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Curing Achilles tendonitis   (2013-10-24)

The Achilles tendonitis is causes when the Achilles tendon gets injured. It is the largest tendon present in the body and is used in all the basic activities like walking, jogging and running. This tendon gets damaged very easily and suffers the most of the injuries in the body. It is so because this part of the body gets exerted the most.

Achilles tendonitis is an injury commonly seen in the people who are related to the sports. It results in a lot of pain and swelling in and around the tendon and the heel. When this problem becomes severe, the tendon gets fully or partially withered. This injury is caused by moving the ankle or the foot beyond a specific range.

This problem is basically caused because of carelessness in most of the cases. If proper care is not taken of the tendon and the muscles connected to it, it gets weak and then ruptured. There are a lot of other factors also which are responsible for Achilles tendonitis. These factors include over exerting the tendon, improper or no warm up before any physical activity, deformation of the foot and rigorous exercise. All these activities make the tendon and the surrounding muscles stiff in some away or the other and then affect its movement.

There are a lot of ways in which Achilles tendonitis can be treated and avoided. Maintaining a proper body mass index is the most important thing to do in order to cure this problem. A person should completely avoid being overweight or underweight. Extra weight puts a lot of pressure on the tendon and hence makes it weak. Also ensure that your body intakes a specific amount of calcium, vitamins and minerals every day. All these things are very important for the development and contractions of bones and muscles respectively.

It is also suggested for the normal people as well as the people who suffer from Achilles tendonitis to exercise and indulge in some kind o physical activity on a regular basis. This keeps the muscles in motion and makes them strong.

The next thing to keep in mind is choosing the right fitted shoes. Patients suffering from Achilles tendonitis should preferably wear the shoes specially designed for the medicated use. One good example of such shoes is arthritis shoes. These shoes are very comfortable and shock absorbing. They protect the heel as well as the arch from getting hurt or exposed to any kind of force or pressure.

In order to treat the pain caused by Achilles tendonitis contact a foot specialist. Several options like physical exercises, stretching, ice and heat massages etc are advised in the initial stage of this problem. However if it still continuous, the doctor may advise for some kinds of surgeries.

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