Who is new president of Afghanistan ?

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*andwol    (2009-08-23)
Who is new president of Afghanistan ?

Hi, does anyone know who is the new president of Afghanistan ?  The former one or Dr. Abdullah Abdullah ?  The last news I've heard were not clear, both were claiming the victory.


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*6ee991    (2009-08-24 01:13:43)
Karzaï will be president

No doubt about it.

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 Office of the President | Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  1. Message by President Karzai On the occasion of the International Day
  2. Message by President Karzai On the occasion of the International
 Obama: A One-Term President? - Coop's Corner - CBS News
cbsnews > blogs/2009/08/23/blogs/coopscorner/entry5260396.shtml

 Ashraf Ghani: Afghanistan Needs a New President - WSJ.com
online.wsj > article/SB10001424052970204908604574334652292612012

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cnn > 2009/WORLD/asiapcf/03/28/afghanistan.us/index

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rferl > content/New Pakistani President Aims For Fresh Start With Afghanistan/11

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 Hamid Karzai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia > wiki/Hamid Karzai

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 Afghanistan’s New President | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook
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 President Karzai’s supporters ‘buy’ votes for Afghanistan election - Times Online
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