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moderator    (2009-03-25)


Translate all languages

There are more than 6000 spoken languages in the whole world, about 2000 are also written and about 300 can be translated. The internet is full of free online dictionaries and translation services, you can translate almost any language in any other. Here is a list of most of these languages :

Afrikaans Aklanon Alabama Albanian
Algerian Amharic Apache Arabic Aramaic Armenian
Avestan Ayapathu Aymara Azeri

Balinese Bamwe Bantu Basque Belarusan Bemba Bengali Berber Bicol Bisaya Bobangi Brahui Breton Butuanon Bukusu Bulgarian Burmese

Cantonese Carib Catalan Catawba Cayuga Cebuano Chamorro Chechen Cherokee Chewa Cheyenne Chinese Chinook Ch'ol Chorti Cispa Coptic Creole Croatian Czech

Danish Delaware Demonh'ka Denya Duma Dutch

Eggon Egyptian Ekegusii Emakua English Eskimo Esperanto Estonian Etruscan

Fang Faroese Farsi Finnish Flemish Frankish French Frisian

Gaelic Galician Gaulish Gamilaraay Ganda Georgian German Gevove Gilbertese Ginyama Gothic Greek Guarani Gujarati Gullah

Haida Hakka Hawaiian Hausa Hebrew Hiligaynon Hmong Hindi Hittite Holoholo Hungarian

Icelandic Igbo Ilongo Indoeuropean Indonesian Ingush Interlingua Inzebi Irish Ishkashmi Italian

Jangshung Japanese Jita

Kalanga Kannada Kapampangan Karelian Kamviri Katcha Kazakh Kerewe Khakas Khmer Khowar Kiga Kituba Klingon Konkani Kongo Korean Koromfé Koyo Kurdish

Lao Lakhota Latin Latvian Lingala Lithuanian Lojban Lozi Luwian Lycian Lydian

Macedonian Malagasy Malay Maliseet Malayalam Maltese Mambwe Manchu Mandinka Manx Maori Mapudungun Marathi Masaba Mayan Mayangna Mawu Miskitu Mixtec Mohawk Mongolian Mpongwe

Nahuatl Nande Nanticoke Nauruan Navajo Ndebele Nepalese Newari Nhirrpi Norwegian Nyambo Nyamwezi

Occitan Ojibwe Olkola Olutec Onondaga Oriya Oscan

Pahlavi Pakahn Pali Papiamento Pashto Pende Phoenician Phrygian Pidgin Pirahã Polish Popoluca Portuguese Potawatomi Prussian Pulaar Punjabi

Quechua Quenya

Rapa Nui Rasta Rejang Romanian Romany Romansh Roviana Rotuman Russian

Saami Samoan Sanskrit Sardinian Seneca Serbian Seri Sherpa Shi Shona Shoshoni Sign Sindarin Sinhalese Slovak Slovene Sogdian Somali Sorbian Spanish Sûdovian Sumerian Swabian Swahili Swedish

Tagalog Taiwanese Tamasheq Tahitian Tamazight Tamil Tarahumara Tarok Tatar Telugu Tetun Thai Thracian Tibetan Tlingit Tocharian Tongan Turkish Turkmen Twi

Ukrainian Ulwa Umbrian Üqoi Urdu Uyghur Uzbek

Vietnamese Votic Vulcan

Wagiman Walloon Warlpiri Welsh Wolof Wyandot


Yaka Yao Yemba Yiddish Yoruba

Zarma Zoque Zulu

Here is a list of some of the best free online multilingual dictionaries & translators :



Feel free to complete these lists if you know other languages that can be translated online.

(more options below)

*3ffaaf    (2010-02-21 22:59:34)
Da Italiano a Panjabi

Orario di ricevimento al pubblico Dirigente Scolastico: esclusivamente su appuntamento il martedì e il giovedì dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 12.00 Ufficio di segreteria: lunedì – mercoledì - venerdì                  dalle ore 8.00 alle ore 9.00             dalle ore 12.00 alle ore 13.00 martedì – giovedì              dalle ore 8.00 alle ore 9.00             dalle ore 12.00 alle ore 13.00             dalle ore 15.30 alle ore 16.30 sabato chiuso Insegnanti: il martedì per appuntamento

*4abf14    (2010-03-26 22:19:47)

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*rujata    (2010-12-16 18:02:34)
english to bengali

I am too weak to walk.

*rusipa    (2014-07-14 07:51:06)
10 years ago

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