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Sebastien Marez    (2006-05-06)

Cher ami, Avez vous prevu un tournoi du style COUPE FICGS? Bien amicalement Sebastien Marez

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-05-06 16:58:07)
FICGS cup...

Bonjour Sebastien.

Non, pas encore. D'abord pour ne pas multiplier les tournois, au risque de diviser leur popularité. Le problème reste d'imaginer une formule un peu originale, qui ne ressemble pas trop au championnat du monde (donc peut-être éviter le classique cycle de tournois round-robin). A suivre...

(about a FICGS cup, the problem is to imagine an original scheme, that doesn't look like too much to the FICGS world championship... a classical round-robin cycle is maybe 'not enough' to justify this special event)

Sebastien Marez    (2006-05-08 20:03:32)

Bonsoir, Il sera difficile d'éviter la fourmule du Championnat du monde car il faut qu'il soit ouvert à tous. C 'est le cas pour tous les autres sports.

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-05-09 16:08:33)
Cup / Wch

Bonjour Sébastien.

J'avoue que j'ai du mal à trouver de quoi justifier l'existence d'un tournoi "cup" utilisant la même formule ou presque que le championnat du monde, à part diviser l'intérêt et la fréquentation de l'un et de l'autre... Il est bien dommage que le système suisse ne puisse pas s'appliquer aux tournois de jeux par correspondance... Peut-être, pourquoi pas, proposer une coupe (façon championnat) d'échecs 960, ou réservée aux joueurs classés au dessus d'une barre ELO à déterminer...

Heinz-Georg Lehnhoff    (2006-05-13 17:58:51)

Hello Thibault, has started the Championship as a 3 rounds Swiss tournament. Why don't we try this form under the name FICGS-CUP? I have liked the mode. Heinz-Georg

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-05-13 20:27:05)
Swiss : 3 rounds ?

Hello Heinz-Georg.

Interesting, but how exactly did it work ? Only 3 rounds, but how many games per round and against who (I didn't know that swiss system allowed to play several games per round...) ? Thanks in advance for enlightening me.

Heinz-Georg Lehnhoff    (2006-05-14 00:47:20)

Hello Thibault these are the "rules" (see at and then Tournaments-CFC World-Championship-CFC Championship 2003)
Modus: 3 rounds Swiss à 10 games each. ... Every player is allowed to participate in all 3 rounds. Pairings of the 1st round are based on rating. We will build equal groups where possible. In the second round we will do the pairings so that be build at first 3 groups depending on score and rating. Among this three groups we will build new tournaments which should be of about equal rating.. Third round will be paired in the same way with the exception that the first group will be the strongest (score and rating). Normally two players should play during a championship cycle only one game. If it will be necessary in a following round that two players play a second game, this game should be played with revised colours.
I will send you more information.

Dinesh De Silva    (2006-05-14 07:43:13)
An alternative to Cup Championship

In my opinion, instead of a Cup Championship, perhaps a Knock Out Rapid Championship maybe more interesting!? This is simply an idea. (Otherwise, FICGS might begin to look too similar to other correspondence chess sites, don't you think?!)

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-05-14 16:07:16)
"Blitz" cup...

Thank you Heinz Georg, for the files you sent to me.

Now I understand better the work and ideas of Reimund Lutzenberger in, a great experimentation field for sure...

I first concluded some things not to do in FICGS WCH. In example, a player rated 2500 (even provisional rating from fide) shouldn't have to play in the first stage against a low-rated player in a world championship [but that could be possible in a cup tournament cycle]. So I'll add special rules for high rated players (who are not qualified for the WCH knockout tournament) to begin directly in a 2nd stage tournament...

I agree with Dinesh, the aim is not to use the same formulas, even good ones. Anyway I think we can find new interesting (better :)) ones. But as the WCH is already a rapid tournament cycle, the CUP could be an unrated "blitz" (30 days per game with no increment, or even 10 days + 1 hour / move) knockout (2 games / match + playoffs) !! Something quite "brutal" and unfair between correspondence chess & classical rythms. What do you think ?

Heinz-Georg Lehnhoff    (2006-05-14 17:29:59)
Swiss and Blitz Cup

Hello Thibault

Swiss tournament was only a suggestion. I don't like knockout tournaments - too many rounds (7 if 128 players want to play), great problems, if not the right number of players is available or players withdraw. If you have only 30 days for the whole game, it is much better to live on the "right" continent relative to your opponent.

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-05-15 11:05:57)
Blitz cup

Yes, time is the main problem. Correspondence chess don't give a large choice, it's difficult to vary rhythms.

10 days + 1 day per 4 moves (6 extra hours / move) could be more fair and we can avoid playoffs with the sudden death (similar to WCH knockout tournament). I like the idea of a violent, rapid and quite unfair (unrated) tournament. It could be quite popular. An advantage in a knockout (with 2 rounds) is that a few games will have to be played : 7 rounds means at most 14 games... If the number of players doesn't fit, the highest rated players could enter at stage 2. The winner could be qualified for the third stage of the WCH round-robin cycle.

But there are potential problems. I don't find a good & fair algorithm to distribute players in a big knockout (chance is not a good idea, I think), and it could be a big work to organize such a tournament (& start games regularly) with 256 players or more...

Dinesh De Silva    (2006-05-15 13:53:13)
Blitz Cup

I think you're quite correct, Thibault! It seems conducting such a tourney has some practical problems. Nevertheless, it was good discussing ideas.