Round-robin tournaments are groups of 7, 9, 11 or 13 players, there may be double round-robin tournaments in case of groups of less than 7 players". . . The first group might be pushing it a little bit with Alexander being a bit low rated compared to the other two... but the rest looks ok to me. What do you think?

3 Man Double Round Robin
AUT Rada, Hannes 2465
USA Johnson, Bobby 2412
ISR Blinchevsky, Alexander 2206

3 Man Double Round Robin
CAN Deline, Ralph 2179
GBR Soszynski, Marek 2143
DEU Wolf, Bernd 2113

11 Man Round Robin
ITA Bonoldi, Fabio 2049
POL Nig, Piotr 2028
BEL Pepermans, Toon 2000
ITA Fabris, Alberto 1995
UKR Simashkevitch, Mykola 1987
USA Batal, Jean 1960
USA Knighton, Robert 1950
ARG Reboredo, Daniel 1941
GBR Burrows, Nick 1935
DEU Lommler, Jan Peter 1860
COL Rey, Eduardo 1800

3 Man Double Round Robin
BIH Dautovic, Dzenan 1653
GBR Hancock, Sarah 1614
USA Lovelace, Randy 1504

3 Man Double Round Robin
FRA Estieu, Frederick 1383
FRA Satonnet, Patrick 1351
ITA Piantadosi, Angelo 1319

3 Man Double Round Robin
USA Davis, Mark 1192
UKR Malish, Dmitriy 1146
UKR Bromo, Alexis 1129

There are 521 results for jean in wikichess.

Normajean Yates    (1975)
a4 d5 c3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nf6

Nimzowitch's line.


Contributors : George Stibal, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1858)
f4 e6 g4 Qh4

The fastest possible checkmate in chess.

Logically, but not idiomatically, *one* of the fastest checkmates in chess; because this is only *one* of the four mates on black's second move:

1. f(3/4) e(6/5) 2.g4 Qh4#, and the same with white's two moves transposed i.e. 1.g4 e(6/5) 2.f(3/4) Qh4#; making for 8 shortest mates :)


Contributors : Tim Bredernitz, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1858)
e4 e5 Nf3 f5 Nxe5 Qf6 Nc4 fxe4

Benjamin Aldag's comments are very cruel to the latvian Gambit, but unfortunately - they are true! :(


Contributors : Benjamin Aldag, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5


Contributors : Benjamin Aldag, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7


Contributors : Benjamin Aldag, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4


Contributors : Benjamin Aldag, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 Kg6

this [6..Kg6??] allows white to mate in 11 starting Qf5+.

Contributors : Benjamin Aldag, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4


Contributors : David Grosdemange, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1858)
e4 b6

Owen's defence.


Contributors : Dirk Jan Van Dijl, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 a6

Kasparov - Tony Miles 0-1 starting 1.e4 a6.


Contributors : Dirk Jan Van Dijl, Normajean Yates

Jean-François Carreau    (1040)
e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4


Contributors : Dirk Jan Van Dijl, Jean-François Carreau

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3

The Catalan opening.

According to MCO-14 (p. 509, second paragraph), the organisers of the 1929 Barcelona Tournament asked Tartakower to invent a variation and name it after that region.

If this is true, it is most interesting chess history: an opening - like a dish - invented on request!


Contributors : Dirk Jan Van Dijl, Normajean Yates

Ilmars Cirulis    (1866)
b4 e5


Contributors : David Grosdemange, Attila Nagy

1... e5 on a first look appears to be the best tactical way to open up the position, but recent experience suggests that it is not so good..., the response 2. b5! seems to show excellent results, but it is little tested to date. 2. Bb2 is much more tested, in fact it should be said that so far it is the main line... - Normajean Yates, Ulrich Imbeck, Thigorin Sergej, Ilmars Cirulis

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 e5 Bb2

main line so far, but there is a good chance that 2.b5 will displace it soon.

Contributors : David Grosdemange, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 d5


Contributors : Ilmars Cirulis, Normajean Yates

Ulrich Imbeck    (1342)
b4 e5 b5

Will this be the main line of this variation in the future? Will this refute 2.e5 ? Only time will tell...
No. e5 is unrefutable. Even 1. b4 is unrefutable.
And it's 1. ... e5 (Ulrich)

Contributors : Ilmars Cirulis, Normajean Yates, Ulrich Imbeck

Ilmars Cirulis    (1866)
b4 e5 a3


Contributors : Ilmars Cirulis, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
Nf3 Nf6 g3 g6 b4 Bg7


Contributors : Terry Godat, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
Nf3 Nf6 g3 g6 b4 Bg7 Bb2


Contributors : Terry Godat, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 d5 Bb2

Is this refuted by 2... Qd6 3. a3 e5 4. e3 Be6 = ?

Contributors : Gregory Kohut, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nc3

Possibly inferior to Nf3 as it fails to control d4 and e5 (but see next paragraph). However, it cannot be considered passive as this knight will most probably be looking to hit c7 later, a square no longer defended by the early development of the queen.

