How to change my blog into do follow.

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ilmkidunya    (2012-01-16)
How to change my blog into do follow.

I have a blog and the link in the blog comment is no follow, can i change it into do follow?
if yes plz tell me how?

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ilmkidunya    (2012-01-19 07:20:46)
How to change my blog into do follow.

What does becoming DoFollow mean? It simply means that you are allowing each commenter’s links in your comments section to be nofollow free. It is like a reward to the people who take the time to leave a comment on your website, allowing their links to be fully useful when search engines crawl your post.
So how do you make your blog DoFollow?
Self-Hosted WordPress Blogs
For self-hosted WordPress users, it is pretty easy. Simply go to your Dashboard > Plugins > Add New and search for DoFollow. You should receive a list of current DoFollow plugins that you can simply install and activate. Once activated, these plugins automatically make all of the commenters’ links (past and future) DoFollow.
Blogger / Blogspot Blogs
For Blogger / Blogspot blogs, you will need to do a few things. First, under settings, allow Anonymous users to comment. This is the only way your commenters will have the Name / URL option. Then, go to your Layout tab > Edit HTML. From here, you will need to Download Full Template, which will be an XML file.
Open the XML file in a text editor. Just in case there are any problems, first save a backup copy of your template. Then do a search for nofollow. You will find two lines that will simply need the rel=’nofollow’ removed from the code – one for the commenter’s URL, and one for backlinks.
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>
Save your template xml, and then upload it. Now your Blogger / Blogspot should be free of nofollow links.


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ilmkidunya1    (2012-05-05 08:45:18)
12 years ago

Hmmm nice information thanks for sharing

robinmarsh12    (2012-09-17 14:08:59)
12 years ago

If you have just created do-follow backlinks and wondering Google would praise your work, I'm afraid! Google only counts high PR (at least pr 3) dofollow backlinks from authority sites to show up on it's link search result page for a domain.

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How to change my blog into do follow.

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How to change my blog into do follow.

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