Vollmer, Steve     (USA)        [member # 7229]

Correspondence chess ELO : 1874      

Next page : History      (players connected to FICGS games server only)

See the personal page of Steve Vollmer for more informations.

Statistics for rated correspondence chess games :

Running : 18         Won : 528         Lost : 619         Draw : 117

Elo average opponents : 1744

Results : 46 %           With white : 48 %           With black : 44 %

Statistics for other rated games : advanced chess, big chess, Go, poker

Advanced chess   1498     running : 0   won : 0   lost : 1   drawn : 0

Last connection :   2024 July 26

I'm 53, live in State of Pennsylvania in the United States. Live with my girlfriend Mindy on the side of a very large hill in the woods. Lots of animals as neighbors, they are more interesting that most humans. I swear the chimpmunks and squirrels move acorns around like pawns. I refuse to use engines. I prefer to win or lose on my own.

Steve Vollmer

Favorite game : Chess

Likes Chess because : Battle of wits

Style of play : Positional (at least try to be)

Addicted : try to fight it

Uses engines : no

Favorite chess opening : Queens Gambit Declined

Favorite chess player : Capablanca

Languages spoken : English a little German

Interests : Reading, writing, exercise

Occupation : Company controller

Favorite quote : What doesn't kill me makes me stronger

Favorite movie : The Godfather

Favorite music style : Zeppelin and Tull

Steve Vollmer - Informations (Chess statistics)