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Elmer Valderrama    (2007-01-13)
WikiEndings? it feasible? (I'm sure it is, it's just a rhetorical question ;)

I believe endgame theory (and players) would benefit from a endgame section in Wikichess contributed by members taken from their practice, especially if general "rules of thumb" and guidelines are outlined together with analysis. Specially interesting I think would be many-pawn endings and other practical endings which are given poor coverage in the books and are less investigated (and, as it seems, there are always holes in the analysis even from very strong players, there would be a lot of room for improvement of the articles until a general consensus is reached)

Subsections could be created in the lines of the ECO classification for endgames, it would then be easy to find/correct/contribute in a given position.

Any thoughts?

Kieran Child    (2007-01-13 12:05:50)

That's a very very nice idea. I would suggest an immediate split in it between "pawn-dominant endings" and "piece dominant endings" then further splits for the type of pieces on the board and the opponent's material. If you stick to an advantage rule (like, white always has the greater points value) then it doesn't sound too hard. I would very much like to see this.

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-01-13 13:34:31)

Nice idea !

Feasible without any doubt, but it has to be relevant enough... I'll think about that.