Strange game


Strange game

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Alexander Blinchevsky    (2011-03-05)
Strange game

I wonder to see that at such level someone will continue playing in that position:
The game was completely decided over 1 year ago, for now it's even force mate shown by any engine.
The only reason to continue playing that I see for the black is waiting for the opponent's (me) death. Sorry, Mariusz, I am not planning to do that in nearest future. :)

Eros Riccio    (2011-03-05 18:28:33)
Strange game

sadly some players continue (almost) until mate thinking all their time.
That is allowed in the rules, (I am not sure if a game can be forcedly adjudicated if the position has 6 or less piecees, if you can prove you have the 6 man tablebases) even if it is considered (very) unfair to common sense. All you can do is try not to lose your patience and try to avoid such opponents in the future.

Eros Riccio    (2011-03-05 18:29:48)
Strange game

Fast answer

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-03-05 20:42:50)
Strange game

There's a rule that can help in such cases: 11.5 "(...) if a player doesn't want to resign (or accept draw) and obviously lasts the game, his opponent may report to referee a first time. If the player takes 30 days more to finish the game, his opponent may call referee another time, then the game will be adjudicated."

Jimmy Huggins    (2011-03-05 22:07:48)
Strange game

That is still to long, but really it just seems like bad sportsmanship.

Alexander Blinchevsky    (2011-03-05 23:05:45)
Strange game

Thanks, Thib. Please see this post as an official report to the referee. :)

Alexander Blinchevsky    (2011-03-05 23:07:22)
Strange game

And, I beleive, such cases shall be shared around

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-03-05 23:32:15)
Strange game

Better would be to do the procedure (the forum is not the best place for this), this way your opponent will know about it (most often it helps to finish the game), and he may explain the situation.

Sebastian Boehme    (2011-03-05 23:33:35)
Strange game

For my part I can say, I will always resign if I feel the game is just useless, because it saves me a lot of energy.
And really why waste time on a lost position? There are better ways to spend it.

Have a walk, listen to some good music, watch a good movie. Enjoy the time! ;)

Alexander Blinchevsky    (2011-03-05 23:45:15)
Strange game

@Thib: Thank you. I did it. Wanna see explanation of the opponent :)

@Sebastian: Agreed 100%. For me playing the obviously lost game is also distressing...

Mariusz Maciej Broniek    (2011-03-06 08:56:45)
Strange game

maybe I am wrong in my opinion, but I think, that playing chess is for fun! I have a 7yo son, and he traing hard to learn playing chess. In lose position he play move by move and what is bad in that situation? It is only a hobby, its only for fun.. Not for rating, not for 1,0,=. All in FICGS used computers to play, he used a young brain and learn lose too. It is very important in my opinion. I have few games in the same sytuation - I am winner - but I have a time and... dont wont to die too ;0)) BECAUSE IT IS ALL ONLY FOR FUN.
Kind regards to you Alexander

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-03-06 13:40:46)
Strange game

Hi Mariusz!

Sure we all understand your point of view! Anyway that's why there are rules, to try to satifsfy everyone whatever the opinion... :)

Mariusz Maciej Broniek    (2011-03-06 14:14:48)
Strange game

dura lex, sed lex ;0)

Alexander Blinchevsky    (2011-03-06 19:33:11)
Strange game

Hi Mariusz!
Thank you for detailed explanation.
For sure, your son needs using all the time till the end of control in such complicated position, am I right? Just for fun, of cause ;)

Mariusz Maciej Broniek    (2011-03-17 10:07:03)
Strange game

No, you are wrong ;0)