Amateur player beats Rybka 4


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Thibault de Vassal    (2011-04-30)
Amateur player beats Rybka 4 !?

What do you think??

Last but not least: "He knows by heart 20,000 books and 30 million digits of the pi number."

April 28, is this april fool joke in another country?

Philip Roe    (2011-04-30 01:34:38)
Amateur player beats Rybka 4 !?

The description of the play is not precise, but for sure what this guy did was to pull some version of the old trick of pitting Rybka White versus Rybka Black (Oh look, I can beat TWO computers!)

Paul Valle    (2011-05-04 00:00:05)
Amateur player beats Rybka 4 !?

The guy seems to be a complete charlatan:

reg, Paul