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*greentea3    (2009-07-29)
what do you think ?

I would like to get one cheaper converter and good enough for me novice, as i know wondershare, xili and anyvideo is not bad but the price i cannot accept. Recently there're several friends heard of a video converter named dvd to avi from audiotoolsfactory. Now i download its trail version, and every aspect is not bad too. Is there someone help to check whether it's worthy to purchasing?

(more options below)

*c022bf    (2009-08-05 05:10:37)
How to make full use of DVD To AVI Tool

How to convert DVD to AVI? This problem bothering me for a long time! Now I find a solution, i put it to share!

Shine DVD to AVI Converter
is a powerful and easy-to-use DVD AVI converter software, which helps you rip DVD to AVI, AVI H264/DivX/XivD, MPEG/MPEG-4, WMV. It can convert DVD to AVI with amazing sound and image quality in smaller sizes.

Using Help

1.Start the program  Shine DVD to AVI Converter  ht*p://www.audiotoolsfactory.com/dvd-to-avi.html

2.Click "Add DVD" button, Select a DVD (or DVD Folder, ISO file, IFO file) in the dialog box that opens, and load it. The Loaded DVD’s information, such as chapter, title, etc., will be shown in the file list

3. Select output format, Select one or more files in the list, click Profile drop-down button, select an output format for selected files in the drop down list that opens. 4. Set output folder, click Browse button in setting panel, select a destination folder in the dialog box that opens, and click OK.5. After all the settings, click convert button to begin convertint files. Then wait a moment, you'll have the output files that you want.

6. Shine DVD to AVI Converter support Other functions, such as cut segment that you like, and set the output files parameter, such as subtitle, video size, video/audio quality, channels, etc.                                   

Above content comes from  Audio Tools Factory  ht*p://www.audiotoolsfactory.com

If every guy has any problem with Shine DVD to AVI Converter you can send an email to me or leave message on MSN! < fs.manager(at)hotmail.com >  I’m pleased to make friends with every netizen~

Best regards,
Your friend


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