The other side of the coin is that Nc3 may actually be *superior* to Nf3. Nc3 is more flexible, and keeps the option of 4.Nf3 open.


Contributors : Kieran Child, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3

Euwe's Gambit.


Contributors : Khaled Toutaoui, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2 Qxb2 Rb1 Qa3 e5 h6 Bh4 dxe5 fxe5


Contributors : Ilmars Cirulis, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5


Contributors : Simon Lemay

lead to a more agressive defense for the black

mène a une defense plus agressive pour le noirs, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 Nf3


Contributors : Simon Lemay

white need to protect the d4 pawn or get out the queen dangerously.

Or to play d5 instead, to transpose into a Benoni finchetto line.

les blancs doivent défendre le pion d4 ou sortir la dame dangereusement.

, Normajean Yates

Benjamin Block    (1397)
f3 e5 g4 Qh4+

Grob's Opening, Fool's first Mate variation - the finish.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Paul Brand Lyard    (1777)

1/Played by French amateur chess player Charles Amar in the 1930s, this opening is also known as the Drunken Knight Opening, or the Ammonia Opening (NH3 is the chemical formula of the ammonia).

There is no particular interest in choosing to play NH3, and it is therefore considered as an irregular opening. It prepares for kingside castling, but so would NF3...

2/Here is the "Sodium Attack", an very rarely opening played in profssional tournaments,the interest of this
Non-orthodoxe opening,is to control cells g5
and f4 in One also move... to prépare the attack on column f, with bishop on c1 at thé 3th.move, and to prépare the casting, so of course!

Paul,Emma& Sandra Brand-Lyard. 2021/07/24th.


Contributors : Benjamin Block, Normajean Yates, Florian Cafiero, PaulSandra Brand-Lyard
aka "The Sandra Lyard13061975-03081997 Inventor
Chess variants Annapurna' séries.

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 f3 e5

This e5 advance might be black's best option..


Contributors : Benjamin Block, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1858)
e4 e5 Nf3 f5 Nxe5 Nc6 Qh5+ g6 Nxg6 Nf6 Qh3 hxg6 Qxh8 Qe7 Nc3

Any thoughts on this line? Someone played this [8. Nc3] against me at another correspondence-chess site, and I am ie Black is already in serious trouble after 8. Nc3 fxe4 9. Be2 Nd4 10. O-O. I don't see any counterattack by black!

I mean latvian-fraser is supposed to be in crisis, but is the old main line [ie until black's 7th move] so bad? Or did I blunder? No, I didn't blunder - except by choosing this line [or, except by playing the latvian ;) ]

PS: I (black) managed to win that game because it was no-engines and white got overconfident, but that's another story :) ] For the curious, here is *that* story:

NN v Normajeanyates corr no-engines 2008
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f5 3. Nxe5 Nc6 4. Qh5+ g6 5. Nxg6 Nf6 6. Qh3 hxg6 7. Qxh8 Qe7 8. Nc3 fxe4 9. Be2 Nd4 10. O-O Nxc2 11. Rb1 Nd4 12. d3 Nxe2+ 13. Nxe2 exd3 14. Nf4 Kf7 15. Nxd3 Bg7 16. Qh4 Qe4 17. Qxe4 Nxe4 18. Be3 d6 19. Rfe1 Bf5 20. Red1 Re8 21. Rbc1 c5 22. b3 Nc3 23. Rd2 Bxd3 24. Rxd3 Ne2+ 25. Kf1 Nxc1 26. Rxd6 Nxa2 27. Bxc5 Bf8 28. Rd7+ Ke6 29. Rc7 Bxc5 30. Rxc5 Rd8 31. Ke2 Rd5 32. Rc7 Rb5 33. Rg7 Kf6 34. Rd7 Rxb3 35. Rd2 Nc3+ 0-1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6


Contributors : Stephen Hamby, Normajean Yates

Jean-Michel Ratna    (1844)
e4 d5 exd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qa5 d4 c6

More flexible move.

Contributors : Jean-Michel Ratna

Normajean Yates    (1858)
e4 b6 d4 Bb7 Bd3

the main line.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1858)
e4 g5

The Borg or the Grob reversed. The idea is the Grob idea - pressure along the a1-h8 diagonal and K-side pawn storm; but it is even worse than the Grob is for white.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 d5 Bb2 Qd6

this seems to equalise.

Uhlmann's favourite.

Contributors : Ulrich Imbeck, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+

KGD - Keene's defence begins with this position.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3

forced, of course.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7

This strange-looking move, where black blocks its own b1-Bishop, is nevertheless probably the best! The point of course is to maintain pressure on the e-file as well d1-h4 diagonal. The '4.fxe5 d6!' continuation illustrates this.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6 exd6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6 exd6 Qxe4+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6 exd6 Qxe4+ Qe2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6 exd6 Qxe4+ Qe2 Qxe2+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6 exd6 Qxe4+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Nxe2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7 fxe5 d6 exd6 Qxe4+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Nxe2 Bxd6

Black has equalised, and obtained a quiet position - the main purposes of the KGD Keene defence.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
Nf3 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nc3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
Nf3 Nf6 g3 g6 b4 Bg7 Bb2 Nc6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 d5 Bb2 Qd6 a3 e5 e3

This allows black to equalise by Be6. Is there an improvement?

Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 d5 Bb2 Qd6 a3 e5 e3 Be6



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
b4 d5 Bb2 Qd6 a3 e5 e3 Be6 Nf3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bxb7

after this move black gets mated quickly after 10.Qf5+ Kh6 11.d4+ g5 12.Qf7!.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bd6



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bd6 Qa5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bd6 Qa5 Nc6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bd6 Qa5 Nc6 Bxc6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bd6 Qa5 Nc6 Bxc6 Rb8


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5 Ke7 Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 d5 Bxd5+ Kg6 h4 h5 Bxb7 Bd6 Qa5 Nc6 Bxc6 Rb8 Qxa7

and white is five pawns up. +-. Alternatively, white can continue development, remaining four pawns ahead.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 Qe7

The best under the circumstances, but not good enough... :-(

Still, at least it regains the pawn.



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 Ne7 Nf3

simple! White is a pawn up, and black has no compensation worth the name.

Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 Qf3

Yet another attempt in Najdorf, these lines are more solid than the Poison Pawn ones after 7. f4 Qb6 8. Qd2.

But Qf3 seems to allow black to equalise by h6.


Contributors : Sebastian Boehme, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 Qf3 h6 gives 27-33-40% resp. for white win-draw-loss in this position.

Similarly, gives 27-19-54% for post-1990 games and 30-34-36% for the period 1485(!)-1990. ( (generally, and here too) covers more games 33+75=108 games with this position, but its statistics include games between weaker players or old games - also.)


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 Qf3 h6 Bxf6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 Qf3 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 Qf3 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Qxf6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 Qf3 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Qxf6 gxf6

black has equalised. =.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5

Transposing to Benoni.

Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 Na6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 Na6 Nc3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 Na6 Nc3 b4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 Na6 Nc3 b4 Na4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 b4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1946)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 b4 Bxc5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Tano-Urayoán Russi Román    (1944)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 c5 d5 exd5 cxd5 b5 e4 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7 Bg2 Nd6 Be3 Na6 Nc3 Rb8


Contributors : Normajean Yates, Tano-Urayoán Russi Román

Rb8 was played in once and black achieved a draw. Here white continued a4 but I believe black will have problems after Nf3 all black pieces are awkward placed.

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2 Qxb2 Rb1 Qa3 e5 h6 Bh4 dxe5 fxe5 Nd5

Rybka 3 opening book line. According to the author Jeroen Noomen:

"In 2007 the Poisoned Pawn variation of the Sicilian Najdorf was experiencing a crisis. White players found out that after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6 8.Qd2 Qxb2 9.Rb1 Qa3 the old move 10.e5!? was not so easy for black and they scored a few impressive victories. The Poisoned Pawn finally refuted? Not really! After 10.e5!? h6 11.Bh4 dxe5 12.fxe5 black has a move that gives him full equality: 12... Nd5!


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2 Qxb2 Rb1 Qa3 e5 h6 Bh4 dxe5 fxe5 Nd5 Nxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2 Qxb2 Rb1 Qa3 e5 h6 Bh4 dxe5 fxe5 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2 Qxb2 Rb1 Qa3 e5 h6 Bh4 dxe5 fxe5 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 e6



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5

Accept the Gambit!


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Ng6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+ c3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+ c3 Rf8


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+ c3 Rf8 cxb4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+ c3 Rf8 cxb4 Nxe3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+ c3 Rf8 cxb4 Nxe3 fxe3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Qxg7 Nxc3+ Be3 Nd5+ c3 Rf8 cxb4 Nxe3 fxe3 Qxb4+

black is winning.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Be3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe5 d4 Nc6 d5 Bb4 dxc6 Nxe4 Qd4 Qe7 Be3 f5

the position is probably equal.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+

Another continuation of the Schteleter refutation: as good as Nf6 and with more surprise value.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5 exd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5 exd5 O-O



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5 Rd1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5 Rd1 O-O


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5 Rd1 O-O Rxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
e4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5 Bxd5 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 Nf6 Qf3 Nxd5 Rd1 O-O Rxd5 Qe7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 f3

4.f3 was played by Dr Max Euwe against Harry Golombek (Hastings 1938), and is a favourite (as of Feb 2009) of super-GM S. Mamedyarov. Ivanchuk also dabbled in it in 2006.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3 e6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3 e6 Bxc4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3 e6 Bxc4 Bb4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3 e6 Bxc4 Bb4 O-O


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7 Rd1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7 Rd1 O-O


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7 Rd1 O-O g4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7 Rd1 O-O g4 Bg6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7 Rd1 O-O g4 Bg6 e4

a forced loss of tempo...


