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Thibault de Vassal    (2009-07-24)
New : Go games in the forum

Now you can post complete Go games in all FICGS forums with the nice interface Eidogo (Flash), see the Help section to know how to do it with the SGF /SGF tags.

In example :

( ; FF[1] GM[1] SZ[19] AP[Ficgs] RU[Chinese] GN[Lu,Ke-von Erichsen,Svante Carl] HA[0] KM[7.5] WR[2483] PW[Lu,Ke] BR[2653] PB[von Erichsen,Svante Carl] DT[February 28 3:6:11 CET 2009] ; B[pd] ; W[dp] ; B[pq] ; W[dd] ; B[fc] ; W[cf] ; B[jd] ; W[po] ; B[pl] ; W[mp] ; B[no] ; W[mo] ; B[oo] ; W[hq] ; B[nq] ; W[mq] ; B[cn] ; W[cp] ; B[ck] ; W[qf] ; B[qh] ; W[nc] ; B[qc] ; W[oe] ; B[pe] ; W[pf] ; B[of] ; W[ph] ; B[od] ; W[ne] ; B[nd] ; W[me] ; B[md] ; W[le] ; B[ld] ; W[qi] ; B[fe] ; W[he] ; B[ke] ; W[lg] ; B[kf] ; W[hg] ; B[jh] ; W[hc] ; B[fg] ; W[hi] ; B[cc] ; W[dc] ; B[cd] ; W[de] ; B[db] ; W[eb] ; B[cb] ; W[fb] ; B[be] ; W[dj] ; B[cj] ; W[di] ; B[el] ; W[dm] ; B[bm] ; W[dn] ; B[dk] ; W[gm] ; B[gh] ; W[hh] ; B[gj] ; W[ef] ; B[ff] ; W[fj] ; B[gi] ; W[fk] ; B[gd] ; W[hd] ; B[ec] ; W[ci] ; B[bi] ; W[gc] ; B[hk] ; W[bh] ; B[jk] ; W[jb] ; B[kb] ; W[kc] ; B[lb] ; W[hb] ; B[hj] ; W[ga] ; B[aj] ; W[gl] ; B[bo] ; W[bp] ; B[jn] ; W[il] ; B[hl] ; W[hm] ; B[ln] ; W[mn] ; B[ll] ; W[jp] ; B[ng] ; W[og] ; B[nr] )

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-07-24 20:03:52)
.. about the game

This is a running game in the current FICGS Go championship final between Ke Lu & Svante Carl von Erichsen :)

Ulrich Imbeck    (2009-07-24 21:41:58)
p4 !?

My move 12 would have been p4
My move 13 also would have been p4

Benjamin Block    (2009-07-27 09:03:07)
works great

Thanks a lot. More faster and looks better too.

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-07-27 15:53:29)
p4 or n5

Hi Ulrich, yes probably many players would have tried p4 at move 12, but is it necessary to save the stone while n5 starts to build a bigger shape. I don't know if I would have played it though, that's why Svante Carl is much stronger than us :)

Ulrich Imbeck    (2009-07-27 23:16:09)
p4 at move 13 looks easier

My p4 at move 12 tries to divide the black stones.

n5 at move 12 is more space orientated.

But why p5 at move 13?

p4 at move 13 looks easier.