Ratings UpDates


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George Clement    (2012-01-09)
Ratings UpDates

Why not update the ratings each month?
When you lose a few rating points and drop just below the minumum for the next class a player wouldn't have to wait for 2 months to get back into the class.

Thibault de Vassal    (2012-01-10 11:28:44)
Ratings UpDates

Hello George,

That's a very good question... actually I have no clear answer on this (anyone?), but I did not invent this method used in all major correspondence chess organizations.

All I can say is that I "feel" that the results are quite good with this. The aim is to avoid rating peaks I guess. On the other hand ratings move a little faster (more points, not more often) at FICGS than in other organizations, I hope it balances.

Best is to learn to manage one's rating, sometimes best is to lose as fast as possible, sometimes not. Correspondence chess is matter of patience anyway...

Don Groves    (2012-01-10 12:06:49)
Ratings UpDates

I've wondered about that too since ratings for Go and Poker change after every game. Why is Chess different?

George Clement    (2012-01-10 17:37:36)
Ratings UpDates

Actually they do change after every game. It's just the "offical" published rating that is changed every 2 months. Check your history under preferences.

Thibault de Vassal    (2012-01-10 23:07:31)
Ratings UpDates

Correspondence chess ratings (that are taken in account when a new tournament starts) do not change after every game, but yes you can see your provisional "future rating" as George says.

It is different for Go to allow strong players to climb faster the enormous ladder (2500 points for Go at most). For Poker the difference is less obvious but the game is less serious than chess and it is quite exciting to see this rating list evolving each day :) At the end I wouldn't change anything now.