Hase, Pavel     (CZE)        [member # 3936]

Correspondence chess ELO : 2275      

Next page : History      (players connected to FICGS games server only)

See the personal page of Pavel Hase for more informations.

Statistics for rated correspondence chess games :

Running : 0         Won : 43         Lost : 6         Draw : 49

Elo average opponents : 2068

Results : 68 %           With white : 73 %           With black : 64 %

Statistics for other rated games : advanced chess, big chess, Go, poker

Big chess   1907     running : 0   won : 14   lost : 9   drawn : 1
Go   0764     running : 0   won : 11   lost : 13
Poker holdem   2030     running : 14   won : 149   lost : 109

Birthdate :     1966   April   29

Last connection :   2024 July 24

http://www.chesspraga.cz (only czech language) I like test chess engines and books - my play is here with computer, sorry. Whitout engines? Sometime in Playchess, my nick RexT. motto: Play as Fish (Rybka/Stockfish), but no as Pig. My english language is wretched, russian poor, sorry. Like AC Sparta Prague, http://www.sparta.cz

Pavel Hase

Favorite game : Chess

Uses engines : ratings and thematic tournament yes

Favorite engines : individual select

Other favorite games : Civilization

Favorite chess opening : Semiclosed

Favorite chess player : I ...

City : Prague

Club : AC Sparta

Facebook profile : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000815306471&ref=tn_tnmn

Pavel Hase - Informations (Chess statistics)