Enom phishing scam

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*enomhoax    (2008-11-01)
Enom phishing scam

One phishing scam I just received from Enom tech support :
Inaccurate whois information

The contact information for the domain which displayed in the Whois database was indeed invalid. On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 xx:xx:xx -0300 we sent a notice to you at the admin/tech contact email address and the account email address informing you of invalid data in breach of the domain registration agreement and advising you to update the information or risk cancellation of the domain. The contact information was not updated within the specified period of time and we canceled the domain. The domain has subsequently been purchased by another party. You will need to contact them for any further inquiries regarding the domain.


If you find any invalid contact information for this domain, please respond to this email with evidence of the specific contact information you have found to be invalid on the Whois record for the domain name. Examples would be a bounced email or returned postal mail. If you have a bounced email, please attach or forward with your reply or in the case of returned postal mail, scan the returned letter and attach to your email reply or please send it to:

Attn: Domain Services 14455 N Hayden Rd Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

LINK TO CHANGE INFORMATION - ht*p://www.enom.com

Thank you,
Domain Services


Of course this is a hoax, reported by many other hoaxes websites.

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