Lupinacci, Nicola   (ITA)       [FICGS member # 1307]

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Nicola Lupinacci

Nicola Lupinacci has currently 0 running correspondence chess game(s), won 57, lost 68 and drawn 3 other games against an average elo of 1462, played advanced chess at fast time controls, now 0 running, 2 won, 3 lost, 0 drawn, played big chess, now 0 running, 1 won, 5 lost, 0 drawn, played Go (weiqi, baduk), now 0 running, 7 won, 11 lost, and played poker texas holdem, now 0 running, 4 won, 8 lost, finally Nicola finished a total of 169 games and is not playing any game right now.

Correspondence chess statistics :

vs. Zdravko Stoyanov (0896) :   100%   (5 games, 5 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Jeremy Frame (1113) :   75%   (4 games, 3 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Charlie Neil (0951) :   66%   (3 games, 2 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Kirsty Quanter (1229) :   66%   (3 games, 2 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Marcus Miranda (2161) :   25%   (2 games, 0 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Andrey Zaichenko (1182) :   25%   (2 games, 0 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Volker Hess (1269) :   0%   (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Mladen Jankovic (0808) :   0%   (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. John Broughman (1349) :   0%   (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Jorge Orden (1294) :   75%   (2 games, 1 wins, 0 losses)

Go (weiqi, baduk) statistics :

vs. Darko Pipac (1131) :   0%   (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. John Ruder (0085) :   100%   (2 games, 2 wins, 0 losses)

Poker holdem :

vs. Nilson Pereira (2004) :   0%   (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Luis Flores (2001) :   50%   (2 games, 1 wins, 1 losses)

Nicola Lupinacci

Search posts and games by Lupinacci in FICGS games server     (only for connected players)

Last messages by Nicola Lupinacci in the forum :

quote    (2008-08-09 01:07:27)

"The pin is mightier than the sword...but the fork is mightier than the pin!"

I don't know who said this... (...)

Unfortunately, Kramnik    (2008-02-16 14:30:28)

Unfortunately I think Kramnik is the current champion, and if he lose his title against Anand or the winner of topalov-kamsky match, i think he will c (...)

Next thematic tournament    (2008-02-11 09:20:50)

Icelandic gambit?

1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Nf6 3. c4 e6

Keres defense?

1.d4 d (...)

Something strange inside...    (2008-01-30 21:40:50)

I have played 2 CHESS BULLET BRONZE at 21.00 today (unfortunatly I win both without moving).

The first game appear as "Game (...)

Under-10-move checkmate    (2008-01-30 12:18:55)

I think checkmate under 10 moves will be counted in rating variations, becouse if you checkmate a player you do not win automatically the game: he has (...)

Re: Re: Suggestion    (2007-05-09 17:54:04)

Becuose same gambits or critical openings start whit a white move,
i.e. King gambit: 1.e4 e5 2.f4
and now black can play 2. ... exf (...)

suggestion    (2007-05-09 10:04:10)

What about Dory defense?
1. d4 Nf6, 2. c4 e6, 3. Nf3 Ne4

or (in italian language) Attacco Aculeo?
1. g4 d5, (...)

the beauty of chess...    (2007-05-08 00:23:00)

One time a great player (I don't know who is) said:

"Chess is too simple to be considered a science, but too difficult to be (...)

Elo    (2007-04-27 21:30:34)

Yes, I agree whit you Matt when you said "Ratings are a measure of history, not a measure of skill", IMO elo is only a statistic of our re (...)

Elo question...    (2007-04-27 01:25:32)

I have a question...

I have now 1410 Elo points and at next elo refresh (1st May) I probably raise at 1576 Elo points.
& (...)