Duttagupta, Aniruddha   (IND)       [FICGS member # 10410]

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Aniruddha Duttagupta

Aniruddha Duttagupta has currently 19 running correspondence chess game(s), won 352, lost 195 and drawn 692 other games against an average elo of 2036, does not play advanced chess (fast time controls), does not play big chess, does not play Go (wei-ch'i, baduk), and does not play poker, finally Aniruddha finished a total of 1239 games and is still playing a total of 19 games.

Correspondence chess statistics :

vs. Ilmars Cirulis (2260) :   42%   (74 games, 5 wins, 16 losses)
vs. Bahadir Ozen (2251) :   48%   (38 games, 0 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Stanislas Gounant (2287) :   37%   (29 games, 0 wins, 7 losses)
vs. Rene Rodriguez Perez (2162) :   50%   (26 games, 4 wins, 4 losses)
vs. Ryszard Sternik (1923) :   58%   (24 games, 7 wins, 3 losses)
vs. Vjacheslav Perevozchikov (2290) :   47%   (23 games, 0 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Alexis Duenas (1695) :   47%   (20 games, 4 wins, 5 losses)
vs. Jacopo Romano (2198) :   28%   (19 games, 0 wins, 8 losses)
vs. Dieter Faust (2069) :   63%   (19 games, 7 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Coco Maceda (2249) :   47%   (18 games, 1 wins, 2 losses)

Aniruddha's favorite game is : Chess

Why Aniruddha likes Chess : its interesting

Style of play : attacking

Is Aniruddha addicted : no

Uses engines : yes

Favorite engines : rybca

Other games played : bridge

Favorite chess opening : caro-kann

Favorite chess player : bobby fischer

Languages spoken : english

City : kolkata

Occupation : retired bank officer

Search posts and games by Duttagupta in FICGS games server     (only for connected players)

Last messages by Aniruddha Duttagupta in the forum :

unable to play my move!    (2018-04-09 19:47:59)

I feel I had written e8-g8 for the move.
I had never typed 0-0 for kingside castling. (...)

unable to play my move!    (2018-04-09 16:36:15)

Dear Mr Thibault, I am sure I played 7...0-0 as the game showed.Ng4 was my intended move after White played 11.f4.But my move was not permitted by the (...)

unable to play my move!    (2018-04-07 20:53:38)

Dear Mr Thibault,
First time this thing happened to me.I will be careful but kindly see non occurance of this type of software bug further.I (...)

unable to play my move!    (2018-04-07 17:15:38)

But the game actually continued 7...0-0 8.Nge2 Rb8 9.bxc5 dxc5 10.0-0 b6 11.f4 the server allowed all these moves but now not permitting Black playing (...)

unable to play my move!    (2018-04-07 12:07:17)

Now I have observed that there are mismatch in the moves played in the game and recorded in the server.Will Mr Thibault kindly look into the matter ur (...)

unable to play my move!    (2018-04-07 07:43:58)

In game 102995 I can't play my move as Black.Any move played by me is shown as INVALID MOVE by the server!What to do??? (...)

adjudication of FICGS Games    (2017-05-06 19:55:27)

Can any game of FICGS send for adjudication? If so, to whom the game will be send? Who is thw adjudicator? If my opponent wants to continue a dead dra (...)

Rating calculation gain/loss    (2016-07-01 20:48:35)

I'm playing in FICGS Server since last 18 months, but still unsure about the process of rating calculation after finish of a game.My query is that aft (...)