Cancel vacations


Cancel vacations

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German Denegri    (2022-07-09)
Cancel vacations


how can cancel my vacations, i see i dont can move, i did it becouse i had little time in one game....

Thibault de Vassal    (2022-07-10 02:26:11)
Cancel vacations

Sorry, it is specified in the vacation page: "It is not possible to cancel vacation or to play during your vacation."

There is no way to cancel it...

German Denegri    (2022-07-10 21:37:29)
Cancel vacations

yeah, but im little english and didnt check, it and now i have wait 30 days, maybe in future change rules option cancel vacation be nice for all members

Thibault de Vassal    (2022-07-17 02:24:11)
Cancel vacations

This is not a simple matter at all actually... cause any player making any move then would provoke changes that are matter to discuss.