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1975)
d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6 e3 Bg4 Bxc4 e6 h3 Bh5 O-O Nb4 Qe2 Be7 Rd1 O-O g4 Bg6 e4 Nd7

Black is at least equal, and white's c1-Bishop is still hemmed in. All because of the weak 6.e3 in this line.

Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 e5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 e5 Nd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4 Nc7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4

The Vienna Gambit.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 exf4

Accepting the gambit is best.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1966)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nb3 Be6 f3 Be7 Qd2 O-O O-O-O Nbd7 g4 b5 g5 b4 Ne2 Ne8 f4 a5 f5 a4

This is more common..; though if black is trying to win, (i.e. if a draw is not good enough) then maybe Bxb3 is preferable...


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4 dxe4

Transposes to a Blackmar-Gambit variation which is somewhat favourable to white.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4 fxe4

Accepting Euwe's Gambit this way is incorrect.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4 fxe4 Qh5+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4 fxe4 Qh5+ g6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4 fxe4 Qh5+ g6 Qxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 f5 e4 fxe4 Nc3 Nf6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5 Nb5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5 Nb5 Qg5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5 Nb5 Qg5 Nc7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5 Nb5 Qg5 Nc7 Rac8


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5 Nb5 Qg5 Nc7 Rac8 c3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
d4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 g6 Bc4 Bg7 O-O O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Nc6 Be3 e6 Rad1 Ne7 h3 Nf5 Qe1 Bf3 Rf3 Nd5 Bf2 Nb6 Bf1 Nd4 Rfd3 e5 Nb5 Qg5 Nc7 Rac8 c3 Rc7

On 21.cxd4 exd4 22.Bxd4 Bxd4+ 23.Rxd4 Rfc8 =-.

Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nb3 Be6 Nd5 Nbd7 f3 Be7 c4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nb3 Be6 Nd5 Nbd7 f3 Nxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nb3 Be6 Nd5 Nbd7 f3 Bxd5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 a3

White sets a little trap. It is specially recommended against players who merely memorise 'book' lines: such players (as black) might play Qxb2? thinking it is the 'book' poisoned pawn variation; and Even if they do not, they are out of their 'book' :)


Contributors : Ray Downs, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 a3 Qxb2

Black carelessly takes the bait. Specially the 'book rote-learner' black.


Contributors : Ray Downs, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nf3 exf4


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nf3 exf4 Nc3



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nf3 exf4 Bc4

Allows black to equalise.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nf3 exf4 Bc4 d6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nf3 exf4 Bc4 d6 d4



Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nf3 Qxf4

exf4 is just an inferior move... and bring nothing...

On the king knight gambit, Qf6 is also an inferior move..

Contributors : Sophie Leclerc, Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Be3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Be3 e6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Be3 e6 Nd2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Be3 e6 Nd2 Nd7


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Be3 e6 Nd2 Nd7 Ngf3


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Be3 e6 Nd2 Nd7 Ngf3 Bg6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 d4 Bh4+ Ke2


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 d4 Bh4+ Ke2 d5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 d4 Bh4+ Ke2 d5 e5


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 Bh4+


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Sophie Leclerc    (1573)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 Bh4+ g3

This usally lead to the three pawns gambit.

Contributors : Normajean Yates, Sophie Leclerc

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 Nf6


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Normajean Yates    (1967)
e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 Nf6 e5

equal chances.


Contributors : Normajean Yates

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bd3 O-O


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bd3 O-O O-O c6


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bd3 O-O O-O c6 Be3 Nbd7


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bd3 O-O O-O c6 Be3 Nbd7 Qe2 Ng4


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bd3 O-O O-O c6 Be3 Nbd7 Qe2 Ng4 Rad1 Nxe3


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d3 e5 Bg5


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 Nc3


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 Nc3 e5 Bd3


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d3 e5 Bg5 d6 Nbd2


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 Nc3 e5 Bd3 d5 exd5


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 Nc3 e5 Bd3 d5 exd5 cxd5 Bb5


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d3 e5 Bg5 d6 Nbd2 Be7 h4


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d3 e5 Bg5 d6 Nbd2 Be7 h4 O-O Bxf6


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean-Fred Moulin    (1812)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d3 e5 Bg5 d6 Nbd2 Be7 h4 O-O Bxf6 Bxf6 Nc4


Contributors : Jean-Fred Moulin

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6 Bg2 Nc6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 e4 Be7 Be2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6 Bg2 Nc6 O-O Be7


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6 Bg2 Nc6 O-O Be7 e4 Bg4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6 Bg2 Nc6 O-O Be7 e4 Bg4 c3 a6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 e4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6 Bg2 Nc6 O-O Be7 e4 Bg4 c3 a6 h3 Bh5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
Nf3 d6 g3 e5 d3 Nf6 Bg2 Nc6 O-O Be7 e4 Bg4 c3 a6 h3 Bh5 Nbd2 b5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 Nc3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 Nc3 Be7 e4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 Nc3 Be7 e4 O-O Nge2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 Nc3 Be7 e4 O-O Nge2 c5 d3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 Nc3 Be7 e4 O-O Nge2 c5 d3 Nc6 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 Nc3 Be7 e4 O-O Nge2 c5 d3 Nc6 O-O a6 h3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
e4 e6 d4 d5 exd5 exd5 Nf3 Nf6 Bb5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1960)
e4 e6 d4 d5 exd5 exd5 Nf3 Nf6 Bb5 c6 Bd3

