The older rating lists


The older rating lists

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Thibault de Vassal    (2017-11-25)
The older rating lists

At last, all correspondence chess rating lists (from the server start, march 2006) are available by clicking "Rating lists" and following "The older rating lists"... 1 year of ratings by page.

As it was asked by a few players for a long time, only players who were REALLY active (who finished at least one game at most 1 year before or 1 year after the period) are listed in.

Many informations and good memories :) The worst part is that I can see clearly the reality: About 50% players left in about 4 or 5 years. The peak was about 900 players, there are now only 261 active correspondence chess players. Time to find new ideas, definitely.

Herbert Kruse    (2017-11-25 21:43:23)
The older rating lists

make shorter time per move, maybe 12 hours

Thibault de Vassal    (2017-11-25 22:05:11)
The older rating lists

It may have disastrous consequences on the number of games lost on time (and its own consequences), unfortunately :/ But if others ask for it also, I could envisage it for some tourneys.