Unrated miniatures


Unrated miniatures

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Jaimie Wilson    (2006-08-11)
Unrated miniatures

I read that games are not rated for the winner if less than 10 moves have been played by his opponent (most probably forfeit or obvious cheating). So if my opponent plays brilliantly, lures me into a catastrophic error and mates me on move 9, then he or she would not get any rating benefit.

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-08-11 17:14:15)
Unrated miniatures

Hello Jaimie.

Absolutely... This is clearly a 'statistical' choice...

A chess server need rules like this one to avoid most human decisions. I think this is a good one so far. About this unfair case (at first sight), if you resign in less than 10 moves (it happens not so often in CC above elo 1600, except forfeits), your opponent is obviously much stronger than you, so chances for him to already have a rating superior to yours + 350 points are very high... so the game wouldn't be rated anyway !