5th Kolkata Open Grandmasters Tourney


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Thibault de Vassal    (2012-09-20)
5th Kolkata Open Grandmasters Tourney

Just forwarding an announcement...

"Alekhine Chess Club under the aegis of All India Chess Federation is organizing 5th Kolkata Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament, recognized by FIDE and Government of India, from 3rd to 13th December 2012 at Gorky Sadan, Kolkata, India.

The details of the meet are available at : http://www.alekhinechessclub.com/5kolkata/detailsfinal.pdf and the details of the last meet of this edition are also available at : http://www.alekhinechessclub.com/4kolkata/index.html (we attache a few picture from that meet)."

Kamesh Nookala    (2012-09-26 19:48:09)
5th Kolkata Open Grandmasters Tourney

Hmmmm... In my country!
But can't travel there.
I hope this is OTB :)