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Alexander Minkin    (2008-03-05)

I apologize to all my opponents. I've recently gotten very sick and can not keep up with game analysis. As such, I will resign all my ongoing games and return anew once my health is back to normal. Alex

Tano-Urayoan Russi Roman    (2008-03-06 01:04:59)
Best wishes

As one of your opponents I hope you get well, good luck in your recovery.

Andrew Stephenson    (2008-03-07 03:56:18)
Get well

I am sorry you are not well - our game is extremely interesting. Get well soon

Andrew Stephenson    (2008-03-10 07:55:42)
Announcing resignation

Just a thought Thibault, announcing that you "will resign all my ongoing games" - before having done so is this binding? Is it the OTB equivalent of saying I resign presumably not I suppose ideally its better to resign then make the explanation?

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-03-10 14:47:44)
Announcing resignation

That's right, good remark. It is better (ideally) to resign then to make the explanation.