Who wants a Freestyle GO tournament soon


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Thibault de Vassal    (2011-12-05)
Who wants a Freestyle GO tournament soon?

Hi all, this discussion to see if we would have players enough to organize a first Freestyle GO tournament...

You can see the rules in "Waiting lists" > "Go freestyle cup"

Any players interested to play such a tournament for example in january? (I'm one of them of course :))

Graham Philips    (2011-12-05 17:22:45)
Who wants a Freestyle GO tournament soon?

Yeah, sounds like a good idea, not sure enough how the timing works for them though ?

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-12-05 17:28:11)

About the rules:

"All games are played in 30 minutes + 10 seconds / move. Komi is 7.5 points. The first three rounds will start at the date indicated as "deadline" at 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00 server time. The last three rounds will start at 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00 server time the next day. It is possible to enter the waiting list until the end of the tournament (please also warn the tournament director). Please do not try to create any game by yourself as all games will be created by the tournament director."

Server time is french time...

Graham Philips    (2011-12-05 18:15:49)
Who wants a Freestyle GO tournament soon?

Mmmm, yeah, ok, won't be able to do it during the middle of the day I suspect, hope it happens anyway though!

Don Groves    (2011-12-07 05:06:13)
Who wants a Freestyle GO tournament soon?


Thibault de Vassal    (2011-12-07 13:40:00)
Who wants a Freestyle GO tournament soon?

Yes. And there is only one rating list for Go freestyle & correspondence Go.