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5 Tips To Handle Chronic Pain   (2014-04-05)

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It may be sharp and short lived or long and persistent, but if left untreated the pain may become severe. Chronic pain may result from injury, infection or be psychogenic in nature. It usually persists for more than a year and keeps reoccurring if not treated properly. Doctors use a combination of medication, physical therapy and alternate medicinal techniques to cure chronic pain. Some might even suggest getting help from a psychiatrist if the pain has psychogenic origins.

If you feel severe recurring pain in any part of your body, it might be possible that you’re suffering from chronic pain. Following are some tips to get you started on the treatment:

Find a good pain specialist: Pain specialists are trained to identify the cause of chronic pain and then treat it effectively. If you go to a doctor who is not specifically trained in pain management, it might take longer to diagnose the problem and there is a chance that the pain might worsen before it starts being treated properly. los angeles pain management are home to some of the state’s best pain management doctors that are experts in managing chronic pain.

1. Don’t try to treat the pain yourself: Many people suffering from chronic pain try different painkillers and other medication before turning to a doctor. Painkillers work by numbing your nerves so that you don’t feel pain as much, but they do nothing to actually cure the pain. By numbing the pain you might actually be fueling the cause even more, consequently making the pain worse. Do not put off seeing the doctor, make an appointment as early as possible so that the pain does not become more severe. Pain management doctors in Los Angeles clinics will take your history and perform a complete physical and medical exam to pin point the problem area and then provide relevant treatment to get you back on your feet in no time.

2. Try unconventional medical techniques: If you’re not a fan of medication or unsatisfied with conventional methods, you can turn to unconventional medical pain management methods such as acupuncture, chiropractic and therapeutic techniques. Studies have shown these unconventional methods to be extremely effective in curing chronic pain, especially back and neck pain. However, be very careful in choosing the right practitioners. You can always trust certain Los Angeles pain clinics for unconventional pain management techniques and methods. The clinics provide professional acupuncture, chiropractic and other therapeutic services.

3. Intervention pain management is effective: Interventional pain therapy includes epidural steroid injections, trigger point injections, facet injections and sacroiliac injections. These treatments have a very high success rate and may be used to relieve pain almost immediately. Los Angeles pain clinics provide interventional pain management services to patients suffering from chronic pain. All the treatments are customized to the unique needs of every patient

4. Manage your expectations: Chronic pain is a result of a serious underlying cause that cannot be cured in a day. When seeking treatment, bear in mind that your recovery period will depend upon your diagnosis and may take continuous treatment to resolve. Don’t get over zealous and try to speed up the recovery process by you, follow the doctor’s instructions to the letter and have faith.

For more information on chronic pain and its treatment, visit the nearest Los Angeles pain management clinic today.

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