Brand Lyard, Paul     (FRA)        [member # 13526]

Correspondence chess ELO : 1401      

Next page : History      (players connected to FICGS games server only)

See the personal page of Paul Brand Lyard for more informations.

Statistics for rated correspondence chess games :

Running : 1         Won : 102         Lost : 263         Draw : 5

Elo average opponents : 1708

Results : 28 %           With white : 26 %           With black : 30 %

Statistics for other rated games : advanced chess, big chess, Go, poker

Advanced chess   1849     running : 0   won : 0   lost : 4   drawn : 0
Big chess   1528     running : 0   won : 19   lost : 83   drawn : 0
Go   0913     running : 1   won : 82   lost : 50
Poker holdem   2002     running : 1   won : 66   lost : 64

Birthdate :     1975   June   13

Last connection :   2024 July 26

I was Sandra Lyard,now 48 years olds, From Au-dela since my 22 years olds; Since the Sunday 1997-08-03th. 95 allee de la Picarde, Cimetiere, 74160, Vers- HAUTE-SAVOIE. Playing for Postérity from Au-delà. I was AKA "The Sandra Lyard13061975"; Épouse Brand- For MY PaulEBPoisy74330 for the Posterity. Savoie-Haute, rating 1415Elo, no titles.

Paul Brand Lyard

Favorite game : Poker holdem

Likes Poker holdem because : For the amazing possibles differents attacks

Style of play : Sacrifices Dubov' mode

Addicted : Yes you must!

Uses engines : No, but, Stockfish15 interesting me...

Favorite engines : Stockfish 14.1 NUUE , HIARCS 15 pro, Komodo9 for FR 960

Other favorite games : Cards= BlackJack NEO- All Fours Variants Caraibeans casinos- Fabulous Aloba Jass Sweiz all.- Klaverjassen hollandais version Rotterdam- Tarot français- GrossTarock (BE)- Tarrok Hongrois (HU)- Chess= Pandemonium2 Chess on Vchess website, Shatrang échecs anciens on Jocky website, Racing Kings & 960 FR Random Variants on

Favorite chess opening : Ware a4, the " Meadow way", an precious and amazing opening, non-orthodoxe opening

Favorite chess player : MFF Anna Cramling Bellon(SUE)#& GMI Pr. Hou Yifan(CHI)#& GM Daniil Dubov# & FM Mathilde Broly FRA.#

Favorite Go player : Laurine Segur( Elle joue hyper Bien!)

Favorite poker player : Laurine Segur

Favorite FICGS player : Segur laurine que j'apprecie particulierement

Languages spoken : French

City : Talloires-Montmin - Annecy Parmelan 74000.

Club : Nyon-(VD) ,Suisse. FICGS/ICCF- FIDE Lausanne,Vaud, Suisse.

Mission : Author and Inventor of the Annapurna" Chess racings variants 8 séries games on the website " The Chess Variants Pages".

Interests : Stockfish 15.1-Stockfish 12 and 14.1 NUEE , MUZERO- movies' mountain, Mr. Ueli Steck climber.

Occupation : Régisseur, Ventouseur films Cinéma/& Boulangerie.

Favorite website : The Tarot Francais / Summit Annapurna1 wheater.

Favorite movie : °Le genou de Claire™ de Erik Rohmer, 1974, tournage a Annecy, MA ville.

Favorite music style : Sophie- Tith/ Punk, rock alternatif/ Danyella Tuleshova chessplayer and songer!

Paul Brand Lyard - Informations (Chess statistics)