Transpose to wikichess #34587#


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 g6 Nc3 c5

Transpose to wikichess #11652#


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 Nf6 g3 d6 d4

Transpose to wikichess #10304#


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 e6 Nge2 c5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 e5 Nf3

Transpose to wikichess #73280#


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 e6 Nge2 c5 g3 d6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 e6 Nge2 c5 g3 d6 Bg2 a6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5 d3 d4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 e6 Nge2 c5 g3 d6 Bg2 a6 O-O Qc7


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 e6 Nge2 c5 g3 d6 Bg2 a6 O-O Qc7 d3 g6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 e6 Nge2 c5 g3 d6 Bg2 a6 O-O Qc7 d3 g6 h3 Ne7


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5 d3 d4 Ne4 Bb4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5 d3 d4 Ne4 Bb4 Bd2 Bxd2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5 d3 d4 Ne4 Bb4 Bd2 Bxd2 Nxd2 Nf6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5 d3 d4 Ne4 Bb4 Bd2 Bxd2 Nxd2 Nf6 Ngf3 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 e6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 exd5 d3 d4 Ne4 Bb4 Bd2 Bxd2 Nxd2 Nf6 Ngf3 O-O g3 Be6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1964)
c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 g3 d6 Bg2 e5 e4 Nc6

Transpose to wikichess #16427#


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1984)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nc3 O-O d3 d6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1984)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nc3 O-O d3 d6 e3 e5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1984)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nc3 O-O d3 d6 e3 e5 Nge2 Nc6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1984)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nc3 O-O d3 d6 e3 e5 Nge2 Nc6 O-O Re8


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1984)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nc3 O-O d3 d6 e3 e5 Nge2 Nc6 O-O Re8 Rb1 a6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (1984)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7 Nf3 Be7 Bd3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3 g6 Be2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3 g6 Be2 Bg7 b3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3 g6 Be2 Bg7 b3 O-O Bb2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3 g6 Be2 Bg7 b3 O-O Bb2 Nbd7 c4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3 g6 Be2 Bg7 b3 O-O Bb2 Nbd7 c4 c6 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
d4 Nf6 Nf3 d6 e3 g6 Be2 Bg7 b3 O-O Bb2 Nbd7 c4 c6 O-O Qc7 Nbd2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 d3 Nf6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 d3 Nf6 e4 e5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 d3 Nf6 e4 e5 Nge2 Be7


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 d3 Nf6 e4 e5 Nge2 Be7 O-O O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 d3 Nf6 e4 e5 Nge2 Be7 O-O O-O h3 Nd4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Be2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Be2 b5 a3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Be2 b5 a3 Bb7 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Be2 b5 a3 Bb7 O-O Qc7 Qd2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2056)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Be2 b5 a3 Bb7 O-O Qc7 Qd2 O-O-O a4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1 b6 d5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1 b6 d5 cxd5 cxd5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1 b6 d5 cxd5 cxd5 Ba6 Rfe1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1 b6 d5 cxd5 cxd5 Ba6 Rfe1 Nc5 Bg5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7 d4 Bf5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7 d4 Bf5 Bd6 Bxb1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1 b6 d5 cxd5 cxd5 Ba6 Rfe1 Nc5 Bg5 Be7 Bf1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Nbd7 Nc3 e5 g3 c6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O e4 a6 a4 a5 h3 Re8 Be3 Bf8 Qc2 Qc7 Rad1 b6 d5 cxd5 cxd5 Ba6 Rfe1 Nc5 Bg5 Be7 Bf1 Bxf1 Kxf1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7 d4 Bf5 Bd6 Bxb1 Qxb1 e4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7 d4 Bf5 Bd6 Bxb1 Qxb1 e4 Bf4 Qa5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7 d4 Bf5 Bd6 Bxb1 Qxb1 e4 Bf4 Qa5 Bxa8 Rxa8


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4 Bg2 O-O e4 Bxc3 bxc3 c6 Ba3 d6 Ne2 Be6 d3 Re8 O-O d5 exd5 cxd5 Rb1 dxc4 Bxb7 Nbd7 d4 Bf5 Bd6 Bxb1 Qxb1 e4 Bf4 Qa5 Bxa8 Rxa8 Bd2 Qa4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1 Ng8 Be3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1 Ng8 Be3 f5 f4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1 Ng8 Be3 f5 f4 exf4 Nxf4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1 Ng8 Be3 f5 f4 exf4 Nxf4 Nf6 Bh3


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1 Ng8 Be3 f5 f4 exf4 Nxf4 Nf6 Bh3 b5 cxb5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e5 Nc3 d6 e4 Be7 g3 O-O Bg2 Ne8 Nge2 Nd7 O-O g6 Bh6 Ng7 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Kh8 Rab1 Ng8 Be3 f5 f4 exf4 Nxf4 Nf6 Bh3 b5 cxb5 fxe4 Ne6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2 Ne4 Qe1


