Boost Your Website Traffic with Google

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stuffjunk    (2010-03-04)
Boost Your Website Traffic with Google

Boost Your Website Traffic with Google’s Webmaster Tools
As a website owner, one of your top priorities is going to be getting your site indexed and ranked by Google. People perform over 235 million searches a day with Google,
so the potential to receive significant traffic from this search engine should be enough for you to invest the time to make sure it’s done right.
Google wants to fill its index with quality, error free websites that are beneficial and targeted to their searchers. Enter Google’s Webmaster Central Tools ….. ht*p:// . If you’ve never heard of it, it’s Google’s way of helping you with your website’s indexing. Not too long ago, it went through a redesign and upgrade process which made it more useful and easier to use than ever.
First thing you’ll need to sign in with is a Google account.  Google requires an account to be able to use all of their free services, including Blogger and Analytics, so if you don’t have one, now’s the time to register.

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abraham    (2010-04-03 11:15:49)
Boost Your Website Traffic with Google

Wordtracker's leading-edge research tool gives you the keywords you need to rise above your competitors in search engine rankings. Even better, we also show you how keyword research can help you discover untapped market niches, get inspiration for new products, & create compelling content that distinguishes your site from the pack.


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healthtourism    (2011-05-22 09:43:59)
13 years ago

yeah i totally agree.

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