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Tantra (anglicised tantricism or tantrism) is a religious philosophy according to which Shakti is usually the main deity worshipped, the universe considered as the divine play of Shakti & Shiva.

The word Tantra applies to any of the scriptures (called "Tantras") commonly identified with the worship of Shakti as well.

These websites & Youtube videos talk about Tantrism:


 Moksha Journal - T. and NeoT. - by Georg Feuerstein
santosha > moksha
  1. Platonic Epistemology and the Nature of Philosophical Activity: A
  2. The ultimate usefulness of Neotantrism in the present-day process of The Persistence of Religion: An Essay on T. and Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy (Numen Book Series , No 8) (9789004033078): Kees W. Bolle...
amazon > Persistence Religion

Who do you believe negatively impacted India more? The British, the...
Home Design to minimize housework-- Is anyone interested in...

 Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
palmpublications > index.php?option=com virtuemart&Itemid=70&lang=en&

Science de l’Invocation / Les sept rayons d'énergie...

 This page perfectly matches the topic

Tantric yoga, as a system of rituals, exercises, and philosophical...
side of spiritual life and which originated in the early...

 eiNET > Community > Religion > Hinduism >
einet > directory/80303

US Mirror UK Home Reference Glossary, Bibliography, Different...
Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan : Rejuvenating Ancient Indian Spiritual...

 religious cults and sects
apologeticsindex > t31

pages of research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious...
or female-centered sex-worship, which allegedly begun thousands of...

More websites & news

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 This page perfectly matches the topic
lca.wisc > ~gbuhnema/tantra

Last Modified: 3/14/04 Email comments to Gudrun...
Sacred Visions, Early Paintings from Central Tibet...
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African...

 Genesis and Development of T. — Centre for Tantric Studies
tantric studies > bibliographies/contents/genesis development

: Superiority of Vajrayāna — Part I: Some Remarks on the...

 < Hindu in the Yahoo! Directory > Society and Culture/Religion and Spirituality/Faiths and Practices/H

 * T. - (Esoteric): Definition
en.mimi > esoteric

 Hinduism (religion) :: T. -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
britannica > EBchecked/topic/266312/Hinduism/9017

angel and demon (religion): Relationship to views of a monistic...
Indian philosophy: Significance of Indian philosophies in the...
monotheism (theology): Monotheistic elements in Indian and Chinese...

 Health & fitness: Yoga: T. Books, Tantric Sex for Busy Couples
allbookstores > Health and Fitness/Yoga

Secret Power of Tantrik Breathing: Techniques for Attaining Health,...
Sridaksinakalikasaparyapaddhati: Sangopanga Daksinakalika-Pujaka...

 // BlogCatalog Topic // BlogCatalog
blogcatalog > topic

 Milarepa: Arnaud Desjardins – T. | Facebook
facebook > note.php?note id=283023200642

 Marriage, Divorce and T. | Online Books
gnosticteachings > online books/marriage divorce and Vedic M.s. Bhatt,: Books Buy Rgvidhana in India
flipkart > vedic

 < Hinduism < Religion
galaxy > dir80303

US Mirror UK Home Reference Glossary, Bibliography, Different...
Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan : Rejuvenating Ancient Indian Spiritual...


Other websites

Feel free to modify the ranks for the following suggestions if you find it useful. T. in Nepal - Nepal blog
nepal > blog

 Antioch Yoga - Observations on
antiochyoga > observations on

In Hinduism it is common to worship a Shiva Lingam (a phallic shaped...
Tantric principles and practices have been co-opted, adapted, and...
According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the basic action of yoga...

 hermit’s thatch ›
hermitary > thatch/?p=417

journal of reflections by Meng-hu, resident of the...

 New Introductory Themes: Klaire D. Roy: Books
amazon > New

How can we be spiritual when we are imprisoned in an ancient...
Customers Viewing This Page May Be Interested in These Sponsored...
var legacyOnSelectedQuantityChange = function () { if...

 Matrimony, Divorce, and T. | By Samael Aun Weor
gnosticbooks > by samael aun weor/matrimony divorce and

 * definition by Babylon's free dictionary

koausa > Glimpses

is one of the most misunderstood subjects not only in India but...


See more videos of Tantrism on Youtube :



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