Ward, David     (USA)        [member # 7284]

Correspondence chess ELO : 2127      

Next page : History      (players connected to FICGS games server only)

See the personal page of David Ward for more informations.

Statistics for rated correspondence chess games :

Running : 1         Won : 142         Lost : 70         Draw : 52

Elo average opponents : 1796

Results : 63 %           With white : 67 %           With black : 59 %

Statistics for other rated games : advanced chess, big chess, Go, poker

Advanced chess   1778     running : 0   won : 0   lost : 1   drawn : 0

Birthdate :     1963   August   03

Last connection :   2024 July 26

Favorite game : Chess

Likes Chess because : Every game has its own character.

Addicted : yes

Uses engines : Normally, I do not use them during a game. As recommended, I am using them during the FICGS__CHESS__WCH.

Favorite chess opening : Ruy Lopez

Favorite chess player : Fischer

Languages spoken : English, un poquito Espanol

City : in Texas

Interests : chess, math, science, sports

Occupation : teacher

Facebook profile : David Ward

Favorite quote : "Hard work defeats talent when talent fails to work hard." - Kevin Durant's childhood coach

David Ward - Informations (Chess statistics)