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Google Keeps Itself Relevant for the App Driven Future   (2015-04-30)

Few would deny that much of what is awesome about the internet comes from Google. Think about it, from videos, hacking tutorials, copyrighted material, useless adverts and an abundance of porn, Google is the one company that just keeps on giving.

Apart from that, Google also offers other services as well, such as, YouTube, Google Earth, Picasa, Gmail, Blogger, Google Maps, Google Drive, and the Android OS, (damn, that's impressive!) which only goes to show how badly the company wants to take over the entire western hemisphere, and eventually the world.

All jokes aside, in yet another attempt to win over the hearts and minds of its users, Google has upped the ante and announced of Google’s new technology 2015, which will be added to the mobile version of its reigning browser, Chrome. According to reports, Google mobile search results will from now on prompt users to install mobile apps which feature content that is relevant to their particular search queries, making the new mobile search page a kind of app discovery service, where users will be able to find the apps that are relevant to them the most.

As far as Android developers go, the new service will definitely be a boon for them, since Google will be recommending their apps right on the search page. The latest shift in Google’s strategy seems to have come from the fact that search is going through a complete shift from PC to mobile and other hand held devices, which means that good content nowadays, often live in apps, where the search engines are unable to find them.

This is the main reason why Google had introduced the app indexing service back in 2013. While the indexing feature was clever, it did require users to have the app preinstalled in their phones. Today’s version however, takes that concept to the obvious next step by helping the users in identifying relevant content which are in apps that they do not already have.

Google’s app indexing project now features over 30 billion deep links, which is a number that has only been recently revealed by Google, who has been keeping the cards pretty close to their chest so far. And although the company has revealed the amount of deep links of its service, it hasn’t disclosed the number of developers that have been working on the project or the amount of developers who have implemented the new feature in their apps.

So, how does this new feature work? Picture this; you’re searching for a recipe on your mobile using Chrome, the new algorithm will find out whether there is an app which can provide you with the relevant information you need, and then display a carousel of all the relevant apps on your screen, along with the option of installing them. Once the app has been installed, all you need to do is launch the app and it will do the rest of the search for you, depending on what you are specifically looking for, and other information.

According to search analysts, Google’s new technology 2015 could solve the problem of app discovery, which has been a pretty tough nut to crack, thus far. And the fact that you don’t need to pay for the service makes it all the more appealing for both Android app developers and the users.

According to Google’s principal engineer on the project, Rajan Patel, the company is currently working on ways in which it can take the service beyond the Android ecosystem, and make it available to a wider crowd.

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