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Buddhism is a religion but maybe more a philosophy based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly called the Buddha (Pāli/Sanskrit: the awakened one). Buddha taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent, most probably between the 4th & 6th centuries BCE. Adherents consider Siddharta as an awakened teacher whose goal is to help sentient beings to free from suffering and achieve nirvana. The aim is thus to escape from a cycle of suffering and rebirth.

These websites & Youtube videos talk about Buddhism:


 BuddhaNet - Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network
  1. //new pausescroller(name_of_message_array, CSS_ID, CSS_classname,
  2. With Sayadaw U Janaka A collection of 10 hour long Talks in Mp3
 An . Introduction . to .
webspace.ship > cgboer/buddhaintro

Pancha Shila The Paramita The Brahma Vihara The Sigalovada...
Three Short Sutras Living in Tune Sister Soma An Angry Person...

 BBC . - . Religion . & . Ethics . - .
bbc > religion/religions

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external...

 Sacred Texts:
sacred texts > bud/index.htm

A much beloved short poem about the relationship between Buddhism and...
Non-public domain contents of this site not otherwise copyrighted...

 This page perfectly matches the topic

 The . Four . Noble . Truths, . The . Eightfold . Path, . Karma . and . Meditation . Practice
thebigview - Digital International Buddhism Organization

(DIBO) is a buddhist's group which would like to follow in Buddha's...

 fwbo . :: . What . is . Buddhism?

More websites & news

You must register to see these links, as this is a collaborative page, then you may change the order of the links by clicking the icons before the titles.

 < . Religion . in . the . Yahoo! . Directory > society and culture/religion and spirituality/faiths and practices

Focused on Buddhism for urban America with Sutras, commentary,...
Buddhist information network about all things Buddha and...

 Essentials of Buddhism - core concepts

Items worthy of your consideration if you are serious about learning...
Strengthen the resonance between the human nervous system and the...

 * . home . page
uwacadweb.uwyo > religionet/er

 This page perfectly matches the topic
mnsu > emuseum/cultural/religion

 DharmaNet home

DharmaNet International is a...
DharmaNet is a multi-media resource center for...

 This page perfectly matches the topic
depts.washington > chinaciv/bud/5budhism.htm

Think about the following questions as you view this...
The influence of Buddhism grew to such an extent that vast...

 Diamond . Way .

Buddhism Today is a bi-annual magazine published in the USA with a...
The Europe Center project preserves the living transmission of...

 Tricycle Magazine | The Buddhist Review

The Challenge of Change: Living Skillfully in an Uncertain...
ABC News interviews insight meditation teacher Joseph...
Residential retreat center offering workshops and retreats focusing...

newadvent > cathen/03028b.htm

Buddhist infiltrations, all these exaggerations, fictions, and...
Buddhists throughout the world is commonly estimated at about four...
Buddha prescribed for his followers a life of detachment from the...

 Resources . for . the . Study . of .
online.sfsu > ~rone

Buddhist Resources on Vegetarianism and Animal...
I originally constructed this web site primarily for the...
Buddhist Studies for Primary and Secondary...

 * in Ottawa

 (religion) . -- . Britannica . Online . Encyclopedia
britannica > EBchecked/topic/83184

same-sex marriage: Religious and secular expectations of marriage...
birth control: Ethics and the influence of religious...
religious symbolism and iconography: Concepts of...

 Fundamental . Buddhism . | . Buddhist . Teachings

Provide a link to this website and other ways you can help promote...
of Gautama Buddha based on personal experiences, and if those...
Fundamental Buddhism Explained Summary in Other Languages and in TXT...

 Buddhist Studies - Academic Info

 Buddhist . Tradition
virtualreligion > vri/buddha

Nagarjuna's Treatise on the Great Perfection of...
Nagarjuna: The Fundamentals of the Middle...
Searchable on-line version of 160,000 term Monier-Williams'...


Please tell us what you think! - fill out our quick website...
Tell us what you think! fill out our short website...
Toward the end of the 10th century, Tibetans once again made the...

Other websites

Feel free to modify the ranks for the following suggestions if you find it useful.

 Open Directory - Society: Religion and Spirituality:
dmoz > Society/Religion and Spirituality

Regional: Asia: Japan: Society and Culture: Religion:...
Last update: Sunday, August 8, 2010 6:25:29 AM EDT -...

 Buddhist . Channel . | . Buddhism . News, . Headlines . | . Religious . tension . mounts . in . Vietnam

 — . . var . zflag_cid="1624/57/1"; var . GFPvars . = . new . Object(); GFPvars.pubid . = . "ca-pub-1894504138907931"; . ...
infoplease > ipa/A0001470

History of Engaged Buddhism: A Dharma Talk by Thich Nhat Hanh-Hanoi,...
the Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) tradition refocused Buddhism to...
in northern India by a man known traditionally as Siddhartha...

 View on (Tibetan) Buddhist practice and philosophy

Are you interested in Buddhism, but perhaps also...
part of the site is translated into...

 * . for . Children
woodlands junior.kent.sch > Homework/religion

mainly from India, Japan Zen...
The three section of the Tripitaka (three baskets of Wisdom) are...
Woodlands Junior School...

 What . is . Theravada . Buddhism?
accesstoinsight > lib/authors/bullitt/theravada

the essential groundwork has been laid for delving into the most...
unravels, the eightfold path reaches its noble climax, and the...
which is accompanied by the weakening of the fetters of sensual...

 More studies will prove existence of Buddhism in state: historian - Mangalore - City - NEWS - The Times of India
timesofindia.indiatimes > news/city/mangalore/More studies will prove existence

There is conclusive historical evidence that Buddhism existed and...

 H-Buddhism . Discussion . Network
h net > ~

Trial and Error in Modernist Reforms: Korean Buddhism under Colonial...

 WikiAnswers . - . When . was . Buddhism . founded
wiki.answers > Q/When was

What are some reasons for the decrease in fish numbers world...
How many times does utterly appear in Clarice Bean Utterly...


See more videos of Buddhism on Youtube :



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