What does lol mean ?

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*b1ffc6    (2009-07-10)
What does lol mean ?

Hello. I just want to know what does lol mean exactly ?  I often read it whatever the context but it does not make any sense in my opinion.


*8d5218    (2009-10-14 10:18:42)
¨°•√♥ ╝◄ فــكــر دائـمــا بـأ


*99c4ef    (2009-12-15 08:07:00)
15 years ago

laughing out loud

*2a1f7a    (2010-01-06 20:28:32)
15 years ago

lol means laugh out loud

*ruluku    (2010-04-07 07:51:43)
14 years ago

It's ether laugh out loud or lots of laughs

*cefati    (2010-06-25 14:02:18)
14 years ago

land on lavae. hope this helps LMAO


*mevizu    (2010-08-08 18:36:43)
What does lol mean ?

well lol has loads of meanings. i will tell you a few if you want.
laugh out loud
loser on line
log off loser
lots of love
lots of luck
league of ledgens
little old lady
leg of lamb
lists of lists
lord of lords
land of love
love our lord
loads of laughs
lord of losers
lots of losers
lips on lips
list of losers
list of liers
lord of lords
liar of lies
lord oh lord
love of lord
i hope that helps you! :D

*cadoxe    (2010-08-24 15:37:24)
14 years ago

lol stands for laugh out loud

*xekucu    (2010-09-17 20:33:55)
14 years ago

Jeez LOL means laugh out loud! what kind of person doesnt know that

*jelave    (2010-10-10 21:33:29)
What does lol mean ?

laugh out loud hope this helps xx

*suxeze    (2010-10-29 22:26:01)
14 years ago

lol = laugh out loud
lol - lots of love

*sigopi    (2010-11-07 17:40:53)
14 years ago

It means lauth out loud

*bella    (2010-11-18 03:28:40)
14 years ago

LOL means laugh out loud

*lozuvo    (2011-01-12 22:14:56)
14 years ago

me to but i dont know

*sh@dow    (2011-01-19 14:38:15)
14 years ago

LOL means Learghing Out Loud or Lot Of Love there are many mmore meaning

*save    (2011-01-31 05:21:12)
14 years ago

it means laugh out loud

jeffcliff    (2011-02-03 06:23:03)
What does lol mean ?

its just a expression.....and depends on the nature of saying....


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*morira    (2011-02-13 02:27:21)
14 years ago

It means [Laugh. Out. Loud.]

*rajele    (2011-02-16 10:58:04)
14 years ago

Laughing out Loud!
Dutch: Hartelijk gelach
Saying something jokingly.
Dutch: Grappig gezegd.

*talese    (2011-02-23 10:56:46)
13 years ago

LOL= Laugh Out Loud ALOT of my friends use it online (so do I) but when you're not online PLEASE don't say lol cos it's just rlly weird sometimes people say lol when there not online and im like just LAUGH! Hope this helps

*dusugu    (2011-02-25 21:29:58)
What does lol mean ?

It can mean lots of love or laught out loud

*jemoxu    (2011-03-09 23:25:34)
13 years ago


*lumelo    (2011-03-11 23:44:22)
13 years ago

Lol is just a sort way of saying laugh out loud

*duzogo    (2011-03-28 01:54:38)
What does lol mean ?

it means laugh out loud, or lots of laughs

*cidive    (2011-05-13 06:46:28)
13 years ago

it is used to mean lots of love (lol)

*kocaji    (2011-08-25 15:27:17)
13 years ago

lol means laugh out loud!

sunilsamuel    (2011-09-27 18:47:32)
13 years ago

lol  =  laugh out loud

also you can say  loud of laugh...


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bosman7979    (2011-10-13 16:35:53)
13 years ago

I think it mean  "Laugh of Loud"   


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ronhall    (2011-11-30 15:16:07)


What does lol mean ?

i think its mean  Loud of Laugh...


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seveninch    (2012-12-22 10:59:30)


12 years ago

The Lol as an object is to be understood as a tool sexual to use as a vibrator to excite the clitoris is not suitable to be introduced into the uterus not having suitable shape.
Given that causes pleasure and makes you smile women how long they want has been defined with the initial laugh out loud

ultracare    (2013-01-22 08:47:00)
12 years ago

Lol means that lots of laugh. It is shortest way to express your smile, that tell the other, you really amused with that.

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Que le lol signifie-t-il ?    (fr)
Che cosa il lol significa?    (it)
lolは何を意味するか。    (ja)
lol는 무엇을 의미하는가?    (ko)
Wat lol betekent?    (nl)
Que o lol significa?    (pt)
Lol намеревается?    (ru)
Vad betyder lolen?    (sv)
lol是什么意思?    (zh)

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