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2 Ne4 Qe1 g5 fxg5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2 Ne4 Qe1 g5 fxg5 Bg7 a4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2 Ne4 Qe1 g5 fxg5 Bg7 a4 b4 a5


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2 Ne4 Qe1 g5 fxg5 Bg7 a4 b4 a5 Nxe5 Qxb4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2104)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3 a6 Qd2 b5 a3 Bb7 Bd3 Qc7 O-O O-O-O dxc5 Nxc5 Ne2 Ne4 Qe1 g5 fxg5 Bg7 a4 b4 a5 Nxe5 Qxb4 Nc4 Bd4


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2063)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 d6


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Batal    (2063)
c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 d6 Nc3 Bg7

Transpose to wikichess #83234#


Contributors : Jean Batal

Jean Dampierre    (1700)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 Nce2 c5 c3 Nc6 Be3 Be7


Contributors : Jean Dampierre

Jean Dampierre    (1700)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 Nce2 c5 c3 Nc6 Be3 Be7 f4 O-O


Contributors : Jean Dampierre

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 h3 O-O Be3 c6 a4 b6 Be2 Qc7 O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2 Nxe4 Nxe4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
b4 Nf6 Bb2 e6 b5 a6 e3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Rfe1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
b4 Nf6 Bb2 e6 b5 a6 e3 axb5 Bxb5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Rfe1 Nf6 Qh6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
b4 Nf6 Bb2 e6 b5 a6 e3 axb5 Bxb5 c6 Be2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Rfe1 Nf6 Qh6 Qxc2 Rac1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Rfe1 Nf6 Qh6 Qxc2 Rac1 Qxb2 Qe3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
b4 Nf6 Bb2 e6 b5 a6 e3 axb5 Bxb5 c6 Be2 b5 Nf3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2035)
e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2 Nbd7 Nf3 Qc7 a4 b6 Bh6 a6 Bc4 Bb7 O-O b5 Bxf8 Rxf8 axb5 cxb5 Be2 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Rfe1 Nf6 Qh6 Qxc2 Rac1 Qxb2 Qe3 Rg8 Bd3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 exd5 Bb5 Bd7 Qe2 Be7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 exd5 Bb5 Bd7 Qe2 Be7 dxc5 Nf6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 exd5 Bb5 Bd7 Qe2 Be7 dxc5 Nf6 Ngf3 O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 exd5 Bb5 Bd7 Qe2 Be7 dxc5 Nf6 Ngf3 O-O Nb3 Re8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5 Kh1 Nc5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5 Kh1 Nc5 Bb5 f5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5 Kh1 Nc5 Bb5 f5 f4 exf4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5 Kh1 Nc5 Bb5 f5 f4 exf4 Bxf4 Bd7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5 Kh1 Nc5 Bb5 f5 f4 exf4 Bxf4 Bd7 Be3 Ne4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Nb8 a4 Be7 Be2 O-O O-O Nd7 Bd2 a6 Na3 a5 Kh1 Nc5 Bb5 f5 f4 exf4 Bxf4 Bd7 Be3 Ne4 Qd3 Bh4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Qe6 Qe4 Ba6 b3 O-O-O Bb2 Re8 f4 f6 O-O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Qe6 Qe4 Ba6 b3 O-O-O Bb2 Re8 f4 f6 O-O-O fxe5 c5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Qe6 Qe4 Ba6 b3 O-O-O Bb2 Re8 f4 f6 O-O-O fxe5 c5 Bxf1 cxb6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Qe6 Qe4 Ba6 b3 O-O-O Bb2 Re8 f4 f6 O-O-O fxe5 c5 Bxf1 cxb6 Ba6 Qa4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Qe6 Qe4 Ba6 b3 O-O-O Bb2 Re8 f4 f6 O-O-O fxe5 c5 Bxf1 cxb6 Ba6 Qa4 Kb7 bxc7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2024)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Qe6 Qe4 Ba6 b3 O-O-O Bb2 Re8 f4 f6 O-O-O fxe5 c5 Bxf1 cxb6 Ba6 Qa4 Kb7 bxc7 d5 fxe5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2020)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Bg5 a6 Na3 b5 Bxf6 gxf6 Nd5 Bg7 c3 f5

Transpose to wikichess #83175#


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3 Kh8 Bd3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3 Kh8 Bd3 f5 Nd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3 Kh8 Bd3 f5 Nd2 c5 Ba3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3 Kh8 Bd3 f5 Nd2 c5 Ba3 Ra6 Nb5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3 Kh8 Bd3 f5 Nd2 c5 Ba3 Ra6 Nb5 Bh6 Bc1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2123)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 a5 Ba3 axb4 Bxb4 b6 a4 Ne8 Qb3 Kh8 Bd3 f5 Nd2 c5 Ba3 Ra6 Nb5 Bh6 Bc1 f4 Be2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 d3 g6 g3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 d3 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 e6

Transpose to wikichess #83020#


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5 Ne6 Nxe7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5 Ne6 Nxe7 Qxe7 Ng5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5 Ne6 Nxe7 Qxe7 Ng5 Nxg5 Bxg5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5 Ne6 Nxe7 Qxe7 Ng5 Nxg5 Bxg5 h6 Bd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5 Ne6 Nxe7 Qxe7 Ng5 Nxg5 Bxg5 h6 Bd2 c5 Qf3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d6 a3 Qd7 Nc3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd8 Nd5 Ne6 Nxe7 Qxe7 Ng5 Nxg5 Bxg5 h6 Bd2 c5 Qf3 Bc8 c3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5 Rae8 Kb1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5 Rae8 Kb1 c5 Qd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5 Rae8 Kb1 c5 Qd2 Qe6 Ne4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5 Rae8 Kb1 c5 Qd2 Qe6 Ne4 Bxe4 Ka1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5 Rae8 Kb1 c5 Qd2 Qe6 Ne4 Bxe4 Ka1 Rb8 h6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 e5 Qe7 Qe2 Nd5 c4 Nb6 Nc3 Bb7 Bf4 g6 O-O-O Bg7 h4 O-O h5 Rae8 Kb1 c5 Qd2 Qe6 Ne4 Bxe4 Ka1 Rb8 h6 Bh8 Re1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 d5 a5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 Na6 Nd2 Qe8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 d5 exd6 Qxd6 O-O Be6 Nxd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Bxb3 axb3 g6 Qf3 Qc6 Qxc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 d5 exd6 Qxd6 O-O Be6 Nxd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Bxb3 axb3 g6 Qf3 Qc6 Qxc6 bxc6 Be3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7 Rxe7 h3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7 Rxe7 h3 Rc8 Qd3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 d5 exd6 Qxd6 O-O Be6 Nxd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Bxb3 axb3 g6 Qf3 Qc6 Qxc6 bxc6 Be3 Bg7 Nd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 d5 exd6 Qxd6 O-O Be6 Nxd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Bxb3 axb3 g6 Qf3 Qc6 Qxc6 bxc6 Be3 Bg7 Nd2 Kd7 Ra3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 d5 exd6 Qxd6 O-O Be6 Nxd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Bxb3 axb3 g6 Qf3 Qc6 Qxc6 bxc6 Be3 Bg7 Nd2 Kd7 Ra3 Rhd8 Nf3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7 Rxe7 h3 Rc8 Qd3 b5 a4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7 Rxe7 h3 Rc8 Qd3 b5 a4 Bxb3 cxb3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2135)
e4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 d5 exd6 Qxd6 O-O Be6 Nxd4 Nxd4 cxd4 Bxb3 axb3 g6 Qf3 Qc6 Qxc6 bxc6 Be3 Bg7 Nd2 Kd7 Ra3 Rhd8 Nf3 Rdb8 Ng5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7 Rxe7 h3 Rc8 Qd3 b5 a4 Bxb3 cxb3 Nb4 Qe2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2158)
e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 e5 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 O-O O-O Nc6 Bb3 h6 Nh4 Re8 Ng6 Be6 Nxe7 Rxe7 h3 Rc8 Qd3 b5 a4 Bxb3 cxb3 Nb4 Qe2 d5 exd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3 Nb4 d4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6 Re1 Bf5 Qb3 Qd7 Nc3 Nxc3 Bxf5 Qxf5 bxc3 b6 cxd5 cxd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3 Nb4 d4 Re8 Be3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6 Re1 Bf5 Qb3 Qd7 Nc3 Nxc3 Bxf5 Qxf5 bxc3 b6 cxd5 cxd5 Qb5 Qd7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3 Nb4 d4 Re8 Be3 Bd6 Nd3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6 Re1 Bf5 Qb3 Qd7 Nc3 Nxc3 Bxf5 Qxf5 bxc3 b6 cxd5 cxd5 Qb5 Qd7 Rb1 Rd8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6 Re1 Bf5 Qb3 Qd7 Nc3 Nxc3 Bxf5 Qxf5 bxc3 b6 cxd5 cxd5 Qb5 Qd7 Rb1 Rd8 a4 Nc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6 Re1 Bf5 Qb3 Qd7 Nc3 Nxc3 Bxf5 Qxf5 bxc3 b6 cxd5 cxd5 Qb5 Qd7 Rb1 Rd8 a4 Nc6 g3 Be7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3 Nb4 d4 Re8 Be3 Bd6 Nd3 Qf6 Nxb4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6 Re1 Bf5 Qb3 Qd7 Nc3 Nxc3 Bxf5 Qxf5 bxc3 b6 cxd5 cxd5 Qb5 Qd7 Rb1 Rd8 a4 Nc6 g3 Be7 Ne5 Nxe5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3 Nb4 d4 Re8 Be3 Bd6 Nd3 Qf6 Nxb4 Bxb4 Qg4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Qe3 Bb7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O h3 Bb7 d3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nd4 Nc3 Nxb3 axb3 Nb4 d4 Re8 Be3 Bd6 Nd3 Qf6 Nxb4 Bxb4 Qg4 h6 Bd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Qe3 Bb7 d3 c5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Qe3 Bb7 d3 c5 Qf4 Nf5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Qe3 Bb7 d3 c5 Qf4 Nf5 Rb1 h6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Qe3 Bb7 d3 c5 Qf4 Nf5 Rb1 h6 Bd2 Re8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Re1 Nd6 Nxe5 Be7 Bf1 Nxe5 Rxe5 O-O Nc3 Bf6 Re1 Re8 Nd5 Rxe1 Qxe1 b6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Qe3 Bb7 d3 c5 Qf4 Nf5 Rb1 h6 Bd2 Re8 h3 Bc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3 Nf5 g3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3 Nf5 g3 Ne7 Be2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3 Nf5 g3 Ne7 Be2 Ng6 Kf1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3 Nf5 g3 Ne7 Be2 Ng6 Kf1 h6 Kg2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3 Nf5 g3 Ne7 Be2 Ng6 Kf1 h6 Kg2 Re8 Qc2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2194)
c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3 Qxc3 Qe7 d4 e4 Ng1 d5 Bd2 O-O Ne2 Qd8 h3 Ne7 Nf4 c6 b3 Nf5 g3 Ne7 Be2 Ng6 Kf1 h6 Kg2 Re8 Qc2 Bf5 Qd1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5 exd5 Nxd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5 exd5 Nxd5 Be2 Nxc3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5 exd5 Nxd5 Be2 Nxc3 bxc3 Nc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5 exd5 Nxd5 Be2 Nxc3 bxc3 Nc6 Qe3 Be7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5 exd5 Nxd5 Be2 Nxc3 bxc3 Nc6 Qe3 Be7 Nxc6 bxc6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Qd3 d5 cxd5 exd5 exd5 Nxd5 Be2 Nxc3 bxc3 Nc6 Qe3 Be7 Nxc6 bxc6 Qe4 O-O


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8 Qe2 Nf8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7 Kd7 Nxa8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8 Qe2 Nf8 Nf3 Nd7


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7 Kd7 Nxa8 Bb4 Kd1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7 Kd7 Nxa8 Bb4 Kd1 h4 Bf4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7 Kd7 Nxa8 Bb4 Kd1 h4 Bf4 Ne4 Be3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8 Qe2 Nf8 Nf3 Nd7 h5 Rc8


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7 Kd7 Nxa8 Bb4 Kd1 h4 Bf4 Ne4 Be3 Bd2 Bxd2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8 Qe2 Nf8 Nf3 Nd7 h5 Rc8 Qf2 a5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8 Qe2 Nf8 Nf3 Nd7 h5 Rc8 Qf2 a5 Qg3 cxd4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Ne4 Nc3 Nc6 Qb3 h5 Qxd5 Qxd5 Nxd5 Bf5 Nxg5 Nxg5 Nxc7 Kd7 Nxa8 Bb4 Kd1 h4 Bf4 Ne4 Be3 Bd2 Bxd2 Nxf2 Ke1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Be7 a3 O-O Be3 b6 Qd2 Nc6 Bb5 Bb7 h4 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Ng5 Re8 Qe2 Nf8 Nf3 Nd7 h5 Rc8 Qf2 a5 Qg3 cxd4 h6 g6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3 Rg6 Kh2


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3 Rg6 Kh2 Qd6 Kh1


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3 Rg6 Kh2 Qd6 Kh1 Bf5 Bxf6


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3 Rg6 Kh2 Qd6 Kh1 Bf5 Bxf6 Rxf6 cxd5


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3 Rg6 Kh2 Qd6 Kh1 Bf5 Bxf6 Rxf6 cxd5 Qxd5 dxe4


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean Robin    (2187)
b3 e5 Bb2 Nc6 e3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Nd4 h5 c4 h4 h3 a6 Be2 Rh6 d3 Nxd4 Bxd4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 O-O Bxc3 Bxc3 Rg6 Kh2 Qd6 Kh1 Bf5 Bxf6 Rxf6 cxd5 Qxd5 dxe4 Bxe4 f3


Contributors : Jean Robin

Jean-Philippe Wagschal    (1701)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Be3 e5 d5 a5 g4


Contributors : Jean-Philippe Wagschal

Jean-Philippe Wagschal    (1701)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 O-O Nc3 d6 Nf3 Nc6 O-O a6 b3 e5 dxe5


Contributors : Jean-Philippe Wagschal

Jean-Philippe Wagschal    (1701)
d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Be3 e5 d5 a5 g4 Na6 g5


Contributors : Jean-Philippe Wagschal

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A bad plan is better than none at all. (Frank Marshall)

Chess is in its essence a game, in its form an art, and in its execution a science. (Baron Tassilo)

White lost because he failed to remember the right continuation and had to think up the moves himself. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

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